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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Noble Shooting on McMahon

    It's either just a houseshow thing, maybe a rib. Or maybe they're building towards an angle where Noble just gets pissed off at management over his matches lately. He wouldn't do that as I shoot. I think he's a tad smarter then that.
  2. I understand a 1-10 rating, even using the .5 system. But why a 7.4? With 1-10 you have 10 choices, with 1-10 with .5s you have 20...but do you really need 100 possible scores? Can you really tell a 5.0 from a 5.1
  3. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    *skipping everything in the thread for now* Going to the 7:35 PM showing tonight at the theatre behind my house
  4. Youth N Asia

    Listening to artists who no longer

    Huge Warren Zevon fan. Fuck the Grammys for ignoring his great work in the 70s and 80s and giving him a pair of pitty death Grammys this year.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Pee-wee Porn Charge Dropped

    Pee Wee, 51 years old...just doesn't seem like it could possibly be right. "Art" or not. Naked pics of kids is just too creepy.
  6. Youth N Asia


    The family stuff and blurb stuff was great in this episode. And "Mouthbreather" was funny as hell. I really hope Fox does the right thing and lets this one play out.
  7. Halloween: Resurrection 0 out of 10 I had seen bits and pieces of this movie a year or so ago, but not enough to call it the worst Halloween movie in the series...but now I have. This will be a rant...you can turn back now. Halloween, great movie. Halloween 2, not bad, decient follow up. Halloween 3, we won't count that. Halloween 4, OUCH! This is a shitter. Halloween 5, EVEN WORSE THAN 4! Halloween 6, Maybe the most boring horror film ever. Halloween H20, not as boring as 6, but just as bad a movie. Halloween Resurrection...I'll go into that The main problems with recient horror films are the characters. They can't seem to make a single likeable character in a horror film. But that's ok as long as the movie is good enough otherwise. Halloween Resurrection doesn't have a single charcter that's the least bit worthwhile. I couldn't force myself to like any of the charcters, or even hate them...they weren't even unlikeable. They were all just "bleh!" 10 minutes into the movie you can look at the kids and figure out the only one that'll live till the end. That's another thing wrong with horror films, the shocks are gone. There wasn't a single honest to God scare or suprise in the movie. NOT ONE! One thing that's always bugged me about the series is that the killer will be doing something in plain sight...and if the guy would just look six inches to the right he would see everything, but it's never happened once. And why did they humanize the Myers mask in H20? It made it way less intimidating. Busta Rhymes...alright, with horror films you don't expect great or even passable acting. But this was the most embarassing acting performance I've ever seen. Big name rapper or not, I don't see how they put him in a nationaly released movie. He seems so forced onto the audiance in the movie. It's like he's pop up every few minutes and pretty much say "I'm Busta! And I'm the shit!" The charcter was laughable...laughable, but not funny. I don't know how he didn't get the Razzie for 2002. And could they stop the ending where you know there's not going to be another awful follow up. This series has been downhill after the first one and gets miles worse every time. Halloween: Resurrection is one of the 5 worst movies I have ever seen.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Products you put over to everyone

    Non entertainment stuff you try and pimp to everyone that'll listen. The Mach 3 Turbo razor...this is the very best shave in the world. I use to cut the hell out of my face cause I had acne issues...with this thing I don't think it's possible to cut yourself.
  9. Youth N Asia


    Good 2nd episode, very funny. They seemed to tone down her attitude a little bit and it worked better for me.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Faarooq released

  11. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Band of Brothers. Meaning that "The First Annual YNA Gets His Tax Check Back and Blows It On DVDs Week" has come to an end. Final tally: Band of Brothers Chappelle's Show Season 1: Uncensored Dog Soldiers Idle Hands Nightmare on Elm Street Collection Oz: The Complete Third Season Wishmaster 1 & 2 Wishmaster 3
  12. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    For short stories I love Battleground
  13. Youth N Asia

    Beyond the Mat Ringside edition

    Best Buy broke street date on it a week early. They had it for $18.99. We'll have it in at Target, I'll get it Tuesday
  14. Conspiracy Theory (6/10)...not great, but not bad I guess. Just not one I'd watch again any time soon.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    The thread title referred to mainstream comedians Dang. OUCH!
  16. Youth N Asia

    Do you wear earplugs when you go to shows?

    Everyone's loss but mine, man. It's not a forgone conclusion that you'll go deaf. I know more people who go to concerts without plugs with perfect hearing then...well, I don't know anyone with hearing loss over it
  17. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    I couldn't finish The Talisman either. Got about 150 pages in and just couldn't care about the story.
  18. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    TITLE PLANS World: CM Punk will take it off Simon, and then Corino will win it. X: Jerry Lynn is just about to end Daniels' 6 month reign Brass Knuckles: Few more months on Vic Capri, then Colt Cabana World Tag: Whipwreck and Tajiri will win it from Hero and Steel in a few months X Tag: The Hotshots...I've got their overness in the high 80s, about time I pushed them
  19. Youth N Asia

    NHL: Is Peter Forsberg one of the best ever?

    No Dino Ciccarelli, or Ron Francis? I'd take Nicklas Lidstrom over Forsberg. The back-to-back-to-back Norris Trophy winner
  20. Youth N Asia

    Faarooq released

    Hey man, some things we just don't joke about. Although I would find it funny if they did that and played it off like nothing happened.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Faarooq released

    I was a big fan of the team for the first year or so...but after that they just wore thin on me. But Bradshaw is completly useless without Ron. "DAMN!"
  22. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    Martin Lawrence...I just don't find him funny. Every black comedian has their "white people" bits, so I'm just use to that. But when Martin does it he comes off like a racist. And when guys like Rock and Chappelle do it it comes off as comedy, not just blatant hate. So I don't care for Martin. I've been watching Home Improvement reruns lately, I'd completly forgotten how much I liked the show.
  23. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I don't like having a million belts, but I have too many guys on the roster right now and made up a couple. Current title holders. NWA World Champion: Simon Diamond NWA X Champion: Christopher Daniels NWA Brass Knuckles Champion: Vic Capri NWA Tag Team Champions: Ace Steel & Chris Hero NWA X Tag Team Champions: Mike Sanders & Michael Shane
  24. Youth N Asia

    Do you wear earplugs when you go to shows?

    Vote is currently 14-1...you're alone in this Squirtle
  25. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    I tried reading Rose Madder twice but just got too bored with it and quit