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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I have Whole Damn Show on Vic Capri. It's doing well for him. Wish there was a listing saying what gimmicks you should have with what charisma and whatnot
  2. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Idle Hands...$5.99 at Target
  3. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Glad to hear it. I want to see the movie, and I've been hearing good things about it
  4. Youth N Asia

    Do you wear earplugs when you go to shows?

    I don't go to many shows...and very few up front. So I'll be okay
  5. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

  6. Youth N Asia

    Raw rating

    I like Most Extreme Elimination Challenge...but mostly, Spike TV blows
  7. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Chappelle's Show Season 1: Uncensored Wishmaster 1 & 2 Wishmaster 3 Nightmare on Elm Street Collection ($69 at Walmart)
  8. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    I really liked Desperation, but didn't care much for The Regulators. Although I might give those two a re-read
  9. Youth N Asia

    Marvel vs. DC

    He slaughtered Bane...I liked Bane They showed like one-panal deals with Nightwing & Gambit, and a few others
  10. Youth N Asia

    Who does better promos?

    I picked Foley...hell, he could make you care about a Randy Orton match
  11. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I'm bring meaning back to the title, man! The shortest reign was Low Ki's 4 month run
  12. Youth N Asia

    This is what I get for not watching...

    That's what I thought...if she had toned it down a notch I think I would have liked it better
  13. Dog Soldiers (8.5/10) Badass survival/horror movie. And $6.99 at Circuit City
  14. Youth N Asia

    Memorable film quotes

    Kung Fu Priest > God Clerks: Dante: "My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!" Customer: "In a row?!" Full Metal Jacket, SGT Hartman: "You had best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your neck!" "God has a hard on for marines, because we kill everything we see." "I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister!" "I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass, and not even have the god damned common courtesy to give him a reach around." R. Lee Ermey is the man
  15. Youth N Asia

    Do you wear earplugs when you go to shows?

    Deaf by 30. You can't be front row for Andrew WK at Warped Tour and wear earplugs...although I couldn't hear shit for the next couple days
  16. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    And how do face/face or heel/heel feuds work out? I remember in promotion wars they wouldn't work out well I'm currently in October of 2006...Simon Diamond just ended CM Punk 18 month title reign
  17. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Most of my makeshift tag teams hate each other Michael Shane & Mike Sanders Jimmy Rave & Reckless Youth (Raving Youth) Jeff Hardy & Insane Dragon (The Highlight Reel) Chirs Hero & Ace Steel AJ Styles & Lance Storm Ron Killings & Sonni Siaki They all hate each other
  18. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Yeah, they couldn't explain to the Captian how they got the guns back, so they had to just get rid of them, save for the ones they kept themselves.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Recent Purchases

    Underappreciated CD I just picked up the new one by The Get Up Kids
  20. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

  21. Youth N Asia

    Raw rating

    The night after Mania should be the highest rated show of the year. That's a crap number considering the circumstances.
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Reminder...season 3, episode 2 tonight at 10pm on FX
  23. Youth N Asia

    This is what I get for not watching...

    I like her better smiling
  24. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    They'd need more action to remake it...it's a slow starter
  25. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    After watching Day of the Dead again...the acting is really bad, and none of the characters are likeable, but I still enjoyed the movie. I didn't watch the 10 minute peice...I want to see it for the first time on the big screen