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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Halloween (8/10) Classic horror film. Although they overdo the stalking bits way too much before the killing. Too many times where if the person would have just cocked their head they could have seen him...he didn't really hide or anything. And say what you will about the Halloween movies...1 and 2 were good, and the rest are pretty bad. But Halloween 1-6 were all made for about $20 million, and did a combined boxoffice of over $200 million.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Oz: The Complete Third Season Dog Soldiers Dog Soldiers was $6.99 at Circuit City. Killer price for a good virtual unknown movie.
  3. Well...you can get better girl action online, so why fill up $50 ppv time with it?
  4. Day of the Dead (7.5/10) The first half is just way too slow...but the 2nd half makes up for it mostly
  5. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    I'll agree with that
  6. Youth N Asia

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    Top 5 The Long Walk Rage Desperation Eyes of The Dragon The Dark Tower series The Long Walk is just awesome, definatly my favorite. Rage is good too. You can get those in "The Bachman Books." 3 of the 4 stories in the book have been rereleased a few times, but Rage hasn't...since it's about a teen taking holding up his classroom with a gun. Of the books I've read Gerald's Game is far and away the worst
  7. Youth N Asia

    Webcast Stream Begging Thread

    Actually, I think you SHOULD hold your breath
  8. Youth N Asia

    Webcast Stream Begging Thread

    no PM for me...yet
  9. Youth N Asia

    TBS/ Lesnar Ring collapse

    For something that could have been really cheesy I think it went off very well
  10. Spartan?...Haven't heard of it
  11. Youth N Asia

    Webcast Stream Begging Thread

    I haven't been here but a minute...long goddamn story to why I'm not watching it. I would appreciate a link if possible
  12. Youth N Asia

    To those that have ever watched a PPV Webcast...

    Fuckin movie theatre was sold out. They said on their site tickets were available. And they won't give you a number to talk to a live person, and it sold out yesterday
  13. With Nathan Jones Paul Heyman said something like "I fired Nathan Jones," and the fans accepted it cause he sucked. But what about Brock? Are they just going to go on like he doesn't exist? Or add some loser leaves WWE stip at Mania? How's it going to be explained?
  14. Youth N Asia

    How will they explain Goldberg leaving RAW?

    I had that booked to where Brock would take a nasty nasty chairshot and just completly forget who he was. Crash would use this to his advantage and tell him he's Brock Holly. The two would team and Brock would dress like the little goof and it would lead to a tag title run with Brock just killing Crash after he came to and learned he'd been used. And it would put Crash back into the Super Heavyweight Division
  15. Youth N Asia


    Yeah, in the sense that the main character is not very likeable and has this "better than you" attitude. How is George not likeable? And I don't get an "I'm better than you" attitude from her. She's got more of a "whatever" attitude. Alright, call it the "whatever" attitude then. With George on Dead Like Me, I really couldn't care less what happens to her. Her attitude is just too down to get into. And I understand that's how the charcter's written, but I just think they could downplay it a little. Like when the girl came into the store at Wonderfalls, I know that she's annoying, but Jaye just gave off such a shit attitude. Why should I care for the well being of this person? I know it's only a TV show and I shouldn't think that much into it. I also didn't care too much for Ghost World because of this
  16. Youth N Asia

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    I like Curb much better. Seinfeld's supporting characters were good, but I just couldn't stand Jerry. Granted, CYE is only in its 4th seasons, and only time will tell how long it goes on. But it's funnier by doing less...can't explain it the way I want to
  17. Youth N Asia

    Game Over

    Yeah, it's not bad enough that the show just isn't funny...but that guy is the shits
  18. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    I'm wishing an double penetration ass fucking for you. I agree with OB. The older he gets the funnier he ain't. He use to sound like a goundbreaking comedian...now he just sounds like a grumpy old man
  19. Youth N Asia

    Kenny Rogers Jackass On Comedy Central Now

    nevermind...I guess it hadn't aired yet. Saw it, gotta love trying to catch the bat with your teeth
  20. Youth N Asia

    Products you put over to everyone

    They didn't send me one, but they did to my brother...so I took it
  21. Youth N Asia

    I have kidnapped Damien Gonzalez

    There was nothing Amazing about that post, Rando. *ba-dum-ching*
  22. Youth N Asia

    Kenny Rogers Jackass On Comedy Central Now

    shit...missed it
  23. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    I don't like Wanda...but she is actually funny on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Michael Ian Black is not funny...I loved The State, but found a new hatred for him with I Love The 80s. He's just annoying. You can write off 9/10 of the VH1/E Entertainment count down shows