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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    How will they explain Goldberg leaving RAW?

    Yeah, I really think Austin might react his *kickwhamstunner* on both guys and just declare himself the winner.
  2. Youth N Asia

    How will they explain Brock's leave on Smackdown?

    Shit...bad Poochie spoof, or bad MASH spoof...I CAN'T CHOOSE!!!!!!
  3. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    I love Curb...but he's still not funny.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Vikings Coach Says No Thanks To Brock

    So he hasn't played football of sorts in 8 years...why aren't teams jumping to sign him?
  5. Youth N Asia

    Game Over

    The previews looked awful. UPN has a million shitty shows, and they keep bringing them back. While they cancel Haunted, a decient show, after just a few episodes.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    No way, Action was great. Richard Lewis...although he's not the name he used to be
  7. Youth N Asia


    Yeah, in the sense that the main character is not very likeable and has this "better than you" attitude. But with that being said I loved it. Hilarious show. And points for casting Playmaker's "Guard Dog" as Poor Bitch. I think I'll stick around for this show. Little Girl: "You're not allowed steal." Jaye: "And you're not allowed to talk to stragners. Piss off!"
  8. Youth N Asia

    I have kidnapped Damien Gonzalez

    At first I thought you said "Elian Gonzalez." Where as we would have given you anything to get him back
  9. Youth N Asia

    Interesting note from the Velocity preview

    Shit! I was seconds away from making a popcorn joke myself
  10. Youth N Asia

    How will they explain Brock's leave on Smackdown?

    Yeah, I'm 99% sure he did. That's how they explained him being gone and he was never mentioned again.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Chavo Sr.

    He's defintaly the most entertaining non worker they have right now. Hm and Junior play off of each other very well.
  12. Youth N Asia

    I have kidnapped Damien Gonzalez

    3 meals a day? A Shower? I think he's well set.
  13. From www.tvshowsondvd.com ----------------------------- Simpsons, The - 'Don't have a cow man' - Season 4 press release! Posted by Gord Lacey 3/11/2004 Hotter than a cool 'Duff' in a warm Springfield summer, the fourth installment of TV's best selling DVD property arrives from Fox Home Entertainment "THE SIMPSONS" SEASON FOUR DVD COLLECTION Break out the Kwik-E-Mart Squishies and pull up a couch -- on June 15, 2004, "THE SIMPSONS" SEASON FOUR DVD COLLECTION debuts from Fox Home Entertainment. Following the record-breaking Season One, Two and Three DVD releases, selling over five million DVDs to-date, "THE SIMPSONS" SEASON FOUR DVD COLLECTION features all 22 episodes from the fourth season (1992-1993) from the longest-running comedy series in primetime. Featuring exclusive bonus material including commentary on each episode, an introduction by Matt Groening, a voiceover featurette with James L. Brooks, an Animation Showcase multi-angle feature, animatics, commercials, deleted scenes and more, the four-disc collection arrives at a suggested retail of $49.98 US / $69.98 Canada. "THE SIMPSONS" SEASON FOUR DVD COLLECTION Special Features: All episodes are compiled on four discs (full frame, aspect ratio 1.33:1). Each episode is presented with English 5.1 Surround, Spanish Dolby Surround, French Dolby Surround Sound and Spanish subtitles. The following is a breakdown of each disc: Disc One: Kamp Krusty (9/24/92) A Streetcar Named Marge (10/1/92) Homer the Heretic (10/8/92) Lisa The Beauty Queen (10/15/92) Treehouse of Horror III (10/29/92) Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie (11/3/92) Disc Two: Marge Gets a Job (11/5/92) New Kid on the Block (11/12/92) Mr. Plow (11/19/92) Lisa's First Word (12/3/92) Homer's Triple Bypass (12/17/92) Marge vs. The Monorail (1/14/93) Disc Three: Selma's Choice (1/21/93) Brother From the Same Planet (2/4/93) I Love Lisa (2/11/93) Duffless (2/18/93) Last Exit to Springfield (3/11/93) So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show (4/1/93) Disc Four: The Front (4/15/93) Whacking Day (4/29/93) Marge in Chains (5/6/93) Krusty Gets Kancelled (5/13/93) About "THE SIMPSONS" Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie take traditional comedy and family life and turn them upside down in FOX's critically acclaimed series, THE SIMPSONS. THE SIMPSONS exploded into a cultural phenomenon in 1990 and remains one of the most visible and marketable properties both domestically and internationally. This Emmy Award®-winning series successful entry into syndication only added to its appeal, reaching a whole new generation of fans. THE SIMPSONS is also famous for featuring celebrity guest voices such as Michelle Pfeiffer, Mel Gibson, Elizabeth Taylor, Kim Basinger, Danny DeVito and musical guests 'NSync, Britney Spears and Aerosmith. THE SIMPSONS is currently airing its 15th Season. A recognized industry leader, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is the marketing, sales and distribution company for all Fox film and television programming on VHS and DVD as well as video acquisitions and original productions for the U.S. and Canada. Each year the Company introduces hundreds of new and newly repackaged products, which it services to more than 70,000 retail outlets - from mass merchants and warehouse clubs to specialty stores and e-commerce - throughout North America. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment is a unit of Fox Filmed Entertainment, a Fox Entertainment Group company. # # # "THE SIMPSONS" SEASON FOUR DVD COLLECTION Street Date: June 15, 2004 Catalog #: 2221917 Price: $49.98 U.S./ $69.98 Canada Running Time: 506 minutes Closed Captioned: Yes --------------------------- While I like seasons 1-3 enough. I think season 4 is where the show just gets great.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Important Announcement

    Shucks...now where am I going to get my gay piraate avatar fix online?
  15. Slap Shot (8/10) Most comedy movies lose a little when you see it again. But this damn movie gets funnier every time I see it.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Michael Chiklis On Miami Vice

    Damn...forgot about the Stooges movie. He did really well
  17. Youth N Asia

    Berry promises sexy 'Catwoman'

    Pfieffer has never done much for me, but as Catwoman she was just great. Boner quality
  18. Youth N Asia


    Ain't It Cool News gave it 4.5/5.0 http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=17172
  19. Youth N Asia

    Hot new Freestyle~!

    *Falls over dead* ...not good
  20. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Wonderful time to be alive
  21. Youth N Asia

    The TSM Doghouse

    edit's rule
  22. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons season 4 DVD release

    Yeah, take a que from Buffy...every 6 months...perfect timing
  23. Youth N Asia

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    There was a thread, didn't last long. I'll tape it. I still have Smackdown from yesterday to watch
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons season 4 DVD release

    Lucky Canadian Bastards. I'm working my ass off in the states to buy these DVD's, and all they need is to collect change on the street for 5 minutes. Gentlemen...I'm calling a Canadian Road Trip. We take our American dollars into Winsor, lose half of them at the casino, and spend the rest on underpriced DVDs Easy for you, Mr. "I Live Within Spunking Distance of Canada" To quote Eminem: "DETROIT WHAT!" Anyway, back on topic. The Monorail and Whacking Day episodes are two of the best ever
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons season 4 DVD release

    Lucky Canadian Bastards. I'm working my ass off in the states to buy these DVD's, and all they need is to collect change on the street for 5 minutes. Gentlemen...I'm calling a Canadian Road Trip. We take our American dollars into Winsor, lose half of them at the casino, and spend the rest on underpriced DVDs