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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Anyone know what the pizza sponsor was?

    it fit perfectly with last nights raw...utterly worthless I'll agree with that...for as good as the show was a week ago, last night's was awful
  2. Youth N Asia

    Anyone know what the pizza sponsor was?

    A very pointless segment, indeed
  3. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Is the Mania special only an hour?
  4. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I'd just to go tvtome.com
  5. Youth N Asia

    So how are you going to see WM20?

    Right now the plan is to go to Hollywood Cinema in Birch Run and watch it there. I imagine you can't hear the commentary for crap. But $6.50 admission is way better than $50
  6. Youth N Asia

    Triple H's TV/PPV Match Stats

    I hate to keep saying "HHH in 99-00"...but HHH in 99-00 got serious heat cause the fans just hated him. He had to have the face comeback mainly cause he was gone so long. But you knew the heel turn was coming and that he was going to win and retain the title forever...which he didn't even win in the first place. In the last year he killed Booker's push, predictably dropped the belt to his buddy Shawn to get it right back...and worked a decient enough program with Goldberg only to ruin it by getting the belt right back. I think the fans hate him cause he's just so boring to listen to, he hardly wrestles, and when he does the matches are hit and miss with predictable finishes. Take the belt off of Hunter and cycle it onto a few people before giving it back to him. He's duller than shit right now and could use something different
  7. Youth N Asia

    Triple H's TV/PPV Match Stats

    Either way, when the show's said and done my reply will be..."fuck Triple H!" They shouldn't have even put Benoit in the main event if they didn't trust him and Hunter to draw as a 1-on-1 match.
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Current. 1. The Shield 2. Smallville 3. Angel 4. The Soranos Will never happen in a million years, but I'd love a Shield/Sopranos crossover. Tony's trying to do business in Farmington and runs into Mackey
  9. Youth N Asia

    Triple H's TV/PPV Match Stats

    I don't think it's so much that the heel's expected to win as much as it is HHH is always expected to win
  10. Youth N Asia

    William Hung gets record deal

    Very old news...yet no one posted a thread on it before. It's good cause it's something different and funny...but like baron said, it's bullshit that this guy gets a deal for having no honest to God talent, and good artists who bust their asses for years working for little to no money can't get a break
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I could honestly see Shane dying this season. They haven't killed off a major character yet, cop anyway. And you can't count Terry.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Triple H's TV/PPV Match Stats

    Yeah, for as great as he is you can't squeeze a Raw match out of him anymore. On Smackdown the champ always seems to be in a match. And not only is he the first heel to leave Mania with the world title...but he's done it twice and will do it again. I understand that now with two titles there's room to do that, but it shouldn't be with a guy who never works on tv. They shouldn't alter the way they work Wrestlemania for this guy...who's not half as over as he was in 99-00. He worked as a heel champ in 99-00 cause he was a better worker, and his promos were mostly about how angry he was and what he was going to do to the guy...now he just goes "I'm great-uhhh!" for 10 minutes at a time.
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    WHOOO!!! This is the only damn show I even get up for. So many angles they can work this season, really looking forward to it
  14. Youth N Asia

    Entire Dead Trilogy for $30

    The Dawn set is 2-3 disks from what I hear
  15. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Dawn of the Dead I know I'll end up buying the 3 disk later...but this'll do for now
  16. Youth N Asia

    Entire Dead Trilogy for $30

    Got Dawn this morning at work...and isn't Night the crapass remake in that set?
  17. Youth N Asia

    Kane vs Undertaker

    They screwed up Kane by having him kill everyone week after week, only to get the shit kicked out of him by Shane every week on Raw. I imagine Taker will go over, Kane will do a post match beatdown, maybe 3-4 Tombstones, JR will go on about how the dead man has never gotten a beating like this (AGAIN!), and when Kane's at the top of the ramp Taker will sit up...a frightened Kane will look shocked and run to the back
  18. Youth N Asia

    SNL Review

    Yuck...we must have been watching different shows. I'm not going to go into everything. I thought Ferecito was awful. I don't buy the "so bad it's good" argument. It's just not fun to watch. Although after much resistance I am really starting to dig Tim Calhoun, very funny skit. Weekend Update and the opening were the only other parts I liked. And Rudolph managed to go another entire show without producing a laugh from me.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Entire Dead Trilogy for $30

    Dawn is a movie I'll watch 2 or three times this year, so I won't mind getting it again
  20. Youth N Asia

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    12 hours... tick-tock, tick-tock...
  21. Youth N Asia

    Doctor's first day

    It's Dr. Smith's first day working at that mental institution. He figures he'll check in on a couple of patiants and get a feel for the place. So he checks into the first door and there's a guy swinging a baseball bat wildly in the air. "As soon as I get out of here I'll be back in the majors, Doc, you'll see!" "I bet you well," says Dr. Smith, and walks on. He checks into the next room and there's a guy jamming away on his guitar. "When I get out I'm putting the band back together and going on tour." "Sounds like a good idea," says Dr. Smith, and he walks onto the next room. When the Doctor opens the door he sees a man laying in bed furiously masturbating into a bag of cashews. Dr Smith stares at him in awe. "And what are you going to do when you get out?" "Get out?" The man asks. "Doc, I ain't ever getting out of here. Can't you see? I'm fuckin' nuts!" *ba-dum-ching!*
  22. Youth N Asia

    Last 5 songs you downloaded.

    Mad World by Gary Jules Weapon by Matthew Good Band Laid by James those are the last I can remember...but that was probably a good 8 months ago, I got ride of my stuff after the record nazis went after everyone. And only downloaded stuff I liked ALMOST enough to buy.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    People are going to have to rip on Rob. Any signs of friendship or support would just hurt them more than anything.
  24. Yeah, I'd put the first couple in the 8-8.5 range. The third is obviously the least of the 3 but still better than your average comedy