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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    I was about to Link the Joe commentary. Good stuff
  2. Youth N Asia

    Entire Dead Trilogy for $30

    Yeah, I'll 2nd that. I have Night and Day on DVD already, and I'll pick up Dawn tomorrow at work...then sell my copy when the multiple disk comes out
  3. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Yeah, I have a special place in my heartfor Bub...but there's no doubt it's a slow starter. I just hope doesn't say "and Dawn of the Dead is my favorite" when it comes out on DVD...not just selling people on the one they're watching at that time
  4. Youth N Asia

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    Does he think he's going the be the main event top guy for as long as he's there? Personally I think he's in a good spot. Guys like Jericho, Benoit, Big Show, Angle, Undertaker, and Kane always seem to dip in and out of the main event. One month they can be in a meaningless midcard feud and at the next ppv be a world title contender. I think Brock should be in that area. Keeping him at the top would hurt him more, HHH is the only guy there right now who's been at the top non stop and we can't stand him anymore. You can say he got pushed too quick, but with his look and attitude they had to. Like GOldberg
  5. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    The Day of The Dead DVD has a great 35 minute piece where George, Tom, and others talk about the film. Everyone wanted to do the orignial script. But they couldn't get the money they needed for it plus it would have ultimatly got an X (now NC17 or unrated) rating. The movie is a slow starter, I think that hurts it more than anything else. But the first hour is a little dull. I still love the movie, but I understand why fans put it below the other 2.
  6. Youth N Asia

    What is your opinion of Mike Tyson?

    For a headhunter, one-punch knockout guy he was the very best. I use to love watching him fight. As a person he comes off like a piece of crap though. But he just doesn't have it like he use to. He's not a top contender anymore.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Big Show vs. John Cena

    I agree. Cena has owned the Big Show, and it makes Show look bad by having the "injured" leg gimmick. The guy's already got hundreds of pounds on his opponent, so he doesn't need that. AND he's going to lose, so it makes him look that much worse. And I hope they don't pull "Cena can't hit Show with the FU" bit. Everytime Goldberg wrestles a big guy they say "Hey can't hit the jackhammer on him!" Being that he gets huge guys, and even the Giant with it every time.
  8. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I don't think anyone's expecting it to top the original, or even come close
  9. Youth N Asia

    Beyond the Mat: Ringside Special Edition DVD

    I always thought Rock and Foley were just drawn onto the cover. Maybe this version will have more of Jake's daughter reading shitty poetry about how she hates her dad...cause you know, that was great.
  10. Youth N Asia

    The Return of the Post Count

    This was all a work from the start
  11. Youth N Asia

    2 DVDs for $15 shipped

    Ehhh...I'd guess $15 Canadian is roughly about $10-$11ish. It's a hard sell cause the Mania DVD was a giveaway with the book, and I was able to pick up the book for $8 new when they were slashing prices to get rid of them.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Hell, I had a disliking for Rob before this...now it's pure hate
  13. Youth N Asia

    Hercules Hernandez passes away

    Since when does being a good worker have to do with winning titles?
  14. Youth N Asia

    A few funny WCW pictures

    The only thing I remember about the Giant smoking was Disco going on about how it'll stunt his growth.
  15. 1 The Passion of The Christ $51,392,365/$212,034,304 2 STARSKY AND HUTCH $29,050,000 $29,050,000 3 Hidalgo $19,600,000/$19,600,000 4 50 First Dates $7,700,000/$99,411,000 5 Twisted PARA $5,025,000/$16,382,000 6 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen $4,000,000/$21,800,000 7 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $3,175,000/$368,347,000 8 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights $2,850,000/$10,040,000 9 Miracle $2,600,000/$59,900,000 10 Monster $2,250,318/$30,080,657 11 Mystic River $2,060,000/$85,262,000 12 Barbershop 2: Back in Business $1,750,000/$59,953,000 ---------------- Jesus wins again. Sandler has another $100+ million movie. Return of The King jumped up 4 spots, I imagine cause of Oscar buzz.
  16. Clockwork Orange. 9/10...righty right!
  17. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice Report...March 5-7

    $16 million
  18. Youth N Asia

    Hercules Hernandez passes away

    I liked Power and Glory as a kid. He could have been a good IC champ back in the day
  19. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    *****SPOILERS***** Tony killed Ralphie personally. Him and Christopher chopped him up and buried the body. Carmine and Johnny 'Sack' Sacramoni each went to Tony to have the other killed. But that was resolved and didn't happen
  20. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Sadly, I have no HBO...so it'll be a slow download
  21. Youth N Asia

    Big Show vs. John Cena

    Big Show shouldn't keep it. For one he's not defending it at all and it's easy to forget he has it. Not say that's his fault, but Cena's hot right now and is on tv every week. Plus Show's rumored to have pain in his knees lately and needs time off. I've actually started liking Show a little more over the last year or so
  22. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Genre of Games?

    I use to be way into RPG games. But they kinda bore me now, and I just don't have the same time for gaming as I use to. I've been playing more Action games lately
  23. Youth N Asia

    Brand New

    Have you listened to entire albums or just basing this on radio songs?
  24. CZW guys do way too many moves where you end up on your head and neck, that's just too risky. Same with the SAT. A-Train's deal where the guy is laying backfirst longways on his shoulder and he drops down. I saw Punk hit Cabana with that at an indy show back in 2000 and thought he broke his back. The cradlebreaker looks like it could hurt. And a properly done shining wizard looks like it could hurt
  25. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    I love the idea of the Sopranos vs New York...could have been a great feud had they not ended it. But I can understand why they did. Furio is great, but that storyline did suck.