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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    DAMN! That's news to me. That could kill ROH way easier then Rob's love of young boys
  2. Youth N Asia

    Beyond the Mat: Ringside Special Edition DVD

    The commentary with the director and Terry Funk is painfully boring, I was very disapointed.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Brand New

    Very good album. Much better than their first, and they played a hell of a set at last year's Warped TOur
  4. Youth N Asia

    Bobby Heenan cuts ties with RoH

    Yeah, I can see the ROH guys sticking around. But it may be hard to get in new respectable names for a while.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Bobby Heenan cuts ties with RoH

    Don't blame Bobby. It's not like he needs the exposure like many of these other guys, and he owes them no real commitment or anything.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Beyond the Mat: Ringside Special Edition DVD

    I plan on picking it up mainly cause I got rid of the one I had a couple of years ago. Although dickweed could have taken a minute to spellcheck the boys in the "thanks" section...never heard of a Mikey Whippendeck
  7. Youth N Asia

    WrestleMania XX to break record

    Um... ...yeah. -Patrick I know I know...but here's to hoping
  8. Youth N Asia

    Which artists/bands do you loathe?

    Good Charlotte is a safe for tv punk act. Meaning they have the punk, the fan friendly sound, and a major record deal. I don't care for them, but I used to like "The Click" off their first cd
  9. Youth N Asia

    WrestleMania XX to break record

    Well...Maina 2000 was balls with every damn match being 3 ways, 4 ways, and multiple tags. Let's hope they don't screw this one up
  10. American Wedding, 7.5/10
  11. Youth N Asia

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    Well...I'm sure we'll all be talking about it again when they bring up the same thing 4 months from now
  12. Youth N Asia

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    For WWE to completly squash them
  13. Youth N Asia

    A few funny WCW pictures

    I remember watching the hospital bit and out of nowhere here comes Scott Hall. I just remember thinking "now what the f*ck is going on with this?!" Did they ever explain any of that.
  14. Youth N Asia

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    While I'm all for Heyman back in charge of something, I've heard a dozen different stories about how ECW is coming back. I've lost all hope and interest in this ever happening.
  15. Youth N Asia

    CZW Results

    While the shows looks good enough, CZW just doesn't look like it has namepower anymore. Even their top local guys are nowhere to be seen. Did Gutter have his manager with him?
  16. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    I just eventually stopped buying from Feinstein cause he was too big an asshole. It wasn't meant to be a personal boycott or anything, but I just didn't like the guy and stopped giving him my business.
  17. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    I was initially against it. Dawn is my favorite horror movie of all time. I don't want them to butcher it and when poeple hear "Dawn of The Dead" think about some crappy remake. But I've eventually warmed up to the idea of the remake and want to give it a fair show. Like I said, worst case situation, it's another bad zombie movie
  18. Youth N Asia

    Backlash poster

    That's one of their better ones
  19. Youth N Asia

    The Mania of Wrestlemania

    Nevermind, I thought this was the same one that Flair was hosting
  20. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Yeah, most family friendly companies deal in porno as well as wrestling
  21. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    My brother and I along with a couple of friends have already decided to go see it, probably opening night
  22. Youth N Asia

    Which artists/bands do you loathe?

    With Led Zeppelin, I don't hate them...but they're quite overrated. Like Pink Floyd
  23. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    That's just great! Friends, partners, or not. I hope these people do turn on Rob, it certainly wouldn't do them any harm. He's a sick bastard...but that really doesn't need to be said anymore. ...Sick bastard
  24. Youth N Asia

    Thunder and Nikki banners?

    They made some kickass banners, even though I couldn't use mine on the board after a while I kept a copy in my pictures... And those all got erased...and my Whipwreck banner is no more. Anyone have any idea if their banners are still anywhere? I really don't even know if this is a good question or not, or if it even makes sense.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Holy f*ck

    Yeah, "HOLY FUCK" is a little much for a guy who isn't that good