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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Which artists/bands do you loathe?

    I would say Limp Bizkit, but they're so far off the radar now. Madonna is pretty much getting by on her name alone now. I was never a fan of hers, but I could at least understand why her early stuff was popular...but her recient stuff is shit. Metallica for the obvious crybaby millionair reasons. Also not that they're musicians, but Juggalos, and most metalheads who take the "this is the music that is great and yours is shit" stance.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Riiiiiiiiight. I know they have to pull that "allegedly" crap. But he's a sick perv who intended to have sex with a young boy. None of it's been proven, but that's what happened.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Makes you wonder how many other boys he's done this with. I hope they send his ass to prison where there's lot of boys
  4. Youth N Asia

    NWA TNA vs WWE

    Even without this RF scandal I couldn't see ROH competing with the WWE. I like their shows, but I think the average wrestling fanbase would rather have sports entertainment. I couldn't see ROH selling out big arenas
  5. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    All these years of bootlegging and THIS is what he gets busted for. Sick fuck.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

  7. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Yeah...but it sure LOOKS like him and his car... I only skimmed the IM convo...that was a little too much for me. Did he say he had a car like that?
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Evil Dead

    Evil Dead 2 is more or less a remake of Evil Dead...but they're all worth owning. The first one's the creepiest. 2 loses some scares by adding comedy
  9. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    BAH! no face on the video
  10. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    I could see an ECW or CZW crowd chanting that at him
  11. Youth N Asia

    Least Deserving Wrestlemania Main Eventer?

    Having Hogan on the list is just dumb...like him or not, the guy made way more money for Vince than anyone else at that time
  12. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    THink he could share a jailcell with Mike King? In all seriousness though, I'm really interested in seeing how this one plays out. Even if it's not true his rep could take a serious hit
  13. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Cause Gabe would swerve him and not sell it back. If he had any sense anyway.
  14. Youth N Asia

    NWA TNA vs WWE

    I think Vince would wipe them off the mat if they even thought about going up against the WWE
  15. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

  16. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    Damn...Crazymax has already thrown up an announcement on their board.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Rob Feinstein........

    BAH! when I try and click on thes story I get an IE error and it shuts down
  18. Youth N Asia


    1) Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly...bleh 2) Danny Basham vs. Scotty...blehbleh 3) Chavo Guerrero vs. Funaki...should be good 4) Tajiri/Sakoda/Akio vs. Rey/Billy Kidman/Ultimo Dragon...WOW, that makes 8 cruisers having being in SMackdown matches this week 5) John Cena vs. A-Train...as much as I don't like A-Train, I like their matches together. 6) Paul Heyman vs. Eddie Guerrero...waste of time
  19. Youth N Asia

    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    I like the idea of starting out in the middle of town and fighting out better than the idea in the first one
  20. Youth N Asia

    "Erm" and stuff...

    Yeah, I'll just pass on the story. They should honestly institute the death sentance for shits like this.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Trivia's tidbits of news

    I'm not a Rosey fan, but that's just stupid. It must be shit to work for someone who would do that to you. Keeping him off tv till he lost the weight would be the better call.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Dick Clark Sued for Age Discrimination

    Right...cause having hits 30+ years ago really makes you relevant in 2004
  23. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    Army Girl is great...to use a Dave Letterman quote. "Cuter than homemade shoes."
  24. Youth N Asia

    Happy Birthday to me!

    Yeah, not all that belated