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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Randy Orton definitely had heat tonight.

    Well, it helps that he's feuding with someone the fans love. The fans like Foley and care for his well being. I think just about anyone doing the same to Foley would get just the reply
  2. Youth N Asia


    You are worth exactly: $1,930,410.00. Groovy...off to vegas to put it all on black.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Marge Schott has Died

    She was a crazy old bat...hmmm, wish I had more to add than that.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Because of Jericho / Christian, I was wondering

    Enemy At The Gates
  5. Youth N Asia

    Happy Birthday to me!

    My gift to you... Happy birthday, man
  6. Youth N Asia

    Hobbit To Voice "Seed Of Chucky"...

    Camp or not...3 and 4 were total balls. 1 was good, and 2 was at least watchable
  7. Youth N Asia

    Mom Denies Stripping at Son's Party

    I'd guess they're more likely to brag if she were hot
  8. Youth N Asia

    Check this out

    I don't even have a problem with backyard in general...but you get these assholes that think they have everything down. And then they wonder why pro wrestlers bitch when these dumbass kids get hurt and the parents put all the blame on pro wrestling
  9. Youth N Asia

    Mom Denies Stripping at Son's Party

    Damn, forgot all about that story. Wonder what the hell was going through her head thinking that was a good idea.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Check this out

    I'm going to become a backyard vet...bring me your puppies to opporate on. I'm not trained, but I watch ER, so I have it down
  11. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    Yeah, I'm a Caleb mark, but he was duller than shit on the show
  12. Youth N Asia

    WWE 50 greatest list

    Ah...that makes a tad more sense then...list is still crappy though
  13. Youth N Asia

    WWE 50 greatest list

    Jericho over Triple H? That's not WWE logic.
  14. Youth N Asia

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    Only teams I really care for are the Detroit Redwings, Michigan Wolverines (football), Indianapoils Colts, and Detroit Pistons. Mostly just a hometown guy
  15. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    I think I just got bored with it and quite durring season 3
  16. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    Men Behaving Badly started good...but completly lost it when they changed the main guy. And Two Guys, A Girl, And a Pizza Place started great...but pooped off midway through season 2
  17. Youth N Asia

    WWE 50 greatest list

    UGH...everyone was right. That list is balls
  18. Youth N Asia

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    The whole shows weren't great. But I liked Ground Zero and Beware of Dog...and of course I don't even have to mention how great Shawn and Mankind were at Mind Games. 95 and 96 were very bad years for the WWF though
  19. Youth N Asia

    Check this out

    It thought it had to do with the crap they try and pass off as "wrestling"
  20. Youth N Asia

    What's your birth number

    8+6+1981 = 1995 1+9+9+5 = 24 2+4 = 6 6 = THE ROMANTIC How come none of them read "The cheating bastard" or anything like that. There's plenty of them
  21. I'm suprised that Twisted did as well as it did. It just looks like every other crappy crime thriller out there
  22. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    By the way www.dawnofthedeadmovie.net is a pretty cool site, they did a good job with it
  23. I like dumb comedies that don't take much thought sometimes. Hell, I'd give Bubbleboy 8/10
  24. I'm suprised Club Dread did as well as it did. The previews give you nothing to work with...you can tell it's a horror of sorts but there's nothing really to indicate that it's a funny movie
  25. Youth N Asia

    John Cena: Word Life DVD

    Looks like a DVD for a guy who's been around no time at all. The 2nd Chapter is "Brock" afterall