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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Do you know an exact release date for the multiple disk?
  2. Not to start a holy war...but I'd much rather watch Hobbits and Elves then Jesus Christ
  3. It's not that it's not fair...it's that they got hundreds of millions worth of advertising without really paying for it. It was promoted far more than the numbers reflect
  4. Bah! My gimmick! 11 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $2,150,000/ $364,091,000 12 Mystic River $2,075,000/$82,224,000 Mystic River and ROTK were only on 1,100 screens. Where as Club Dread was on 1,800
  5. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    HINTS check the space in the bed in between the pillow and headboard...check under the dresser...and open and close the shade a few times repeatedly...then check the area
  6. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    Bleh...not worth the aggrivation. Done...just needed more clicking
  7. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    Yeah,I noticed the little + that pops up...I'm clicking the tits out of it.. Well...back to clicking
  8. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    define a couple...I've been wailing on thata area with my mouse
  9. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    I wanted to do this with no help, blah blah blah...but now I'm just annoyed by it. Hope this guy just didn't post a link to a problem that couldn't be solved and bailed
  10. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    same here...I keep thinking there's a cd in the room that you have to put into the player...maybe you can't get out of the room without rocking out first
  11. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    me too...I played the video where the guy dances, and he does the pointing deal. Then he walks forward, I take that as him taking a door there...but I click like a maniac with my last key and nothing comes up
  12. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    Playing it now...it went better on my Netscape then IE
  13. Youth N Asia

    Can you escape the room?

    Is it suppose to take a year and a half to load?
  14. Youth N Asia

    Vince McMahon overacting Hall of Fame

    The entire Bob Costas interview is Vince overacting at his best
  15. Youth N Asia

    Club Dread.

    I think Jesus isn't as big of a problem for it as a shitty ad campaign. I've seen a couple of previews and they're just not selling me on it, nothing looks worthwhile. But I will see it sooner or later cause I loved Super Troopers
  16. Youth N Asia

    Super 8 Field Announced

    *does the Tyson Dux shuffle* Doesn't look like a great batch overall.
  17. Youth N Asia

    2003 Razzie Award Winners

    why does someone get nominated for every movie they do that year? Ben for Gigli makes sense. But why do they throw in all of the other movies, especially if they don't deserve to be there
  18. Youth N Asia

    Preschooler forced to wear dress

    She could sue him In the new world, only the lawyers will win I think threatening violence agsinst a kid would outdue that...but who knows...everyone wasn't as sue-happy in the mid 80s
  19. Youth N Asia

    Preschooler forced to wear dress

    My kindergarden teacher use to pull out a paddle, make the kid bend over...and swear up and down how she was going to lay the beating on them. Most kids would break down and cry for a minute...that's usually when she would send them back to their desks. When she did it to me I told her my dad said he would beat up any teacher that laid a hand on me (which he said before I started school)...she didn't have much of a reply there
  20. Youth N Asia

    Preschooler forced to wear dress

    It would take everything in me not to beat the piss out of a teacher who did that to my son. If the kid is that big of a problem then you'd think the first thing you would do it contact the parent. Not take it upon yourself to scar the child for life.
  21. Say Anything 9/10 I've had it at the house forever, finally got around to watching it
  22. I think it just boils down to not having a better idea. The heel boss is way overplayed and really needs to go.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Are coaches overrated?

    Overall I say coaches are overrated. But then you have guys like Scotty Bowman and Phil Jackson who win at everything, but then again they always have great teams behind them.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=50956 This guy's good to deal with, and just got in Halloween 6