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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Great American Celebrity Spelling Bee

    I watched about 30 seconds of it. It's just bad TV. Who won anyway?
  2. Youth N Asia

    Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut

    Halloween Resurrection I stand by my statement...although Resurrection and H20 are awful. Actually, once you get past the first two none of them are very good.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Halloween 6: The Producer's Cut

    I don't know anything about a producer's cut...but The Curse of Michael Myers is just awful. Far and away the worst of the series.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Anyone else get their checks today?

    Yeah, really didn't look like a check at first
  5. Youth N Asia

    SAGA~! 2004

    It was hardly more than 75%
  6. No, it's just not great. ABOBO gets 9/10 *shurgs shoulders and leaves* gets a 6/10 and so on Someone had a great Police Officer gimmick. He would just make absurd posts about a case that would happen every now and then. Sadly he only made a few posts/
  7. Youth N Asia

    Edge Injured At OVW

    That sucks. Who's next on the cHHHopping block HHH: "Hey-uhh, you're Edge's little buddy, right?" Christian: "Yeah, that's me." HHH: "He's hurt again, so-uhhh I'll just have to squash you now-uhhh. You know, for the time being"
  8. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    For it's time Family Guy was much funnier then the Simpsons...but there's no way they could have kept up a long run. So overall the Simpsons is the far better show. I just couldn't see talking about Family Guy in 10 years about new episodes and whatnot. Clerks just didn't work for me. I loved the movie, but I can really understand why it didn't pick up on cartoon.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Anyone else get their checks today?

    My favorite part is: "It is a pleasure to bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion and to return value to consumers who purchased CDs while the challenged pricing policies were in effect" Right, cause Lord knows I've only overpaid $13.86 when it comes to CDs. Buncha overpricing bastards
  10. Youth N Asia

    If Russo had Stephanie's job

    I think Russo would take up a good chunk of the tv time for himself...then keep leaving and making "suprise" returns like he does now
  11. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    I never got into Undergrads. I just didn't find it funny enough...where as I loved the first 2 seasons of Family Guy, but th 3rd fell short with me
  12. Youth N Asia

    Rosie O'Donnell: The Blushing Bride

    Just the thought of anyone willingly in a relationship with Rosie is enough to make yoiu question the existance of God
  13. I give the gimmick a 2.5/10
  14. Youth N Asia

    Favourite crime writers..

    The only books like that I read are the Alex Cross books written by James Patterson. Other then that I'm a horror guy.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Anyone else get their checks today?

    WHOO!! $13.86! $13.86!
  16. Youth N Asia

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    I rented Bart vs The Space Mutants, got pissed, ejected it, and pitched it against the wall...it rattled pretty bad but Michigan Video never mentioned it. Which is good cause I already got in shit with my dad for losing a rented Bubble Bobble...which I found after he replaced it
  17. Youth N Asia

    Def Jam Vendetta

    Ehh...I think it's more of a renter. I rented it a while back and liked it, but I don't think I'd play it enough to justify buying it. It's way more fun with multiplayer. The single player mode isn't great. The moves are set up more like N64 No Mercy, rather than the Smackdown games...which is a better system.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Playboy Playmates Signing Has Some Upset

    this kinda reminds me of Drew Carrey at the Royal Rumble. "Hey Kane, I'm in the match tonight. I'm a wrestler...just like you." Or something along those lines...someone just let into the business out of the blue working with people who've been busting their asses to get where they are
  19. Do you have anything to trade? I have the DVD
  20. Youth N Asia

    OZ Season 3 on DVD/VHS

    Payday's tomorrow, I hope to pick it up then. Although as much as I love the show, the Oz sets are grossly overpriced. And with the few extras you get it seems every worse. There's only one commentary. Tom Fontana and Chaz Pam...errr, the guy from A Bronx Tail. They do commentary over the episode he directed. There's also suppose to be 20 minutes of deleted scenes. I just rewatched seasons 1 and 2 to get up for season 3...I have them all saved on disk, but the quality isn't the same and I hate watching stuff on my computer.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    I beat Jason once Gamegenieless and they gave me that "it's not over crap." I played for a little while long. Then I saw Jason again, declared "fuck this!" and quit
  22. Youth N Asia

    Anyone else get their checks today?

    Somehow I'll manage
  23. Youth N Asia

    Angle as a headliner.

    Well...HHH can wrestle once a month on tv and keep a main event spot. Give Kurt a break. While I feared a little for his saftey at Mania XIX, something's gotta be said for a guy who is willing to give 100% when he's not 100% himself.
  24. I just wish he was pulled here in Michigan...my local talk station keeps pulling decient shows and replaces them with crap.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Playboy Playmates Signing Has Some Upset

    Dreamer's rumored to be released, CM Punk isn't under a WWE contract, they get rid of D-Lo Brown...and they sign shit like this. Gee Vince, think this contributes all to your shows turning to shit?