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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    Joss Whedon is a hell of a writer. You just have a built in disliking for the guy which predetermines your opinions on his work.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    -Fester's Quest...hated having to start all over -Gauntlet...boring, goes on forever -Friday The 13th...too hard and once you beat Jason...he comes back -Jaws...boring -Rygar...you couldn't save -Skate or Die...part 2 was great, this one wasn't And while it's fun for a while....RC Pro Am fuckin' cheats near the end. And for some reason, I really liked the Bible games.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Where the hell is Joe Pesci

    I haven't seen Joe Pesci in a movie since Lethal Weapon 4...what gives! I've heard of taking time off...but it's been like 6 years or so
  4. Youth N Asia

    Puddle of Mudd's Wes Scantlin Arrested

    I never cared for the "I don't like the band so you deserve it" metality
  5. Youth N Asia

    Punk and Teddy kick each other's asses legit

    Everyone doesn't go into the TNA folder though. Teddy Hart just isn't worth the trouble. It's not like the guy's so talented that they need to put up with his crap.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Hangovers? Never again!

    I wouldn't call it "new"...I've been hearing radio ads for years. It's really just easier to not get piss drunk, ya know
  7. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Non Spoilers

    You forgot it was WWE didn't you? Forget it's the WWE? No. REGRET it's the WWE? Yeah. I wish they would try something new.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Non Spoilers

    Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Billy Kidman...ehh...should be worthwhile NON-TITLE TAG MATCH Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty vs. the A.P.A....*vomit* Billy Gunn vs. Brock Lesnar...being that I can't force myself to care for anything Billy Gunn related...I don't care John Cena and ? vs. The Big Show and Chavo Guerrero (with Chavo Senior)...ehh, could be ok. I'm tired of everyone needing a promo for why they turn heel. Kurt is a natural heel, a real bastard, why does he need explaination when he does it?
  9. Youth N Asia

    ECW Music Questions

    way to kill the thread bf
  10. Youth N Asia

    DVD Releases

    Yeah, great show, but a little too high in price
  11. Youth N Asia

    SAT Score

    1320...I was balls in high school, but do well on tests.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Dark Match/Heat Taping

    TYSON DUX RETURNS! *does the Tyson Dux shuffle* I miss BCW...I need to get up there for a show
  13. Youth N Asia

    Where the hell is Joe Pesci

    Off topic...digging the Smile Time Vampire Puppet avatar
  14. Youth N Asia

    Indian style sitting

    And you end it with a pic of a guy who's not even a Native American
  15. Youth N Asia

    Where the hell is Joe Pesci

    I saw that...that's what made me think "where the hell has he been?"
  16. Youth N Asia

    $3 Gasoline This Summer

    Here in Michigan the gas has been $1.50-$1.80 the last month or so...I think this $3 gas thing was suppose to happen last year as well. Untill it actually happens I won't worry about it.
  17. Raven/Dreamer wouldn't work now. TNA wouldn't give them the time they need to do it, Dreamer or Raven can't go at that speed anymore, plus they'd have to start at scratch. Just best to leave that one dead and remember how good it was. Live crowds love Tommy, and he gets zero tv time. Live crowds don't react one bit to The Bashams, Mark Henry, or Jazz...yet they get tons of time.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice report

    1 50 First Dates $21,000,000/$72,311,000 2 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen $9,217,000/$9,217,000 3 Miracle $8,000,000/$50,549,000 4 Welcome to Mooseport $7,000,000/$7,000,000 5 Eurotrip $6,600,000/$6,600,000 6 Barbershop 2: Back in Business $6,300,000/$53,236,000 7 Mystic River $3,120,000/$79,152,000 8 Against the Ropes $3,000,000/$3,000,000 9 The Butterfly Effect $2,875,000/$53,107,000 10 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $2,800,000/$361,068,000 11 You Got Served $2,700,000/$36,477,000 12 Monster $2,516,090/$23,782,209 ------------------------------ Opening Next Week nationwide -The Passion of The Christ -Broken Lizard's Club Dread -Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights -Twisted
  19. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Boxoffice report

    13-20 13 Cold Mountain $2,264,111/$90,712,258 14 Along Came Polly $2,142,535/$84,955,980 15 Catch That Kid $1,774,617/$15,108,033 16 Something's Gotta Give $1,601,175/$121,417,924 17 Big Fish $1,187,814/$65,150,895 18 Lost in Translation $831,250/$43,217,012 19 Cheaper by the Dozen $725,974/$135,444,586 20 Girl with a Pearl Earring $724,269/$8,536,275 ---------------------------- Girl with the Pearl Earing is doing very well considering that it was only on 319 screens. 480 less then Cheaper By The Dozen. The Big Bounce was in 66th place, and that's after only 4 weeks in theatres. It made just over $21,000 last week in 34 theatres, and has done just about six and a half million overall...now that's a bomb The production budget on Catch that Kid was $18,000,000. So it might break even in theatres.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Dark Match/Heat Taping

    Hmm, wonder where that's going. I enjoy both guys as faces. Being that it's on Heat I imagine they'll build on it for a couple of weeks and drop it completly with no finish
  21. Right...cause I'm sure the indies pay much much better than the WWE. And being that he just had a kid it's really the right move.
  22. Youth N Asia

    DJ Ran Questions

    *marks out for Disco in Konnans video* *MARKS THE FUCK OUT!*
  23. Youth N Asia


    I didn't like Final Destination 2...every death was funny. The only scary moment was the vision in the beginning...that was friggin tense. After that it was crap. I saw it in the theatre and everyone laughed whenever anyone died. And both Die Hard sequels are awesome.
  24. Youth N Asia

    WWE News: Gates, Tough Enough, Jericho, More

    Nope...might have been harder to pass off as a monster.
  25. Youth N Asia


    Ehh...While Danny played the Penguin about as good as anyone could, did anyone even consider him a real threat?