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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Will you notice an NHL Shutdown?

    I'll miss Red Wings games. Especially around playoff time.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Ric Flair DVD

    I wasn't that impressed with it. While I like the whole matches I wish they would have added a few more, they could have clipped them pretty good. They seemed to leave out a lot.
  3. Youth N Asia

    WB Cancels Angel...

    Since I signed it yesterday (at about this time) it went from 4,700 to just over 10,000
  4. Youth N Asia

    weekend boxoffice report

    4 of his last 7 went 125m+ those are decient numbers. Nicky could be called a bomb, and 8 Crazy Nights probably didn't cost much to make.
  5. Youth N Asia

    weekend boxoffice report

    Anger Management US Gross: $135,560,942 Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy Nights US Gross: $23,607,202 Punch-Drunk Love US Gross: $17,791,031 Mr. Deeds US Gross: $126,203,320 Little Nicky US Gross: $39,442,871 Big Daddy US Gross: $163,479,795 Waterboy US Gross: $161,491,646 TheWedding Singer US Gross: $80,245,725 Bulletproof US Gross: $21,195,840 Happy Gilmore US Gross: $38,623,460 Billy Madison US Gross: $25,460,475
  6. Youth N Asia

    Goodbye, New York.

    Alright, dad's out of town...I'm puttin' together a shindig!
  7. Yeah, Mick said althetes either ran, fought, or swam for their lives. They didn't get into cars and drive away.
  8. Unless they're running from the cars it's not a sport and by no means are they athletes
  9. Youth N Asia

    Marvel vs. DC

    rules clearly state it wasn't to the death
  10. Youth N Asia

    Marvel vs. DC

    To the death, sure...but it was about knocking your guy out briefly, and Lobo can be knocked out. Plus he's a comedy character, so it would have been stupid for him to win
  11. Youth N Asia

    Plan to make Wrestlemania 20 awesome!

    Yeah, but it would mean we'd have to hear "Undisputed Champion" again...I got way sick of that when they did it last time.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    FUCK BEANS! Disk 1 of my Flair DVD is defective...skips like shit durring the Flair/Dusty match
  13. I went with the Mask...I got way sick of hearing that shit when the movie hit
  14. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Ultimate Ric Flair Collection The Warriors ($9.99 at Best Buy) Night of The Living Dead
  15. Youth N Asia

    WB Cancels Angel...

    Damn...had about 4,600 when I signed it. I got the banner from buffy.nu but I don't know how to make it to where you just click the banner itself for an instant link.
  16. Youth N Asia

    WB Cancels Angel...

    *points at sig* these things never do any good...but what the hell. They need longer to give it a proper ending.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Jim Ross SPEAKS on Talent Firings

    ...And one of them is the man who just spoke on the recent releases and the spots that would be filled by the "new faces in OVW". You know what...subconciously I think that's who I meant
  18. Youth N Asia

    Always Available

    Fred Willard is a celeb. All it takes to be a celebrity is to be simi known to the public. If you've been in a movie you're somewhat of a celebrity, there are dergees though, and he's not at the top...but he's not at the bottom either.
  19. Youth N Asia

    BifEverchad wins!!

    wait, I have a more proper statement this time *fart*
  20. Youth N Asia

    They Live!

    I'm pretty sure the DVD is unavailable now, least I think so.
  21. Youth N Asia

    more ghey NHL rules

    This is assuming they even play next season. I love the NHL, but they're not the money making darlings of sports and they sound like they're not willing to budge any and will strike.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Jim Ross SPEAKS on Talent Firings

    Shouldn't they do the same with the announcers...you know, when they do a crap job, don't help the show any, and aren't good anymore. I can think of at least one.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Zandig Officially Out of Ideas

    Zandig ran out of ideas after Cage of Death 4
  24. Youth N Asia

    Euro Trip movie question

    Yeah, but she was annoying in season 6, and that blocked her hotness a little. I didn't really notice how good she could look till "Him" in season 7.
  25. Youth N Asia

    WB Cancels Angel...

    I hope they can at least give it a good ending. I like the show, but I think each season isn't as good as the one before it.