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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    "Playmakers" sacked.

    Dion Sanders said the show was the most realistic locker room on tv or in movies...says that others won't say the same cause they're not retired like he is. I enjoyed the show...was way over the top...but well written
  2. Youth N Asia

    Album of Albums

    Reinhold Messner is my favortie closely followed by Whatever...I wasn't feeling Rocking The Suberbs
  3. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Match Listing

    WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Bashams © vs. Rakishi and Scotty II Hotty...Oh...God no...*vomits* The Cat vs. Tajiri...OH! Here it comes again...*vomits* WWE US Title Match: Big Show © vs. Billy Gunn ...*vomits* WILL THIS NEVER END! Billy Kidman vs. Jamie Noble...ok, feeling a little better now Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero Sr. ...ok, feeling a little worse now Kurt Angle vs. Hardcore Holly ...ehh
  4. Youth N Asia

    Best REM Album?

    With the exception of "King of Comedy" I like Monster...and it was their last album to sell in big numbers.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Best REM Album?

    I got a little sick of Out Of Time...maybe just cause Losing my Religion got way overplayed. I'm glad Mike Mills got a couple of songs on that one, cause they're both very good.
  6. I was shocked at Coach's 180 turn on Raw last night...he was still able to play a heel, yet not kill the show like he did last time. I think in his case less is more. He can still do the Bischoff kiss ass and be a heel, but when he doesn't go off the deep end and step over everyone's lines he isn't bad and I think actually adds to the show.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Best REM Album?

    My answer can change on this daily, right now my order is Murmur Reckoning Automatic For The People I've been a huge REM fan since I was a kid, I love all the albums in one way or another except Reveal, and that's only cause I've just listened to it a few times. And for a B-Sides album Dead Letter Office is very good. And if you can get it with the 5 song Chronic Town EP extended to it then it's even better...4 of those songs are great. It took me a few listens to get into Automatic...they keep doing 180s on albums and I wasn't use to the mellow sound. But right now my pick is Murmur. Catipult, Shaking Throght, Perfect Circle...good stuff. Although when it comes to REM I hate people who go. "I was into since back in the day, so I'm better then other REM fans." People seem to do that with this band.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Well what do you know...Coach WASN'T awful on RAW

    Yeah, they keep trying to keep Lawler in between face and heel and it just doesn't work.
  9. I think they could've cared less if they got the belt back by then...they seemed to put the belt on someone, forget about it, and change it on someone else a year later.
  10. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    Yeah, Mikey's always been a fat cruiserweight...but a hell of a nice guy in person.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Whats Better?

    I wouldn't buy from RF...they take forever to ship, the tapes are way too much, and sometimes you'll flat out get blank tapes and have a bitch of a time exchanging them...but that doesn't happen to everyone. I'd buy from Smart Mark before anyone else...they have the best customer service
  12. Youth N Asia

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    well...if Benoit does somehow win the belt you can bet it's a month and out, jobbing it back to HHH
  13. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    Shit...I need to start ordering TNA. Mikey's my favorite ECW guy.
  14. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    Does anyone retire anymore? I hear he's been working matches lately.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Weekend Box Office: 1/30/04 - 2/1/04

    The same people who would try and pass dancers off as tough guys
  16. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    CW Anderson is a guy who could only make it in ECW. He had charisma and worked good oldschool matches, but he was missing the look and cause of that he wouldn't make it in the WWE. And I'm a big Justin Credible mark, even though everyone else hates him. Balls Mahoney is a good big guy. And you can't have ECW without Mikey Whipwreck.
  17. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    Guys like Dreamer and Spike don't stand a chance outside of ECW. Tommy was over cause he worked hard and the fans just fell in love with him...not going to happen in the WWE. And in ECW Spike was able to come off as a legit threat cause he was booked well. In WWE all he does is bump hard for big guys.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Child Criminals

    Agreed. Lionel Tate is an honest to God piece of shit who should rot in jail for the rest of his life. He was a mean and dumb kid. Anyone this stupid is just going to get into more trouble later on in life...I just hoipe someone else doesn't have to die for a point to be made. His mom should have a cell too. I think once you're a teen you basicaly know what's right and what's wrong, pop culture or not you should be smart enough by then to know not to beat someone to death or to rob a store. But then you have a case here in Michigan where the kid (kindergarden or 1st grade I think) took a gun into school and shot a little girl...now that kid I feel a little bad for, I think he knew it would hurt the girl but I don't know if he understood that she wouldn't live after that. I don't care how many jobs the mother had to work...she should be the one to pay for that, her and the uncle he was living with. Although to see Bowling For Columbine that fat pig of a man Michael Moore puts the blame on Dick Clark cause the mother had to travel 30 miles on a bus to work in a resturant that carries his name...bah, enough of that though.
  19. Youth N Asia

    The Kickoff OB, Ball to the 40 penalty in the NFL

    There has to be insentive for the kicker to do his job right, so I don't mind them getting good field position for a botched kick.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    I actually like the idea of HHH vs Michaels vs Benoit, by itself it's a good match...but they completly shit on the Rumble by having the 3 way match. Plus with this being Benoit's shot I'm not at all suprised by them pulling this crap. Just give Shawn his rematch at No Way Out and do a one on one match at Mania...I just hope they don't overbook it like they did Wrestlemania 2000.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Some Notes n tidbits

    YAY!!!!! BOO!!!!! That was word for word going to be my reply
  22. Youth N Asia

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    I was all for the ECW type idea when a lot of their roster could of been defined by ECW...but ECW's just been gone too long and most of the guys have settled into their WWE groove. In 2001 you still looked at guys like Tajiri and RVD as ECW guys, it's not the same anymore Won't happen.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Mystery act for Halftime Show

    The Superbowl Shuffle would have saved the whole thing
  24. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    "So I had N'Sync, Britney Spears, and Aerosmith. I had a Trifecta from Hell! Luckily, I had a spoon in my hand...so I shoved it up my ass." Lewis Black on the 2001 Superbowl halftime show saying that if he was going to be in that much pain...he was inflicting it on himself.
  25. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    very unentertaining