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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Puff Daddy sucks a monkey's left nut
  2. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    They need to bring back Halftime Heat
  3. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Yeah...or I could save my money and masturbate to my own thoughts...I knew that was on, but it's ppv
  4. Youth N Asia

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    I'd say golf...but it's not really a sport.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Are any other stations doing anything for halftime?
  6. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    I hate people who watch it just for the commercials, but they suck this year.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Mystery act for Halftime Show

    *crosses fingers* Come on! Come on!
  8. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

  9. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    uh oh
  10. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Chew it, Panther fans!
  11. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Good...I didn't want a 7-7 score going into half
  12. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Great pass by TB
  13. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Hey, this is almost getting to be a football game now
  14. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

  15. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    These AOL commercials suck
  16. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    I don't think you can create a dynasty on a 16 game season...not enough games to weed out so-so teams that get in
  17. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Old people fighting=always funny
  18. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    OUch...1-9 passing. I'd day send in the backup...but it's Rodney Peete
  19. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Damn...that was a close INT
  20. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Quick! Correct your spelling before Smues sees you
  21. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    KickeR. KickeR. Yeah, really worth taking the time to correct
  22. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

  23. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Man...I don't know if I'd let that kicked back on for anything right now...let him settle down a while.
  24. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

  25. Youth N Asia

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    BAH! Too bad for this kicked that the XFL's gone...he might need a new job next season