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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Bashams

    Jack Tunney would have put a stop to this switch business by now...RIP mr president
  2. Youth N Asia

    The Bashams

    And what's with the "Basham switch"...one's got a fat face and isn't in near the shape as the other. It would be more convincing if they looked more alike then just shared the same costume and hair. I think the belts are still on them cause if they put them on someone else they'd need to think up something to do with the belts then. I really don't think they're still on The Bashams to "establish" them. They're not on tv that much and they get zero heat from the crowd.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Favorite ECW show

    Cactus Jack's last show was Big Ass Extreme Bash in 96...in a very good match against Mikey Whipwreck (my all time favorite)
  4. Youth N Asia

    Eddie Guerrero's Popularity

    With the ratings not where they use to be the casual fan is pretty much gone, and I think the ones left are starting to give more credit to wrestling over characters...I just think he's finally getting to where he needs to be because the fans are finally starting to notice how great he is
  5. Youth N Asia

    New Jack was offered a spot on the roster?

    I like New Jack...but I don't buy this at all.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Something that just hit me

    Nope...they came close as heels against the Outlaws I think. I don't think they could get him to quit...he's making too much money.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Dudleys Vs Eliminators

    The Dudleys from Barely Legal weren't the same Dudleys from 98-99...they were over, but not as over as they got to be. Which is a shame cause that could have been a hell of a better feud when the Dudleys got way over as heels.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Nova touring w/ WWE

    Is he's not Nova then why bother? It's a good name for a character driven company. I like Nova, watchable matches, and a hell of a nice guy at ECW and indy shows.
  9. Youth N Asia

    The Rock on Jim Rome

    Yeah, and when he comes back for his one night he'll go on about how "he's WWE first and foremost." I can't make myself care for the guy anymore, he's no good for anymore then a ramdon night now.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Something that just hit me

    Gee, maybe signing an unproven wrestler to a long term multi-million dollar contract isn't the best idea...and D-Lo Brown got released, no justice. The guy is such a useless sack and will never be any good...I understand they're paying him a boatload and feel they have to use him. But they'd just be better off sending him home and using someone who the fans could give a damn about one way or the other. Sure, he's got a big contract...but unless he's romancing old chicks he's no good to anyone and hurts the product more when he's on it.
  11. Youth N Asia

    I miss WCW

    I miss ECW 100 times more then WCW. ECW held the best live shows ever.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Dave Scherer Leaves 1wrestling.com

    I guess 5% is most? First 2 things I clicked on I couldn't read.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Favorite ECW show

    Wrestlepalooza 97...while it may not have the best matches, the drama with Raven/Dreamer is just great and I like the deal with Kronus vs The Dudleys at the end. Plus Taz vs Shane, 3 minute challenge. And for Van Dam/Sabu I like Hostile City 96 better.
  14. Youth N Asia

    WBC to Lennox Lewis:

    Lewis would humiliate Tyson if they fought.
  15. Youth N Asia

    I miss WCW

    Yeah, even though they WCW was crap at the end it was nice to go "ah this sucks," and change it to WCW...and then go "ah this sucks more," and change it back.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Dave Scherer Leaves 1wrestling.com

    Bah! They still want $40 a year to read most of their stuff
  17. Youth N Asia

    Jim Neidhart in.......

    I checked his name though...and I'm pretty sure they'll list him as a small role on his page, but maybe not on the movie's
  18. Youth N Asia

    Jim Neidhart in.......

    IMDB doesn't have him listed in the movie...but they do have his birthday listed as 11 days from now...he'll be 48
  19. Youth N Asia

    Midget Reality Bachelor show...

    The only thing better then a midget...is a bunch of em.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Pranks you pulled

    I'd randomly have pizzas delivered to my next door neighbors house. But my best was calling a towing company and having them come out to tow his truck out of his driveway to an autoshop...he ran out of his house screaming in his robe for them to stop...they were just a minute or so from taking off. Guy was a dick...he deserved it.
  21. Youth N Asia

    The Miz...

    Well...he can't cut a promo to save his life...but I haven't seen him work
  22. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown non-spoiler match listing.

    Paul London...on Smackdown? *Gasp* Thanks WWE, it's about damn time.
  23. Youth N Asia

    The Razzies...

    TCM wasn't great or anything, but it wasn't that awful
  24. Youth N Asia

    Jeff Hardy to return?

    Ehh...maybe the initial pop back might be nice...but once he gets back to blowing spots I'll regret him taking up tv time again.
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Smark Double Standard

    Orton is in a main event spot for having the right look at the right time I guess...Eddie is ALMOST there for years of hard work and great matches, so I'm a little more likely to let and Eddie mess up slip rather then another blown spot by Orton.