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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Matt Morgan injured at Smackdown house show...

    He did sell shitty for Brock in that match...I wasn't online that week so I couldn't read what was going on, but I could tell Brock put him on his head for a reason. Which I support...you can't no sell the champ at a critical stage for him getting over.
  2. Youth N Asia

    WBC to Lennox Lewis:

    *Kick to the nuts* Sorry, but even as a joke I don't want to hear that. I wish he would fight Byrd, I know the guy's not that exciting to watch, but Lewis says he's beaten everyone when he hasn't...plus Byrd's hometown.
  3. Youth N Asia

    New Hampshire results/Super Tuesday predictions

    Sharpton won't drop out till he's done bitching about whitey. He never stood any kind of chance to begin with, and that's all he's sticking aroud for. Dean will stick around...I can't see him going 0-7 coming up. And Kerry won't take Southern states anyway, so those are still open.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Matt Morgan injured at Smackdown house show...

    Maybe he has Sparkplug flashbacks like War vets have Nam flashbacks, maybe that's why he randomly goes apeshit.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Dave Scherer Leaves 1wrestling.com

    I doubt Joey would have bought the site if he knew this was in the works. With Jess and Moonsaults gone I don't really have a reason to go there anymore.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Scott Weiland

    Guy's a hell of a talent, but I'm tired of having to hear about all of his screw ups and second chances...I don't know why we live in a society where we have to protect our famous people and refuse to lock them up like any other citizen who repeatedly refuses to obey the law.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Malenko at WMXX?

    Drat...if this happens I can no longer claim to be in attendance for his last bout (Pillman 01)...but then again, I'd like to see him again.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Random Gig Review #1 : Good Charlotte

    Good quote. I really don't have any opinion on them. "The Click" was alright, but other then that they don't do anything for me. I think they get a lot of unwarrented hate just cause people use the word "punk" with them.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    I'd lay money on him getting into trouble again soon. He's a proven piece of shit and all around stupid person.
  10. Youth N Asia

    DVD Releases

    Some people like the fat...plus it's right there for people to read without having to go elsewhere. If you have to click another link why not just go to a site with a complete listing and cut out the middleman
  11. Youth N Asia

    DVD Releases

    bigger list January 27, 2004 Absolutely Positive Alice in Wonderland: Masterpiece Edition (1951) Bang, Bang, You're Dead Best Defense (1984) Best of Mail Call: Season 2 The Best of Times Billabong Odyssey The Black Marble Blue's Clues: Classic Clues Capturing the Friedmans Citizen Cohn Civil Brand The Clinton Years Comic Book: Movie The Critic - The Complete Series Crying Freeman: Complete Collection Dark Shadows Collection 10 Daytime's Greatest Weddings Dear God Dilbert: The Complete Series Dora the Explorer: Dora's Pirate Adventure The FBI Friends - The Complete First Six Seasons Friends: Complete Sixth Season Gang of Roses The Girl From Rio Grind (2003) Guilty As Charged House of Dead (2003) I'll Be There Labyrinth (1986) Le Divorce Mary Higgins Clark Collection Monty Python's Life of Brian MTV's Wuthering Heights Nhl: Minnesota Wild - State of Hockey Oswald: On the Go Oswald Pontiac Moon Radio Scorched (2002) Secret Lives of Dentists Simple Life (2003) Smile Like Yours Soldier's Girl (2003) Star Trek 6: Undiscovered Country Star Trek: Original Crew Movie Collection Terrahawks: Complete Series Thirteen (2003) Time Bandits (Divimax Special Edition) True History of Mafia: Godfathers Collection Truman Water's Edge (2003) Yeah Right Yeah Right! [EXPLICIT LYRICS]
  12. Youth N Asia

    WBC to Lennox Lewis:

    He'll lose if he fights again...I couldn't see him taking a rematch unless they threw a record amount of money at him.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Matt Morgan injured at Smackdown house show...

    I don't mind Morgan, I can almost see liking him one day. It's a friggin house show attended by a couple thousand people...seems like a little much Bob
  14. Youth N Asia

    Anyone hear the crowd pop

    Random NWO B-Teamer: "Hey, Norton! Cat's talking smack about you." Norton: "WHAT?!" Then he chops and pounds the holy hell out of Miller...good times
  15. Youth N Asia

    Former WWF President Jack Tunney passes away

    Sorry to hear that...I liked Jack and liked that they use to have a non heel/face guy in charged...made the shows more watchable.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Anyone hear the crowd pop

    I wouldn't blame Philly for the show...they had 3 title bouts go a combined 13 minutes...I'd sit on my hands too if I got that show.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Recent Purchases

    Yeah, or you could listen to it and form your own opinion.
  18. Youth N Asia

    my upcoming concerts...

    Early Aerosmith is good...middle Aerosmith sucks...Pump was good...and everything after sucks.
  19. Youth N Asia

    ROH owner Rob Feinstein comments on Linkin Park

    Yeah, I can support that statement.
  20. Youth N Asia

    MTV's Most Anticipated Albums of 2004

    I'll definatly pick up the new CKY when it comes out...I was suprisingly impressed by their last one.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Blockbuster Sued for Porn on PG Tape

    Like they're going to sit down and watch everything that gets rented from front to back before it goes out every time. Dumbasses. Probably some jerkoff put a piece of tape over the recording strip and tagged that onto the end of the tape before returning it.
  22. Youth N Asia

    MTV's Most Anticipated Albums of 2004

    Come on...this stopped being funny a couple of years ago. And since when does MTV pretened to care about The Cure again.
  23. Youth N Asia

    "Dead Like Me" DVD news

    I think it got better after the first few episodes. Child Killer Rebecca Gayheart left the cast. While it's an entertaining enough show I just don't see how much room they have to grow on the show...they're dead, you really can't do much worse to the main characters. And they spent way too much time with George's family.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Mega XPW Merchandise Blowout Sale

    I haven't seen any recient stuff, so I can't "fairly" comment on those. But I would definatly pass on the first 6 tapes, awful stuff.
  25. Youth N Asia

    "Dead Like Me" DVD news

    Ehh...I'm still iffy on the show. I wouldn't pay retail, but if I could get it 2nd hand I would probably pick it up