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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    MTV's Most Anticipated Albums of 2004

    Since when has MTV been involved in music? I'm looking forward to Jimmy Eat World's new album, due out early/mid 04
  2. I thought EZ Money, Julio Deniro, and Chris Hamrick using "Down On Me" in ECW was a perfect fit for the attitude of the group.
  3. Youth N Asia

    The one and only RR webcast thread

    I'm breaking my 6 year Rumble streak and passing this year.
  4. Youth N Asia

    100 Women

    100 Girls is one of the few "teen" movies that's fair to the male's perspective. Checked out of curiousity. 100 Women stars the albino kid from Disturbing Behavior...I'll take a pass.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    We had that at Target for $6.99 a couple of weeks ago. I almost got it just to see if it was that bad. But I thought better and passed on it.
  6. Youth N Asia

    And the Oscar goes to...

    "I've gained 15 pounds just following you around." I liked that. I don't mind Show backstage...but I don't care for him in the ring.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Time to confront the bullshit

    *files under "who cares"* Damn...file's getting full
  8. Youth N Asia

    How is Guerrero / Guerrero different from itself

    I was switching back to the WWF in 98, so I didn't see much WCW. So it's almost new to me.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    He was a dick on the show...I thought it was great that he just needed one vote at the end and couldn't get it. Suprisingly watchable show.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Chappelle's Show thread

    Like all of his other stuff, it was hit and miss...the slow mo stuff went on too long.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Ever see someone you know on TV?

    As far as wrestling I am visable a few times on an ECW on TNN from Toledo.
  12. Youth N Asia

    UPN, WWE Agree On Two Year Deal For SD!

    I don't know how night #2 went. But the first episode was watched by 21 million.
  13. Youth N Asia

    UPN, WWE Agree On Two Year Deal For SD!

    Well...I doubt they would get good enough ratings on Fox to justify pulling anything in place for it.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Backlash in Edmonton...

    Well, no matter what, if Benoit somehow wins the title it'll be one month and out with a job back to SHHHits
  15. Youth N Asia

    It's Over...

    Don't care really. People didn't care near as much as the media wanted us to.
  16. Youth N Asia

    I'd like to thank everybody for their support

    Congrats. Best wishes to a healthy future.
  17. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    Damn...Houston was poor
  18. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    Sing, Roman! SIIIIIIIING!
  19. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    I like it when Simon gets pissy when another judge doesn't agree with him.
  20. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    She just woke a friggin guy up to sing to him, classic. Least she was kinda dorky cute
  21. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    Uh oh...another bet
  22. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    This is a bad singing town
  23. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    "I'm just nervous." No...you're just a bad singer
  24. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    I love how all of these shitty singers pull "just give me another chance"