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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Chappelle's Show thread

    I hope not...that's just 5 minutes of the show I never watch
  2. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    This show's brilliant before they get onto the actual contest
  3. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

  4. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    No...and I like Asian girls.
  5. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    That guy was great! Guy got eliminated before he even sang a note
  6. Youth N Asia

    Someone's hacked into my AIM name

    Have someone you know IM the name and see what kind of replies they get
  7. Youth N Asia

    CM Punk story

    I doubt that's a 100% true story, but a fun read.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Saw the trailer a couple of times now. And I really REALLY don't know what to think of it.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Chappelle's Show thread

    Reno 911 was so close to being funny...but just wasn't. I might get season 1...but with the exception of the pants pissing funny Clayton Bigsby skit I don't know how often I would watch any of it. Taping the episode tonight so I can watch it when I get off work.
  10. Youth N Asia

    No New Registrations?

    One of those is my fault. I tried to register Youth N Asia, but it gave me shit, so I did Youthnasia...then I was able to register Youth N Asia...so the other Youth is my bad
  11. Youth N Asia

    Advice Needed

    I'd have cracked him one good in the head and told your parents. Don't want to get him in trouble? Dude, I don't think being hush hush about it isn't helping anyone.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    I keep debating on getting CYE. It's a good show, but it's only 10 half hour episodes. It's $27 bucks at Sams Club...maybe I'll get it cheaper 2nd hand down the road.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Goldberg told to not use jackhammer

    It's dumb from both sides. The move hasn't seriously hurt anyone that I know of...so what's the big deal with keeping it. Rhyno is using the gore, we don't need 2 spear finishers. Although the move would be better if he didn't ALWAYS follow it after the spear...there's no suprise that it'll pop up out of nowhere. And Goldberg should just be thankful that he's still getting his God push even though he's leaving.
  14. Youth N Asia

    So, I take it we just got upgraded?

    Yeah. IE's the only browser I can use the board on. When I try on AOL I keep getting the sign in screen...and it won't let me sign in
  15. Youth N Asia

    Dustin Hoffman Is A Fockerâ„¢

    I didn't care for the first one...so I doubt I'll pay any attention to this one.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Backlash in Edmonton...

    Well, I doubt Vince will do the right thing. Lord forbid Benoit win the title at Mania, and have a succeesful defense a month later against HHH. I'd like to see him win the belt and move onto someone else. But all they do now is have Hunter lose the belt (after a long reign) and then get it right back. No chance for anyone else to even get a shot. If it weren't for Jericho I honestly don't think I'd watch Raw anymore.
  17. Youth N Asia

    So, I take it we just got upgraded?

    ehhh...I could live with or without the new look. It's alright I guess
  18. Youth N Asia

    Recent Purchases

    I think Josh Fresse drums for APC, also for the Vandals and a million other bands.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Non Spoilers

    Doesn't sound like a very good show
  20. Youth N Asia

    Oasis Cans Drummer

    They haven't had a serious hit in years. While I love the first 3 albums, they're not as legendary as they pass themselves off as.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Excelent pickup
  22. Youth N Asia

    Man v. Beast II

    This falls under "so bad it's good." Like the animals gave a shit they were in a contest, cause to them they weren't. Although the sumo guy oversold losing the tug of war.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Who the hell is John Henson and...

    While I think he can almost be funny at times...the new Man Show is so unwatchable
  24. Youth N Asia

    Spike going to Smackdown

    Spike and Van Dam had some hellacious house show matches in ECW in early 99. Van Dam won every time, Spike was over, and RVD didn't lose any heat for having a close match with the guy...although that wouldn't work with the "WWE Style"
  25. Youth N Asia

    CM Punk story

    get the fuck away from my car, or i'll eat your dog. Classic.