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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Who the hell is John Henson and...

    Skunkboy was great on Talk Soup...I'm not digging the new show though
  2. Youth N Asia

    Are we going to grow with this board?

    Unless a rash of people I like leave at once and really bad newbies take thier place then I think I'll be here. I think this is the 3rd version of the board I've been on...so I ain't going nowhere.
  3. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    I liked the Army chick, she was an alright singer, and cute. I went to bed after the first hour (work at 2am). I didn't see the Klingon or Scooter girl. The Dean Martin guy almost blew it by starting out as a gimmick. I didn't think much of the singing brothers (Jesus and Noel), but they seemed to like them. Scatgirl was the shit...I wonder if these people stop and think "would someone actually pay to hear this?"
  4. Youth N Asia

    Why is it they never made a sequel to

    Every friggin teen slasher and horror film now do dumbass endings that leave things open for another movie.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Ryder sells...

    I was going to say "Oh My God!" screams out through your speakers when a popup pops up.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    The Shield: season 2
  7. Youth N Asia

    Recent Purchases

    Picked up the new Offspring...good album, but short
  8. I don't have too big of a problem with the ones now...except for Tazz. I just want to sucker punch him every time I hear. "Well, here comes the pain!" and "Wolverine's got wings!" It's so routine and sounds like ass.
  9. Youth N Asia

    American Idol 3

    I just watch the elimination episodes...fun to see bad singers just get ripped by Simon. After that I lose all interest.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Spike going to Smackdown

    All he does is bump hard for big guys...so I really don't see why he's leaving RAW.
  11. Youth N Asia

    WWE winners and losers in Observer's end-of-year

    Bah...no one knows the meaning of rookie anymore.
  12. Youth N Asia

    WWE catchphrases and sayings that need to die

    I could also do without "I guaran-damn-tee."
  13. Youth N Asia

    Suikoden series

    I beat the first one in 17 hours and was pissed...I bought it when it came out. But it's still a fun game.
  14. Youth N Asia

    IWA-MS results

    While I like some of the IWA MS roster I just can't take the promotion serious. Too many shows drawing 20-30 people and whatnot.
  15. Youth N Asia

    What are you watching right now...

    Just watched Matrix Reloaded...not as crappy as everyone says, but not as fun as the first one.
  16. Happy birthday CC, best wishes.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    Yeah, while I'm all for her in a bra...they've pretty much done the same Freddy ending with every movie. The alt ending sucked.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    Yeah, Roy and Ozzy went at it in that game. Chris was quoted as saying "Patrick doesn't hit as hard as Mike (Vernon) said."
  19. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    I don't think it would have changed. But Jason would have looked a little more threatening.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Suikoden series

    I love 1 and 2...I have both (mint) and wouldn't part with them unless I got some serious dough. 2 goes for $70+ used on Ebay
  21. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    Actually it was wingers Lemieux and McCarty. It was round 2 for them and their next game against each other. Pretty good fight.
  22. I understand why the "over the top rope" rule is in the rumble. But it shouldn't give the workers a free trip to slid under the rope, do God knows what outside, and then get back in when they feel like it. In the 99 Rumble I could take the fact that Austin or Vince was for sure going to win the rumble, you can always narrow the rumble down to 1-4 guys who will for sure win. But the match was completly ruined and had all the drama taken out by Austin and Vince leaving the ring, doing commentary, and running through the arena. I can take someone getting knocked through the ropes and coming back in. But they have to stop this outside the ring shit they've been overdoing the last few years.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    American Wedding Bubble Boy Day of the Dead Freddy vs Jason Matrix Reloaded
  24. Youth N Asia

    Selma Blair To Play Lois Lane In Superman?

    I like Smallville as it is...but Tom Welling isn't a great actor by any means. He's great for the Smallville role, but for a big budge deal like this I'd pass. And I like Selma Blair.
  25. Youth N Asia


    Spoiler tags, my man. Spoiler tags!