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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. These commercials have always bothered me. Why are these kids such little bastards that they won't share with the rabbit? They're prejudice little turds...
  2. Youth N Asia

    Friday The 13th series...

    I use to watch the same lineup...but don't remember Freddy's Nightmares following it. I'd like to see Monsters now, was wasy cheesy
  3. Youth N Asia


    Yeah, I make my one joke and leave...it's a little weird when some guys stick around drooling. But she's a nice girl, most girl's who've been on the board are annoying.
  4. Youth N Asia

    New DVD version of Beyond the Mat

    The Funk commentary was boring, so I hope there's a Foley one. I sold my copy along with other stuff when I needed money, so I've been wanting to replace it. I'll pick the new one up.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Anyone have Netzero Highspeed?

    Hate AOL, no money for Cable...so I'm thinking of NZ Highspeed. Anyone have it? And if so how is it?
  6. Youth N Asia

    Anyone have Netzero Highspeed?

    I know it doesn't download faster, it's in the fine print on their commercials...but it's $15 a month.
  7. Youth N Asia

    They gotta change something in the rumble

    Lawler hiding under the ring gave me a flashback. I think it was the 2000 Rumble. Road Dogg just seemed to disapear for a while, and when the camera came back to him he was in one of the corners just clutching onto the bottom rope, no one else was even around him...it was so damn funny cause he'd do it a couple of times.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    I doubt Drapes said "Darren, go beat that fella up for me." I think Darren just got it in his mind he was going to fight Lemieux and everyone already knew it. It's kinda sad that the fighting's left hockey. You're lucky to get one good every other night now, and that's with all of the games combined.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    Kane Hodder should have played Jason...watching a little Jason fight Freddy wasn't near as cool.
  10. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    Never seen Grinder. I want to though.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    McCarty's role is team enforcer. If someone goes after Stevie Y, Darren steps in. Someone cheap shots a Wing, Darren steps in...it's just the role he plays and why he makes more money then his stats show.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Friday The 13th series...

    Best in the Series: I like II and VI. Worst of the Bunch: VIII or IX...hated 8 cause it took them forever to get to NY, and the ending was bad. And 9 just licked balls. You can say Jason killed all of those people...but unless he's in the mask (or sheet like II) it isn't Jason. Favorite Kill: I love the dude walking on his hands, he looks up, and Jason just reigns the machette down on him. Favorite Weapon: Machette. Gotta stick with what works Dumbest Finish: The damn one where the girl's dead daddy pops out of the water and takes Jason under.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Best Fights of all time

    I loved the Wings/Aves brawl the game after Claude Lemieux made a bastard play and ran Draper's face into the boards. It was great watching McCarty pound Lemieux and Shannahan throwing a flying lariot at Roy. Needless to say I'm a Wing's fan.
  14. Youth N Asia

    They gotta change something in the rumble

    The word is 'slide'. Really, is it that difficult? Wow...was that really worth the minute it took you to type that up? Very insightful and that really added to the thread...about as much as this post did.
  15. Youth N Asia

    WWE Not High On Remaining OVW Crop

    Welcome to the indies! Heavyweights haven't been near the top of the indies for a while
  16. Youth N Asia

    Favorite Rumble?

    I don't like 99 or 03 99 was ruined by Austin and Vince leaving the ring every minute and running around the arena. I didn't like 03 cause Brock was going to win for sure. Which would have been ok, but he didn't come in till #29, and by then the match is just about over. He should have showed up midway and dominated.
  17. Youth N Asia

    They gotta change something in the rumble

    I'm saying the workers shouldn't slid out under the rope every few minutes and slid back in later.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown matches

    I'm all for Cena/Rhyno and Jamie/Yoshi...but as usual the rest of the card looks like ass and Big Show's in another very pointless match.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    Agreed. I don't want to sound racist by hating her the most (because she's black), but she got on my fucking nerves so much. I was begging for her to die. Yeah, I saw it with a mostly black audiance, and they went nuts when she died. I think we all pretty much agreed how awful she was. And even though the kid had one good line I still don't like the idea of Jay (as in Jay and Silent Bob) getting completly ripped off in the movie.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    When I saw it in the theatre I was suprised at the babyface pop Jason got compaired to Freddy
  21. Youth N Asia

    Curb Your Enthusiasm

    It's $29.99 at my Target. And while I like the show I don't know if I'll pay that much for 10 half hour episodes.
  22. Youth N Asia

    New Jack vs. The Dudley Boyz

    Who knows...maybe it's just been too long since anyone payed New Jack any attention.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Funny Smackdown story...

    Maybe he just wanted a drunk smark to stop bothering him and walk away
  24. Youth N Asia

    Spanky quits WWE

    I can't get into Japan wrestling...so I guess the only time I'll see him on is on ROH tapes or other random indies.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    That was only in his dream though...so in his subconcious mind that would make sense...but he showed no fear towards it otherwise.