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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    NBC Retiring "Frasier"

    Yeah, it's not that overrated
  2. Youth N Asia

    Steve Buscemi joins the cast of The Sopranos

    Indeed he did and it is a classic episode, probably one of the best in the whole series. My only problem with that episode is that what happened to the Russian was never resolved but in the end it didn't hurt the episode or the series so whatever. "I'll leave you here, you one-shoe'd cocksucker!" I love that episode.
  3. Youth N Asia

    NBC Retiring "Frasier"

    I liked the show better then I thought I would...but I didn't like it enough to make it a habbit to watch it regularly.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Freddy VS Jason

    Bah...no money till Friday. Gotta wait. And it sucked cause I had to be the one to stock them at Target this morning...so they were there mocking me.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Silverdome and Caesar's Palace

    Hogan vs Andre is the only match that could of sold out the Silverdome...ever. While I'd love them to hold another Mania in Pointiac (use to live there) I don't see it happening. They couldn't sell enough tickets and it would look ugly on tv
  6. Youth N Asia

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Damn...the wrestler also dilike unlistenable commentary like the rest of us. Who'd of thunk it.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Steve Buscemi joins the cast of The Sopranos

    Furio Giunta (Federico Castelluccio), Tony's henchman and Carmela's crush -- who returned to Italy last season just as it seemed he might be coming to terms with his feelings for his boss' wife -- will not return this season. BOOOOO!!! While I didn't care much for the story with Tony's wife. Furio was great. Looking forward to this season.
  8. Youth N Asia

    No New Registrations?

    Lock Down...what is this, Oz? Are the Smark Latinos going to try and muscle the drug trade away from the Italians now? -Any man posting +1 spends a night in the box -Any man posting the benifits of HHH as champ spends a night in the box -Any man complaining about a post count spends a night in the box A cookie to whoever gets the any man...night in the box refrence.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Christy Carlson Romano to Try Broadway

    IMDB has her b-day as "20 March 1984." Which would make her pretty legal.
  10. Youth N Asia

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Anyone know how to get the staff's morale up? Teney is at a 70...I give him a bigger contract and it won't budge. It's easy for workers, but I don't know about staff. I'm doing NWA TNA on medium...doing pretty well, CM Punk is my champ with 95 over as a face. I'm going to turn him heel and feud him against Cabana soon.
  11. The cop shooting was dumb. I'm sure they were going for something artistic and all, but after it happened I'm sure most people thought "finally!" One of the main problems (and there are so many) is that the annoying kids have no chance. They don't even give them a chance of hope, and in horror you have to come down after a huge scare before you mess with them again...but they didn't even have the huge scare to begin with. The opening was entertaining...but went to shit right after.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Christy Carlson Romano to Try Broadway

    typed in the name it google...this came up.
  13. Youth N Asia


    I really liked The Saint of Killer's mimi series also. Enis is an amazing writer.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Mandy Moore Won't Pose for Racy Magazines

    She can keep her clothes on for all I care...I passed by the Cosmo she was on at work a couple of week ago...DAMN, she looked good.
  15. Youth N Asia

    MICHIGAN's Best

    "The Cruiserweight Legend" Steve Nixon Actually it's a nickname me and another guy gave him. Great comedy bad guy. Same with Loverboy Steve A lot of IWA MS regualrs work in Michigan, so while they're not from here they do wreste here. NIXON FOR CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMP!
  16. Youth N Asia

    MICHIGAN's Best

    Gavin Star Truth Martini Gutter Jamie Coxxx Jimmy Jacobs Chris Sabin The Cold Brothers...think APA with more agility And before he died Yukon Braxton was awesome.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Yinka Dare Dead At 32...

    I remember him when he played for GW. They made a big deal about him one year in the tourney...I think Michigan ended up eliminating them. I don't really have anything else to say...
  18. 11 and 12 11 Peter Pan $4,076,000/$39,904,000 12 Calendar Girls $3,600,000/$12,300,000 NOTE: Peter Pan cost $100+ million to make, so you can call this a huge bomb. Big Fish was on only 2406 screens. ROTK was on 3532. My Baby's Daddy wasn't on very many (1447), which was 1000 less then Cold Moutain, which only beat it by $80,000.
  19. My Baby's Daddy looked like ass...I hope it's completly out of the top 10 next week. And Torque looks awful. They already bombed Biker Boyz, and this looks even worse. And I've always thought Ice Cube was so-so in acting...but him trying to sound so hard in the previews just sounds funny.
  20. Youth N Asia

    The 50 Greatest WM Moments

    WrestleMania® VIII- Hoosier Dome 19. Ultimate Warrior returns to save Hulk Hogan Right...cause Piper vs Hart wasn't near as entertaining on VIII as that.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    I also liked the Pulp Fiction music going while they were doing their 5 promos at once deal...can't explain it...but you know what I'm talking about.
  22. And I loved the TOTALLY UNPREDICTABLE thing with the guy poping up in the backseat...never saw that one coming.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    I loved ECW music. They found good fits to the workers. And I marked for Candido strutting to "Back in Black." Although I could never understand Sandman's 10 minute entrence. He's taking forever to get to the ring while Dreamer is getting his ass kicked in a 3 on 1 mugging.
  24. That movie was balls. Just blood for the sake of shock, but no serious gore. They tried to scare you so bad and too many times you just become amune to it. Anyone could make a movie where you throw sick shit up every few minutes...but not every can make a scary movie