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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Games You Gave Up On

    Relax. That's just what happens in threads like these. We don't stick to "topics" here.
  2. Youth N Asia

    ROOMIES~! Episode One

    It was a fun read. The students need to start breaking the rules soon...if the kids are sturring up trouble then Dean Yasia gots ta step in. But like I said, it's an enjoyable read and good to visualize. I'm 50/50 on the animated series idea. And Abobo is great if only used once or twice an episodes.
  3. Youth N Asia


    *picks through a fainted Rando's wallet* *looks at pic...faints*
  4. Youth N Asia

    MTV's "True Life"

    Seemed liek everytime I wanted to feel bad for Tommy and try and understand him...he went into asshole mode and showed what kind of person he really was.
  5. Youth N Asia

    Two Women Make Claim on $162M Jackpot

    I wonder if they thought she was just going to get the money uncontested. Like they weren't even going to check into it. That the woman who bought the ticket, and knew she bought it was going to hand it over. Dumb bitch. You knew right away she was a lair, and when she did her tv interview you could tell she was a lair. She was just so cocky about getting "her" money back and everything. I hope they jail her.
  6. Who knows if he'd still be around. He'd have probably retired durring that time.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    How many times have I read about some huge push for Benoit that leads nowhere...more than I care to remember. If Benoit somehow wins some world title this year it'll be a month and out.
  8. Youth N Asia

    New Dawn of the Dead trailer...

    Dawn of the Dead is my favorite horror film. I'm not saying the remake is going to be balls, but I know I'm going to be disapointed.
  9. Youth N Asia

    New Dawn of the Dead trailer...

    I'm not big on fast moving zombies. I guess all zombie movies have to do this now.
  10. Youth N Asia

    WWe to add 2 more PPV's in 2005

    PPVs are too damn expensive for 12 year, let alone 14. I ordered a lot of ppvs in 1999 and 2000...I pretty much just get the Rumble and Mania now.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Who will be the Mystery Guest Entrant(s)

    If that were WCW he would have tossed Kane out and had a good showing. I'm glad he was just comedy and didn't affect anything. Wasn't Jeff Hardy one a few years ago? He was on the shelf for a while and came out right after Matt did.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Who will be the Mystery Guest Entrant(s)

    If you count Taker for 03 you have to count: Gunn, Perfect, GOldust, and Godfather for 02. Taker was annouced as returning that night...but I think they hurt it by making him #30, it wasn't as good knowing when he was going to pop up. And I think Haku was 2001 also
  13. Youth N Asia

    Who will be the Mystery Guest Entrant(s)

    They have so many guys on the roster I don't know if there's room for one. Taker was annouced last year as returning, so there was no real suprise last year. I'm all for another Honky Tonk Man spot.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Who's greater

    There is no denying Davis' greatness, but I prefer Cash.
  15. Youth N Asia

    Torrie & Sable to pose for Playboy.....

    I've already seen the naked, they are completly useless to me now.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Young Guns SE...$9.44 at Target (plus 10% employee discount) 28 Days Later
  17. Youth N Asia

    I might have cancer

    I wish you the very best. I sincerly hope that everything turns out alright.
  18. Youth N Asia

    The ANTI-Establishment~!

    Sorry Kotz, did I interupt one of your attempts to cyber with a 15 year old.......boy? With groundbreaking sass talk such as this, who wouldn't want in this group... *crickets chirping* Oh yeah...just about everyone.
  19. Youth N Asia


    Now I don't know... Dean Youth Dean Asia Dean N Asia hmmmm
  20. Youth N Asia

    Do you think Teddy Long would make a good GM?

    And if you took out the heel GM you would (hopefully) lose all the goddamn handicap matches.
  21. I don't think you could even call that a feud. I was disapointed they never finished Corino/Taz. That was at least amusing.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Greatest ECW Angles

    The best part about Foley's restholds match was the crowd starting The Wave and Styles going on about it. Joey: "Here it comes again!...WHOOOOAAA!"
  23. Youth N Asia

    King of the Hill

    Although I did like when Hank snatched the gameboy out of Bobby's hand. Bobby: "Dad, you killed me!" Hank: "Sorry Bobby, but you needed to be killed."
  24. Youth N Asia


    How the hell am I not Dean Asia?
  25. Youth N Asia

    King of the Hill

    The wife is just way too much in that show. Not funny and takes up too much time...plus Hank is very whipped.