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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Do you think Teddy Long would make a good GM?

    Just like Tunny...maybe someone a little more active. But someone who has no reason to take sides and ruin a good match (Shawn/Hunter)
  2. Youth N Asia

    Games You Gave Up On

    You missed out with Suikoden 1 and 2...both are great games.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    X2 Smallville season 1 BUffy season 5
  4. Youth N Asia

    Games You Gave Up On

    Contra Shattered Sodier...I wanted to like the game, but it relied too heavy on being able to memorize stuff that just pops out of nowhere and kills you. It's just not very fun. I just got burned out on FF7 and quit near the end of the game. I couldn't even get a good start on Silent Hill 2...too much wandering around looking for crap, and annoying controls.
  5. Youth N Asia


    How about YNA as the dean who's plans are always ruined by the duo. I can even steal my catchphrase from The Jetsons Trrrreeeeeblllllllle!
  6. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Line-Up

    -Hardcore Holly vs. Big Show: Street Fight...sounds like ass -Bashams vs. Guerreros...Bashams suck, Guerrero's break up angle has been stretched out too long -Rey Mysterio vs. Akio...should be good -John Cena vs. A-Train...ehh, don't care
  7. Youth N Asia

    Do you think Teddy Long would make a good GM?

    The days of the heel GM need to end. It's just bad tv to screw the good guy every single week. Why can't they just have a GM who's partial to both sides...I think it would work better. It's not like Bischoff puts asses in the seats anyway.
  8. My God...is anyone else sick of these damn things? 101 Hollywood Hookups 101 Hollywood OOPS 101 SNL Moments...coming soon Plus there's a few more. And I wouldn't mind the shows too much...but they copied the deal I love The 80s had and have "comedians" comment about everything. Although it seems like they only got people rejected from I love the 80s...none of them are funny.
  9. Ah fuck it...the fans still pop for Flair more then most of the others on the roster. It looks like his wrestling days are coming to an end, so I don't mind one last run with a title.
  10. Youth N Asia

    The ANTI-Establishment~!

    Biff, haven't you already proven that you couldn't lead a group? I don't remember your merry bunch of Canadians doing so well.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The New Establishment

    Why bother? Seriously.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Question of identity

    Damn...how soon we forget
  13. Youth N Asia

    #'s Given away

    While I like the Rumble, it continues to disapoint me. Before the match you can always cut out 25-28 of the guys right off the bat. It's always down to just a couple people anyway. They never give #2 the same credit they do #1...even though they're in the ring at the same time really. They make too big a deal out of #30...it never pans out. Last year bugged me cause everyone knew Brock was going to win...but they saved him for #29. It would have done better for him to show up early and dominate.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Thoughts on M-Dogg 20 and J-Pro's...

    M-Dogg can be entertaining...I don't even mind watching him. But like the SAT he takes all the believability out of any of his matches. He's a hell of an athlete, but not much of a wrestler.
  15. Jerry had already turned heel before the promotion folded. They played with it too much though, I lost interest in it by the time it happened.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Greatest ECW Angles

    ANd what made it better is that the fans completly bought it
  17. Youth N Asia


    I could never get into Sandman. I've been told it's a great story, but I can't get past the artwork.
  18. I tried to stay active on DVD talk...but I'd post one day and by the next my topic was so buried it wasn't worth looking for. Good site...but just too much going on.
  19. I don't think Stevie would have won the title. I think it was going right back on Douglas. Funny how Sabu beat Funk for the belt in the barbwire match simply because he couldn't get off him cause they were tangled up...so they had to count 3. I was hella geeked for Corino/Credible...too bad it didn't happen
  20. Youth N Asia

    Thoughts on M-Dogg 20 and J-Pro's...

    Spotdog 20 is ass...I hate his matches. No wrestling, just spots...and I don't know if he still does it, but he looked like such a goof cause he'd work a whole match with a big grin on his face...even when he's getting punched and whatnot.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Mad TV

    Skit for skit they're more annoying then SNL, but then again they're more likely to get a big laugh out of me then SNL
  22. Youth N Asia


    The guy who plays Cyclops in X-Men is slated to play Jesse in the movie...if it ever gets made.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Heatless Wonders

    I think they hate Orton a little more
  24. Youth N Asia

    Heatless Wonders

    Mark Henry based on how much tv time he gets. He's not over much but gets so much time.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Fully Loaded 2000

    Both were very good matches. I went nuts when Benoit was annouced the winner, then they fucked me and reversed it, I stopped watching the show after that cause I knew how it was going to end. Then they pulled a shit move and did just about the same thing with Benoit and Rock in the 4 way match...think I stopped watching that ppv right after that too.