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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    E Entertainment's 101 most OH CUT IT ALREADY!

    I never saw Talk Soup durring Greg's era. But when Henson took over I watched the show religiously. It was still good when Hal hosted...but I kinda stopped watching before he left...never watched with the girl.
  2. Youth N Asia

    "Croc Hunter" Steve Irwin Avoids Charges

    People in his kind of profession raise their children around elements like this anyway. If Michael was a professional baby dangler then there wouldn't have been such an uproar. Ehh, I'm sure the kid was in little danger, but it did look a little creepy.
  3. Youth N Asia

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    Funco Land is a total ripoff. On anything recient their prices are too much for used games. And they use to be good about credit, now they're just stealing. I took a MegaMan X2 in to see what I'd get on trade...$7, for a game they want $50 for. They use to give at least close to half. Ah well...going to the flea market later today. They have places there where you can get brand new games that just came out for $30. hmmm, wonder how they get them...[sarcasm]
  4. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    NOOOO!!!!! DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gomez Addams vs. The Kick Boxer!! (or was that someone else) Actually I think I'd rather watch Gomez vs Kickboxer
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Ultimate Cheezy/Bad movie Marithon

    Demolition Man was decient. Simon Phoenix was the man.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Mad TV

    Mad TV is very hit and miss...but they can have great stuff. I just saw "Being James Brown" (take on Being John Malcovich (sp))...friggin hysterical.
  7. Youth N Asia

    MTV icon

    MTV shows everything about music except show music
  8. Youth N Asia

    The classic threads folder

  9. Youth N Asia

    MTV icon

    That scares me. Starring as ..... Vince Neil, played by Nick Carter (Backstreet Boy) Nikki Sixx, played by Benji (Good Charlotte) Mick Mars, played by Lil' Jon Tommy Lee, played by Ashton Kutcher Heather Locklear, played by Hilary Duff Pamela Anderson, played by Pamela Anderson I'd hope for better casting then that
  10. Youth N Asia

    WWE weekend show previews...

    Please keep the SATs off my tv. That's all I'll say on that.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Mad TV

    Steven Seagal's Letterbox was great
  12. Youth N Asia

    The "Games You Just Bought" Thread

    Just picked up a Gamecube, memory card, and Viewtiful Joe
  13. Youth N Asia

    Mad TV

    My friend had this on his computer and I never laughed so hard in my life. Especially the part when he tries to catch the bat with his teeth, I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed my balls off at that. I'd only seen one of those before, and yesterday durring the marathon I caught that one.
  14. This thread pops up every now and then. It's been a while and so much new stuff keeps coming out. What shows do you have on DVD and which ones are you looking forward to?
  15. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    Unbreakable was much worse than the sixth sense "...Thats why they called me Mr Glass..." Such a slow movie. The only good parts were me and a buddy rambling on and on about Unbreakable teaming up with Breakable to solve crimes...which would always lead to Breakable...breaking.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Mad TV

    Nothing will ever touch "My White Momma." They only did 2 of those but they were great. Kenny Rogers Jackass is so dumb it's funny...everything seems to end with baseball bat beatings. The problem is that their recurring characters are ass and they still use them every show. I've never laughed at a Ms. Swan bit.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Get rid of the ref bump

    Well, he beat Nash with the Pedigree He beat Booker...with the Pedigree He beat Steiner with the Pedigree Kane? Pedigree. Bubba? Pedigree RVD? Pedigree. HHH cheats? Well...there's random sledgehammer attacks in most of his ppv matches.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    Probably cause you slammed your head on a cement slab TO forget Double Dragon.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    I tried to watch that a couple of years ago but gave up after about 20 minutes, and I never do that. It was a rancid little movie.
  20. Youth N Asia

    NBA All-Star picks

    He's not near as big, but Ben Wallace can keep Shaq in check, he's done it before.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Get rid of the ref bump

    And you just can't have a HHH match without one anymore
  22. Youth N Asia

    Someone has too agree with me.

    Yeah, outside of college football and time and a half at work there's nothing special about this day to me
  23. Youth N Asia

    The NCAA 2004 Dynasty Thread

    I will after I wrap up my next season...although I refuse to drop my "no punting" rule
  24. Good luck. There's a great 6 hour tape called "Best of Chirs Jericho in WCW: Tantrums, Conspiracies, and 1,004 Holds" It starts with his heel turn and ends with his "Mr Jericho Goes To Washington" skit...but I've never been able to find a decient copy...the stuff is great though.
  25. Youth N Asia

    The TSM Award SHOW: 2003

    I ended up crashing the stage long after the show ended and stole as many folding chairs as I could carry out with 2 arms. And if I'm not on the bill next year I'll get the podium too.