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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The NCAA 2004 Dynasty Thread

    Ehh...I've been playing mine too long to do this. Michigan Wolverines -won the championship 4 straight seasons. -50something and zero record. -won the heisman (sp) ever year. Plus tons of other individual awards. -set on hardest difficulty the last 2 seasons -My QB (Sebastian Moss) just set the college all time yards and TD records -Times punted: 0 -In current season have 4 of the 5 Heismen hopefuls, including the top 3 I'm bored with the game, I may start again with a wussy team on the hardest setting.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Greatest ECW Angles

    If you're talking about Wrestlepalooza 97, he had his match with Chetti and was just taking a break enjoying the show. That was the first tape I bought at an ECW show
  3. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    I rented 3 shitters in a row a few years ago. The Mummy Returns Planet of the Apes (newer one) Tomb Raider Those 3 are some of the worst recient movies out there.
  4. Youth N Asia

    Greatest ECW Angles

    The Beullah pregnancy angle...although it went nowhere. these next two are bias cause I'm a Mikey mark Catus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck's feud with the Public Enemy...hell, all of the Cactus/Mikey stuff from the tag belts till Cactus vs Mikey before Foley went to the WWF. Mikey's upset world title win over the Sandman. While I liked Taz vs Douglas, I was so burned out on Shane by then, he had the damn belt for 14 months or so by then, I just stopped caring about his matches. Although I did like the build up for Douglas and Al Snow. I also liked the Dudleys vs Eliminators in 97.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The TSM Award SHOW: 2003

    My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. I am boycotting next year's show...IN ANGER!
  6. Youth N Asia

    Hogan Vs. Warrior II

    I think the worst part of the whole thing was the commentators trying to sell that this was the rematch "we" all wanted.
  7. Youth N Asia

    MTV icon

    Her band could almost handle the music (as I remember)...but she just didn't have anything close to the voice to carry it.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Get rid of the ref bump

    This overly predictable trend is here to stay. Refs will never be able to take a lightly brushed backhand from HHH or be pressed in the corner from Booker T...this crap is hurting matches way more then run ins.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Smackdown Non-Spoiler

    Bleh 2 good matches 3 shitters and 1 that could be alright
  10. Youth N Asia

    Worst Movie of All time..

    AHHHH! IT BURNS! IT BURRRRRRNNNNS!!! THAT could very well be the worst movie ever
  11. Youth N Asia

    TV shows you like well enough to own on DVD

    Angel 1-2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-5 Clerks: Animated Family Guy vol 1: Seasons 1 & 2 Oz 1-2 The Shiled season 1 The Simpsons 1-3 Smallville season 1 The Sopranos 2-3 South Park season 1 The only ones I'm for sure going to get all of are Angel, Buffy, Oz, Smallville, and The Shield
  12. Youth N Asia

    The Kids In The Hall

    The show killed SNL for its time, I loved it. But they way overdid the gay skits. I understand that Scott's gay and they have to play to that, but it was a little much and I didn't find a lot of them too funny.
  13. Youth N Asia

    The Critic

    At times I thought the show could be pretty funny, but for the most part I didn't care for it. I'd just watch it thinking sooner or later it would have to get better. But most of the jokes just didn't work for me.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Madden, ESPN, or NCAA!!! AHHH!

    Although when the commentary is on it can get pretty bad. Ummm.. no. The commentary is some of the best in sporting games. Lee Corso: "As long as you're moving the ball forward, you're doing pretty good." Yeah, thanks for the insight coach. The commentary is good to start, but after you hear the same thing the 1,200th time it gets old.
  15. Youth N Asia

    MTV icon

    Yeah, I know MTV has to rush out their current stars, but that just didn't make any kind of sense.
  16. Youth N Asia

    What are your...

    I hope to be fast asleep...I have to be at work at 4:30am. Don't care much for New Years anyway,
  17. Youth N Asia

    Tonight is my Last Night Here

    Best of luck. Tell us what's going on when you get out, not that I'm ubernosey or anything, but the less you say the worst people expect.
  18. Youth N Asia

    MTV icon

    REM We had this thread a year or so ago. I think Run DMC was the overall pick.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Billy Kidman to be fired ???

    I really liked Kidman in WCW, I think if he had jumped sooner Vince could have really done something with him...but now he bores me a little, he's just too bland.
  20. Youth N Asia

    I think I'm going to vomit....

    I didn't care much for the original anyway
  21. Youth N Asia

    The Hulk

    Judging by the commercials I thought that's what the movie was. But they knew if they sold it as a story and said he didn't even turn till minute 40 they wouldn't have done near as much.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Tag Team wrestling...

    Tag wrestling is very bad right now. The biggest pushed teams were the French guys and the Bashams...neither could get any heat at all, save for the little "USA...BOOOO!!!" that La Greenguys got. I guess they figure on Raw leave the belt on the Dudleys forever till they run them in another angle for a drop and regain.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Dusty Rhodes wants credit for Flair DVD

    Dusty has more personality
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Hulk

    Hulk was sooooo boring. "But it's story driven!" But the story sucked, I couldn't make myself give a damn for the well being of any of the characters.
  25. Youth N Asia

    Which of these...

    That's Michelle Branch