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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    The besy thing Alex ever did was refer to Tony Shavonie as 'that fat pig of a man." I liked him when he was a new babyface, and I liked him as a heel. Didn't care for Berlyn
  2. Youth N Asia

    What do YOU think?

    I Can't Believe It's Not Butter? BULLCRAP! It tastes like ass.
  3. Youth N Asia

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    Berlyn seemed ruined after the first promo...it went on way too long and was oddly bright
  4. Youth N Asia

    What do YOU think?

    10-8 on ABC is an underappreciated show
  5. Youth N Asia

    I think I'm going to buy a Game Cube

    With my January 2nd check I'm finally going to get a little money that I don't have to put towards bills. So I think I might get a Game Cube. Sure I know X-Box is suppose to be the better system, but it's an $80 difference. Game Cube owners...what's your take on the system? Judging by what I've see and what I've heard the Mario Kart game and Viewtiful Joe look like good buys, what else are? (although looking at Metroid I don't think I want to play it) Thanks
  6. Youth N Asia

    Latest AIM beta...

    Yeah, my brother downloaded it onto my computer...I guess I like it.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    My brother tried like hell to sell me on FFT. I finally played it through and wasn't that impressed. Too much pointless battles to level up. And too many story swerves. It's ok, but I didn't think it was great.
  8. Youth N Asia

    Beating the system...

    Everything's more at Suncoast. I don't see why people buy at mall stores.
  9. Youth N Asia


    I've read the first 5 trade paperbacks, awsome story. I plan on getting all the TPBs one day and finish the story.
  10. Youth N Asia

    The WWE's 50 Greatest of All Time

    Jesse Ventura For commentating, yes. For wrestling, Lord shit no! Jesse was not what you'd call a "good worker"
  11. Youth N Asia

    Dusty Rhodes wants credit for Flair DVD

    Yeah, Dusty also puts himself on the same level as Hogan and Ali...while it's a good interview, he's very funny of himself.
  12. Youth N Asia

    I think I'm going to buy a Game Cube

    WHat's Eternal Darkness? I think I'm going to try Animal Crossing...everyone tells me that it's way addictive. For Soul Caliber I think I'd rather get it on my PS2...if I get it at all (I loved the first on my DC) Mario Kart, Zelda, and Viewtiful Joe I think are good buys. I plan on getting those for sure.
  13. Youth N Asia

    DVD commentary tracks

    I watched Clerks with commentary the other day and I was bored out of my skull. Not very good.
  14. Youth N Asia

    Madden, ESPN, or NCAA!!! AHHH!

    Although when the commentary is on it can get pretty bad. I hate it when Lee is pulling his "What is he doing? He should down the ball" bit when I'm trying to run up the score against Michigan State
  15. Youth N Asia


    Some people think farts are always funny...some think they're just gross. I'm not leaving a "sometimes" option cause that would probably get most of the votes. Yes folks, I'm out of ideas for new topics.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Madden, ESPN, or NCAA!!! AHHH!

    The current players on the game just have numbers...but you can rename them. The classes you recruit after that have generic names. My QB is Sebastian Moss
  17. Youth N Asia

    Madden, ESPN, or NCAA!!! AHHH!

    I cranked the difficulty all the way up on NCAA...still blowing teams out. If you have others to play with I'd get it...but for a one player run I dunno...
  18. Youth N Asia


    We have them in Michigan, but I spent all my money buying stuff for my sisters this year.
  19. Youth N Asia

    La Parka arrested!!!

    Let him go! I mean...It's La Parka! Lesx Lugar is walking free for Christ sake! We need a "Free La Parka" stable.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    Repo Man was great, but you could just look at it and tell that it didn't have a chance...unlike Mercy
  21. Youth N Asia

    Out of Print Fight Club for Sale?

    $22 for a used copy? I wouldn't call that a great price. Check flea markets and whatnot, what's where I got my used copy for $7
  22. Youth N Asia

    Madden, ESPN, or NCAA!!! AHHH!

    I love NCAA 2004. I'm on year 5 of my back to back to back to back title defense with Michigan. Although once you get good at it it's too easy.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Best Gimmicks That Never Got Over

    "Lives are gonna be, in Waylon Mercy's hands. You know what I mean?" That's what I had in mind when I saw the title of the thread. I loved watching him do that deal where he shakes hands with everyone, southern gentlemanly like...then just snap and kill the guy. I was also a big Too Much mark. Sure people didn't like them...but they didn't get enough hate to be on very often.
  24. Youth N Asia

    WWF 1999 VHS Question

    It was never released anywhere. Although you can buy fakes all over the world. No matter what anyone tells you, the WWE has never released OTE 99 anywhere. The Malaysia version is just one of the better known bs copies thanks to ebay.
  25. Youth N Asia

    So Who's Left To Sign?

    Who's to say Cael would even sign. I'm sure he'll do the olympics before the WWE anyway.