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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. How bout the classic "if you had a hot cousin would you nail her" thread?
  2. Youth N Asia

    How many people here

    Nice Although it seems weird the Euro belt in the "Classics" section
  3. Youth N Asia

    Jackie Gayda pulls a "Britney."

    I taped Raw before I went to work (just got home). I'll keep an eye out for that...and maybe a boner too
  4. Youth N Asia

    IWA draws a scary low

    You and me both. They had a show last year with a really good Punk/Cabana match where they worked on broken ropes in front of about 28 people. I went to a show in 2001 with Simon, Dawn Marie, Kid Kash, Roadkill, Punk, Cabana, and Hero that only drew about 30 people...it was a hell of a show. But it was the promotions first and last
  5. Youth N Asia

    Target offers "Greatest Hits" titles for $15

    Apparently Target is gradually being overrun by smarks give it time
  6. Youth N Asia

    Target offers "Greatest Hits" titles for $15

    As part of the flow team (overnight stocking) for Target store T350 I too I take full resposibility for a product as great as this one.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Am I the only one thay thinks...

    Yeah, I hate this angle. Any non wrestler should never stand a chance against one of the boys...ESPECIALLY with Kane and Shane. I FUCKING HATE SHANE! He comes back every now and then...does a huge spot that makes everyone else look bad for not doing (although he only works a few matches a year). He should not be taking away heat from the workers...not even Test
  8. Youth N Asia

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    I've never full on cried...but these make me come close MOVIES -Rudy...duh TV -Buffy...Buffy finds her mom dead -Oz...Cyril almost gets executed -Angel...Doyle sacrifices himself I'll thnk of more later
  9. Youth N Asia

    Autograph signings...and the insane prices

    A nearby trade center place is having Barry Sanders come in and sign autographs. I'm not interested or anything, and I knew it was going to be pricey...but DAMN $109.00 - Flat (up to 11x14) $139.00 - Flat over 11x14, Mini Helmets, Footballs $159.00 - Helmets, Jerseys, #'s, Equipment, Artwork INSCRIPTIONS: $60.00 - PER inscription, up to 10 Characters ONLY I understand how these guys make millions and I guess wouldn't settle for anything less then an assload of money. But for the guy to take a couple hours out of his day and sign his name, this is retarded. And an extra $60 only gets you 10 characters?! That's just awful. Darren McCarty...durring his rookie season I got a Red Wing's hat and card signed for a total of $6...next time he was signing it was $25 per item. Needless to say I didn't get anything that time. Anyone else have stories or comments about this. EDIT: Former Detroit Lions runningback Billy Sims is there the same day...$7 autograph
  10. Youth N Asia

    Hey Slimm44

    I think a PM or post iun gnenral would work better...I don't think many people check site feedback
  11. Youth N Asia

    Cleanest Fast Food Places

    I've had no problems with BK. Althoughmy McDonalds is a filthy filthy place, I try to avoid eating there.
  12. Youth N Asia

    1 year anniversary of Scott Steiner in WWE

    Still bores the shit out of me
  13. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    I remeber that. A Dino Bravo match I think... Bashams win! I watched that at my aunt's house...his team lost to Debiase's team
  14. Youth N Asia

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Didn't Briscoe yell "hold up the fucking belt" to Shawn in 97?
  15. Youth N Asia

    Survivor Series

    It'll give Kane an excuse to jump to Smackdown and run away from untrained ass kicked Shane McMahon
  16. Youth N Asia

    SNL Review

    Cold Opening Cast- Darrell Hammond -THis is the first time I can remember them not having someone that can do the president. Will's Bush wasn't very accurate...but it was so damn funny that it was good enough. 1/2* Monologue Cast- Mike Myers, Alec Baldwin, Jimmy Fallon, Horatio Sanz -Mike was funny...that was it. The site of Fallon and Sanz together just gives me the urge to change the channel. (** Huggies Thong Cast- Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch -um...are they really this stetched for material that they have to redo skits this close together. I scored it once already. Plastic Surgeon Cast- Baldwin, Amy Poehler -I was all for this skit till Amy started making the jokes about the jokes...after that it stopped being funny. Alec was very good though. *** Gaystrogen -ehh...nothing great * Zing v. Burn Cast- Baldwin, Parnell, Rudolph, Seth Meyers -I didn't like this skit t first. Alec made it better though. As usual I found Seth more annoying then funny. **1/2 Tony Bennett Cast- Baldwin, Sanz, Armisen -Great impression, and Sanz was funny. But am I the only one a little unimpressed with them making more and more jokes about old events and people who really aren't in the public eye anymore? ** Falconer Cast- Baldwin, Will Forte, Kenan Thompson, Armisen -I'll give points to Alec and a bird sniffing coke. But why do they keep bringing this back? It's not funny, and Forte is on his way to being my 2nd least favorite cast memeber. * Weekend Update Cast- Fey, Fallon, Forte, Armisen -The jokes were good for the most part. But I'm still not digging Will. Something about him just makes me not want to laugh. I also am dropping points for the repeated (and annoying) "oh snap" bit where they jump around and act like asses. I guess thats Fey's way of showing how down she is with youth culture. ***1/2 Prince Charles Conference Cast- Baldwin, Poehler, Sanz, Meyers, Armisen -After the first couple jokes I just kind of zoned out and went along with it. They could have been better. ** Keen Corporation Cast- Baldwin, Poehler, Meyers, Dratch, Jeff Richards, Thompson, Finnesse Mitchell -I thought this one was never going to end. Amusing, but it went on forever. *1/2 Roy Returns Cast- Baldwin, Richards, Poehler -Started entertaining enough...then just got dumb and unfunny. A week too late and a joke too little. * Studio Cast- Baldwin, Meyers, Dratch, Armisen -Another case of more annoying then it is funny. * Suprised I didn't hand out any DUDs this week.
  17. Youth N Asia

    Is Nathan Jones the worst wrestler ever?

    When you add in hype and push Jones is top 5 at least
  18. Youth N Asia

    Vince vs Undertaker

    Vinec vs Taker had a decient build up I thought...untill they made the match. Now they haven't even done segments together. Vince's acting has his its all time low. He's by no means a good actor, but this shit he's doing lately is just embarassing to watch. For what they're trying to make out of this match they couldn't have booked it worse.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Englund, Hodder & Hansen...

    I was just about to say that this movie was missing Tony Todd
  20. Youth N Asia

    John Ritter's mother, Dorothy Fay Ritter, passes

    88...can't ask for much more then that
  21. Youth N Asia

    Booker T and John Heidenreich

    Maybe little Johnny is a sockpuppet
  22. Youth N Asia

    Autograph signings...and the insane prices

    Yeah, I don't remember which one though. Wonder what the turn out will be. It's this weekend.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Goonies Pt 2

    Don't it yet...I will soon though.
  24. Youth N Asia

    ESPN's "Playmakers" Season Finale

    Minor problem...the team recovered an onside kick...yet when it showed them with the ball back they were on their own 30. How could that happen? Unless they lost about 40 yards on a down and got knocked back
  25. Youth N Asia

    New Offspring Song

    It's not like they're trying to make art. There's nothing wrong with dumb fun rock. Americana is my least fav