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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Someone kill themself, for my amusement

    Go watch Buffy, cunt. I'm sure he would. I just watched Angel actually
  2. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I'd say it's dying. Seems like there's posts just for the sake of posts lately.
  3. I mean it's part of the guy's outfit. While it's a shortcut why do the announcers bitch about it. It's not really cheating.
  4. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    You have 2 Golden Axes and Sonics? Wanna make a trade? I gotta find my doubles though. I'll do that tomorrow.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    Now that's I'm trying to make enemies or anything, but I got my Suikoden 2 for $7, same as my Suikoden (although I paid retail for it the first time.)
  6. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    Renegade. List your master system stuff. And if you have any doubles maybe we can work a trade
  7. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    THe first one can go for $30 or $40 on Ebay...I've seen 2 for as high as $85, and well over $100 for a sealed one. EDIT, Suikoden 2 on Ebay, $71 so far http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=11056
  8. Youth N Asia

    Vince McMahon

    Yeah, anyone that shoves himself, Linda, Shane, and Steph in everyone's face on tv every week does deserve this,
  9. Youth N Asia

    Someone kill themself, for my amusement

    *Reads through The New Me's last 20 posts...dies of boredom*
  10. Youth N Asia

    For those curious about Oz.....

    Yeah, this Oz DVD thing is pissing me off. I wish they'd hurry up now that the series is over. Buffy is coming out every 6 months and that's just perfect.
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    ...? What I think he means is "excelent pick up, and if you got it for under $60 you got a deal." I have it and it goes for big money on Ebay
  12. Youth N Asia

    More Gigli love

    from IMDB.com 'Gigli' Yanked From British Movie Theaters After averaging only about $300 per theater, the 73 British movie houses showing Gigli have decided to pull it after less than a week. The film debuted with reviews that would have made the dismal American notices appear like raves in comparison. "Celluloid manure," critic Alan Frank called it in the Daily Star. Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian wrote that stars Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez "are awe-inspiringly, world-historically awful." The film itself, he added, is "just so catastrophic I expected the audience to adopt the 'brace' position in the stalls, as if on a crashing plane." TV critic Jonathan Ross of Sky's Film 2003 remarked that despite the American reviews, "nothing can prepare you for quite how bad Gigli is." Likewise James Christopher in the Times commented "Mere words fail to express the awfulness" of the film.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, 2 disk
  14. Youth N Asia

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    I could deal with his bullshit till he got hurt...cause the matches were good and he was over huge. When he came back the matches just weren't as good, his heel turn was predictable, and he lost most of his overness durring the turn and hasn't gotten it back. But they're still pushing him like he's 2000 over.
  15. Youth N Asia

    For those curious about Oz.....

    I suggest everyone with HBO who's never seen this jump on it now. I love the hell out of this show, I have seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and seasons 3-6 burned on disk. They Oz got screwed on Emmys big time. It should have at least gotten a writing Emmy or two.
  16. Youth N Asia

    An interesting find

    Wendell: "Believe in me! I CAN DO IT!" *then gets winded and falls down*
  17. Youth N Asia

    Who's next to win the world title

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): he's already had the belt If Edge was healthy and active I'd say him, but he got set back too far.
  18. Youth N Asia

    A-Train on commentary.

    Yeah, he was very bad last night. And the whole "Benoit can't beat me" deal doesn't hold up since Chris has beaten him a handful of times. If he was trying to get himself over he fail miserably. Cole: "What if Benoit gets that move on ya?" A-Train: "He can't...I'm big." Cole: "German Suplex! What if he pulls that?" A-Train: "I told you already...I'm big."
  19. Youth N Asia

    Good question

    I wouldn't mind Brock vs Rock again. They've only butted heads the one time, and it was a good match.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Who's next to win the world title

    Yeah, I'd get a boner. But they've teased us with Benoit so much that I've given up hope on them doing the right thing.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Who's next to win the world title

    I'm not saying it has to be this year, I really don't expect it to be.
  22. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Semi-Finals

    Hell, I'm shocked I've made it this far. I lost to Zack last time in the 2nd round I think
  23. Youth N Asia

    An interesting find

    This isn't as good as him selling a wrestling match on Ebay though.
  24. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Semi-Finals

    LaParkaYourCar Ripper...you voted for me, so I guess I gotta vote for you At least the final four are 3/4 Buffy marks...fuckin' Zack
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Mullets

    I watched the 9/11 show cause I was too lazy to change it after Smackdown. And it was the single worst piece of tv I have ever seen. Unfunniest show ever.