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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Give Yoshi they belt...they haven't done anything with it since Rey got it.
  2. I'm all for Mondo on this one. It's easy for RF to slap a tape together and make money off of someone else's work. Although if you trade a best of they've made they'll throw a bitch fit.
  3. Youth N Asia

    ESPN's "Playmakers"

    Where as I don't care for their tv movies. The Bobby Knight one was ok, but BD was a hundred pounds too big to play Knight. And the Junction Boys...they interviewed a handful of them on ESPN and they said that most of what happened in the movie never happened...and that they liked the coach
  4. Youth N Asia

    So...what did I miss?

    Bah. I hate moving. Although this place is a little nicer then my last. Anyway...what have I missed in the last month?
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Game Collection Thread

    Sega Master System 60+ including Phantasy Star PS Suikoden 1 & 2 Twisted Metal 1-3 Star Ocean Final Fantasy Chronicles Final Fantasy 7-10 Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy Anthology Final Fantasy Origins Castlevania Symphony of the Night Xenogears Monster Rancher 1 & 2 PS2 Devil May Cry Final Fantasy 10 NBA Street NCAA Football 2004 Contra Shattered Solider GTA 3 & Vice City Silent Hill 2 SNES Lufia 1 & 2 Final Fantasy 2 & 3 Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Breath of Fire 1 & 2 Secret of Mana Super Street Fighter 2 Mortal Kombat 1-3 Killer Instinct Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past Mega Man X 1-3 Mega Man 7 Harvest Moon Chrono Trigger Earthbound Super Mario World Super Mario Kart Super Mario All Star Super Mario RPG Shadowrun Sim City Illusion of Gia Soul Blazer Donky Kong Country 1-3 Paladin's Quest Inindo: Way of the ninja Plus way more NES games then I care to go into
  6. Youth N Asia

    Worst Franchise in North American Sports

    The Tigers won the world series in 84. Granted that's a long time ago. But they haven't been over awful till the late 90s. So they really should't have made the list.
  7. Youth N Asia


    I don't think it was as great as people say it is. Seems like people love anything with an indy tag now. I liked it. Maybe enough to get it on DVD, but I don't think it's a classic
  8. Youth N Asia

    Favorite "Evil Dead" movie

    We've done this over and over again...and I think my answer changes every time. I'm going with the first one this time. The more I see it the more I like it.
  9. Youth N Asia

    I was bored and did some research on J'lo

    errr...wha? How could that cost that much?! The media thinks way more of her then the ticket buying public. I don't think she's a good actress.
  10. Youth N Asia

    ESPN's "Playmakers"

    All you get from Oz is that it's on the east coast. 1...I don't know if they've gone into where the team is. It's football season and the weather seems to be nice, I'd guess the west. 2...I heard it was 15 episodes. But I don't know for sure. 3...I don't think anyone knows yet. So far I like it though. A lot more then I thought I would. hmmm...guess I didn't really answer anything there
  11. My dealings with RF were 50/50...sometimes I was happy with what I got, sometimes I wasn't. While Smart mark has been perfect. RF is just shit when it comes to customer service.
  12. Youth N Asia

    Shield Season 2 DVD News

    SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! SHIELD! WHOO!! With the exception of "Day One" the 2nd season was just as good, if not better then the first
  13. Youth N Asia

    NBA Comissioner David Sterns supports rapists

    Spreewell tried to kill his boss and he was let back
  14. Move took longer then I thought, plus the phone company was being dicky about switching places....bah, long story
  15. Dude, Tim, lighten up man. ROH is not going anywhere anytime soon. Their business model is too airtight. I think they can live without my money. IWA Mid-South, on the other hand, I always go through SMV- and again, if you haven't bought the charity show, I implore you all to do it. 6 hours and 25 matches for 20 bucks is a great deal. CZW is still doing well. And people trade their stuff all the time. I love ROH, but I hate RF Video.
  16. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Speaking of season 5 on FX..."Fool For Love" was on today. One of their best
  17. Youth N Asia

    So...what did I miss?

    And for that, I am pissed
  18. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    Since I've been here last: Angel season 2 Family Guy vol 1 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Monty Python and the Holy Grail Slap Shot WWE Survivor Series 02 WWE Backlash 03
  19. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    season 2 was red
  20. Youth N Asia

    How many must watch shows do you have?

    Now that Oz and Buffy are over it's Smallville Angel The Shield The Sopranos
  21. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    I'm with ya Boss...unless you're running up against me
  22. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    my only complaint is one annoying kid on the cover Director: David Solomon (II), Michael Gershman Encoding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. This DVD will probably NOT be viewable in other countries. Read more about DVD formats.) Format: Box set Rated: Unrated Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Home Video DVD Release Date: December 9, 2003 DVD Features: Commentary by writer David Fury and director David Grossman on 'Real Me' Commentary by writer Doug Petrie on 'Fool for Love' Commentary by writer Jane Espenson on 'I Was Made to Love You' Commentary by writer/director Joss Whedon on 'The Body' Scripts for 'The Replacement,' 'Fool for Love,' 'Into the Woods,' and 'Checkpoint' "Buffy Abroad" featurette "Demonology: A Slayer's Guide" featurette "Casting Buffy" featurette "Action Heroes! The Stunts of Buffy" featurette Series outtakes "The Story of Season 5" featurette "Natural Causes" featurette "Spotlight on Dawn" featurette Still gallery Interactive video game trailer DVD-ROM: Buffy Demon Guide Full-screen format Number of discs: 6
  23. RF's been doing thatr forever. They lie and say they pay the guys, but they never do.
  24. Youth N Asia

    Non-soiler Smackdown Match Listing

    Wow...Big Show squashing jobbers. That's entertainment
  25. Youth N Asia

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round II

    Youth N Asia Kotz The Dames Downhome RavishingRickRudo evenflow Incandenza IDrinkRatsMilk Ripper DangerousA Corey Lazarus LaParkaYourCar FrozenBlockOfPissReborn Jhawk The New Me Anglesault