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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    7-, 4-year old illegally sell pop a fair

    This next generation is going to be a bunch of assholes...they can't sell pop, play dodgeball in school, or watch Speedy Gonzalas cartoons.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Fuck Madonna

    She gets too much praise. I can understand why her early stuff was big. It was good for what it was. But her new stuff is just not any good. And she's getting credit for making videos that get banned, which is funny since the songs for those videos completly suck. If she was a new artist doing the material she's doing now she'd never make it
  3. Youth N Asia

    The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

    This could either be hella funny, or very bad. It's a spoof on 50's b horror movies http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_picture.../lost_skeleton/
  4. Youth N Asia

    7-, 4-year old illegally sell pop a fair

    It sucks hard to be a kid in this generation. When I was a kid, being a kid was fun.
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

    But sometimes people who work on movies lie about that kinda thing. "Oh the movie's great." Seriously though, it has promise.
  6. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    He probably won't...he has to keep the timeless gimmick going, and a mustache makes him look too old. Unless he started with one and everyone just pestered him to shave it.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    He's never looked right with the mustache...looks too goofy when he has them in flashbacks,
  8. Youth N Asia

    Justin Credible

    I agree, fans hated him as champ. He was a good heel.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

  10. Youth N Asia

    charlie haas/shelton benjamin

    Hells no. While I don't think Haas could ever reach past upper-midcard level, IMO Benjamin has *it* and could easily be main eventing soon enough if the team was broken up and he was given a good gimmick. The guy has hung with Benoit and Guerrero better then almost all the new guys and if that isn't a test I don't know what is. I meant they can't talk. Neither are good on the mic. That's why I like the whole no bs, just wrestle thing they have.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Is there anything Vince won't do

    Give the fans what they want
  12. Youth N Asia

    Justin Credible

    Completly agree. Instead they jobbed Tazz the at the next ppv in a meaningless match to Van Dam.
  13. Youth N Asia

    Absolutlely despicable

    If someone had taped the show in the arena we would have known by now. It's been over 4 years already.
  14. Youth N Asia

    I Love The 70s

    And why is Jason Mraz talking about the 70s? What is he, 10?
  15. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Great insight
  16. Youth N Asia

    MTV VMAs...tonight

    Why is there best rap and best hip hop? I always thought they were the same thing. Or is it MTV's way to dish out 2 rap videos.
  17. Youth N Asia

    MTV VMAs...tonight

    Well, Smackdown's not on tonight cause of the Detroit Tigers. So I think I'll watch the VMAs. Plus Rock is a solid host. And anything will beat last year's will Fallon hosting.
  18. Youth N Asia

    Whats this.....?

    Been getting a lot of it the last couple days
  19. Youth N Asia

    charlie haas/shelton benjamin

    They're too bland to be singles, so they work well as a team.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Absolutlely despicable

    I heard it's just Supreme's XPW fall...never downloaded it myself though
  21. Youth N Asia

    I Love The 70s

    Michael Ian Black is painfully unfunny. It just doesn't work when you try and make a joke every time you open your mouth. He's too annoying and I can't stand more then a couple minutes of the shows because of him. Mo Rocca too.
  22. Youth N Asia

    MTV VMAs...tonight

    Dull show overall. Missy winning best video was bleh! Justin winning best male was a joke. Coldplay seemed unenthused. Good Charlotte's song seemed way slower then it usually does. And they always say "HUGE SUPRISES"...not much this year
  23. Youth N Asia

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    Yeah but it belongs here anyways... I think. Since Video comes before Music I think it's tv
  24. Youth N Asia

    Justin Credible

    Well they were building towards RVD challenging Mike Awesome but RVD's injury kinda ruined those plans. He was the most over guy in the company since 98...he should have had the belt before that
  25. Youth N Asia

    The ONE and ONLY MTV Music Video Awards 2003

    Jimmy Fallon could host again