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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    Short lived TV shows no one seems to remember

    The Jack of All Trades...kick ass Bruce Campbell show that lasted 22 episodes.
  2. Youth N Asia

    Your state pride/shame

    MICHIGAN (Guys who are still active, no Shiek, Dick the Bruiser, or Bobo Brazile) My State's pride Rob Van Dam Sabu Zack Gowen Rhyno Chris Sabin My State's shame Kevin Nash Scott Steiner Rick Steiner Monty Brown
  3. Youth N Asia

    This week in Wrestlecrap

  4. Youth N Asia

    Pete Gas Coming Back?!

    Probably let go the same time as the other two. I'm sure Vince didn't know the difference that he was actually a wrestler unlike the other two
  5. Youth N Asia

    Your state pride/shame

    Marc Mero kicks ass! Sure Johnny B Bad was awful. But I loved his WWF run. Gonna have some Tough Enough asshole as pride and shame Mero...shame on you
  6. Youth N Asia

    Buffet Mania!

    Wing Fong...the baddest Chinese buffet in Michigan. I love it there and I'd be 400 lbs if I ate there as much as I wanted to.
  7. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Chosen airs Sep 2nd on UPN...dunno if anymore Buffy will be on UPN after that cause of the fall line up
  8. Youth N Asia

    Pete Gas Coming Back?!

    I loved they Posse. They weren't great workers, but way more entertaining then the shit we're getting now.
  9. Youth N Asia

    Brock Lesnar's new nickname

    Don't know if that's worse then hearing "The Real" Brock Lesnar every time they say his name. That's up there with "Undisputed champion"
  10. Youth N Asia

    McMahons' reaction to RAW

    I dunno about being the very worst RAW ever...but it's top 10 for sure.
  11. Youth N Asia

    Non-Spoiler Smackdown Match List

    Least it sounds a little better now
  12. Youth N Asia

    Bowling for Columbine...

    The movie just bugged me. There's no way to say all this while not sounding a tad racist, but what the hell. Seems like the PC thing to do now is to go on and on about how bad white people are. And Moore does that a lot in the movie. And yet when he goes into the school shooting in Flint where the black boy shoots the white girl. You can obviously tell what the races are, but Moore doesn't even mention that there could be a hint of race involvement. And that doesn't even bother me that much. But he works it to where Dick Clark is the enemy in all this. The mother was on welfare. And the state made her get a job, and the job she gets is in a Dick Clark cafe deal. So Moore harasses Dick Clark and makes him out to be the bad guy in all this cause she worked at a diner that carried his name. Then he does his sad little puppy dog shit "come on Dick" when Dick's pulling away in his car refusing to talk to him. So Dick Clark's to blame that this kid killed a little girl. The mother's innocent cause she's too busy with her job. The man makes some good points, but he's a fuckhead. Was anyone else suprised how easy it is to get an interview with Heston?
  13. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Bah...not much Buffy on FX lately
  14. Youth N Asia

    Just give Shane the belt already

    All by himself he beat the hell out of Jericho and Kane tonight. Two former WWE champs. That's a lot for an untrained wrestler. Just give him the belt already, he can wrestle 3 times a year, do his table spot, and take off for another 18 months. FUCK SHANE MCMAHON!
  15. Youth N Asia

    Non-Spoiler Smackdown Match List

    That did look pretty bad. Spiked right on his poor noggin.
  16. Youth N Asia

    McMahons' reaction to RAW

    As long as Vince is happy he doesn't care how the boy or the fans feel about it.
  17. Youth N Asia

    McMahons' reaction to RAW

    and that's how I feel
  18. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    We need to write Joss a letter then.
  19. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    They should make a Buffy DVD with me, you, BPS, and Laparka talking over episodes.
  20. Youth N Asia

    Bowling for Columbine...

    Not really. Nah, I think I'm right.
  21. Youth N Asia

    Recent purchases

    American Pie Ultimate Edition Unrated American Pie 2 Unrated I sold mine when I needed money, and I found them cheap so I picked them back up.
  22. Youth N Asia

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I'll just have to watch my DVDs and tapes every now and then...still have to watch Superstar with commentary.
  23. Youth N Asia

    Bowling for Columbine...

    And fuck his stuid baseball cap
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Clique's one year title reign

    On September 2, 2002 the RAW title will have been around for one solid year. And in that time only 2 men have held it. HHH, and Shawn Michaels. As we know HHH got the belt just for the hell of it, held it for 2 months, loaned it to Shawn for a month, then got it back. And has had it for another 8 months. Every ppv the thinking is "well he has to lose it this time." His opponents are usually more over, or his buddies. And at the next ppv HHH wrestles Goldberg, with dumb stipulations that pretty much says HHH will lose the belt...but he should have lost it before and didn't. Did he just want the belt for a year? I know it hasn't been a full year, since he loaned it to his buddy Shawn (when you knew he'd get it right back) So, the belt's been around a year (in a few days anyway), how could it have been handled better? Who else should have gotten it in that time? And will HHH ever lose the goddamn thing?