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Youth N Asia

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Everything posted by Youth N Asia

  1. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Are we going to set up voting to see who wins this?
  2. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    Very solid ending. Everything seemed to point to Vic dying or ending up in prison by mid season, and they swerved. Kinda saw the Benoit thing coming, sadly I liked Claudette bringing Vic back to the Barn just so she could shame him in front of everyone. Julian and Danni may as well not have been in the last 2 seasons. Still wrapping my head around the whole thing, I'll be back later.
  3. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    I'll sit this one out
  4. Youth N Asia


    yeah, playing it online sucks when there is zero communication. My roomies and I play in 2 rooms with 2 per screen and it's non stop yelling direction and whatnot
  5. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    shit, I had George written down, but forgot to pull the trigger on that pick
  6. Youth N Asia

    The Shield

    Hasn't really hit me yet that there won't be another episode after Tuesday...ever.
  7. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Mattingly, Roy, and Kearney were my top 3 at the end of the draft
  8. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

  9. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    The rest of my shortlist that didn't get picked
  10. Youth N Asia


    And yeah, Gary Cole's stuff was kinda pointless being that it's didn't play up to anything at the end of the season
  11. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    C'mon Linx...last pick
  12. Youth N Asia


    I don't mind the happy ending this year for Vince, being that he spent an entire season in the dumps. I was looking forward to Eric and Vince away from each other for longer than 10 minutes though. The reunion would have been good
  13. Youth N Asia

    True Blood

    The whole thing about Rene being the killer bothered me. It's not a good swerve if they play the character to be a total good guy up until you find out that one thing about them. THEN they play total heel. They could have made the killer anyone by using that formula, lazy. I enjoyed the first season though.
  14. Youth N Asia

    24 -- Season 7

    Yeah, it seems pretty easy to infiltrate the white house these days
  15. Youth N Asia

    24 -- Season 7

    Hell, I thought it was getting revealed at the end of this one.
  16. Youth N Asia

    24 -- Season 7

    Already a knife death. I missed this show
  17. Youth N Asia


    Lot of fun on 4 players, but it's a quick game. Guess it's time to get off normal. My main bitches are lack of different weapons and enemies, just not that many. And there aren't any bosses or anything
  18. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Damn, good call
  19. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Hugo was one the last ones on my shortlist. I'll post the rest after the draft ends
  20. Youth N Asia

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Final pick Don Mattingly "I still like him better than Steinbrenner."
  21. Youth N Asia

    Annoying tv characters

    good call
  22. Youth N Asia

    Annoying tv characters

    Also Ross from Friends. He's the only character keeping me from liking the show
  23. Youth N Asia

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    I just scanned this thread for my name bye double post and still nothing
  24. Youth N Asia

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    I just scanned this thread for my name bye
  25. Youth N Asia

    The Smart Marks Greatest Song of the 60s Tournament

    Sorry, I'll do full results from here on out