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Some Guy

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Everything posted by Some Guy

  1. Some Guy

    Fox News threatens lawsuit over billboard

    If you're talking abour H&C, I agree. They were advertising Thomas Sowell as being a guest and I kept flipping back all hour and getting more and more pissed that he hadn't come on yet. Then he finally does and he gets about 5 minutes of total air time, most of which Hannity or Colmes blabbered through. Sowell is a very inteligent economist, who rarely does media interviews, H&C are media schmucks, I wanted to hear Sowell, not them. I gave up on all of those shows a long time ago. O'Reilly's show started the downfall of H&C. Once Bill turned his show into an infomercial for his website, his books, his otehr appearances, Factor gear, his stupid website polls, etc... I stopped watching. Then Hannity decided that if Bill can do it, he can too. There went that show straight down the shitter. About the sign: it is very low class. Everybody who works at CNN knows that Fox is kicking their ass. Reminding them and being consecending about it is stupid. If I worked for CNN and saw that sign it would make me want to work harder to kick their ass, not send my resume in to them. And I'll jump on the "why would you brag about stealing Greta?" bandwagon. I've never watched her show for more than five minutes. I don't care about (insert kidnapping victim/murder trial of the week) at all. Let alone enough to watch an hour dedicated to it.
  2. But, I suppose, you manage to conquer the laziness, right? -=mike Sure. Not being lazy, doesn't mean you are necessarily CORRECT all the time about everything, but there is definately a difference between, checking numerous sources, listening to different opinions as opposed to, "Hey, Sean Hannity said the left hates america, so he must be right" That isn't true?
  3. Some Guy

    Why are gas prices so high?

    Good God! You pay $10.50 a gallon? Do people, other than Sammy Sosa and Pedro Martinez drive? How the fuck could anyone other than them afford that?
  4. Some Guy

    Why are gas prices so high?

    Gas prices are so high because of the taxation on gas. They actually raise disproportionately to the level of taxation. In other words the level of taxation doe not change as the price of gas flucuates but the stations profit margin does. Most stations cannot keep the same % of profit when they have to pay more for gas because the price to the public would be too high. Take away the gas taxes and you take away nearly half the cost to the public. Instead of gas prices nearly $2, we'd be heading towards abotu $1.25, which is still quite affordable. Add that to the fact that OPEC is a union of oil developing countries who artificially fuck with oil prices by either slowing or increasing production and you've got the problem we see now. Seems to me that it might be easier to cut the gas taxes, exploit more of our own oil supply, and tell OPEC to fuck off (in a very diplomatic way, of course).
  5. Some Guy

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    I understand this, it does not however mean that they are not in the way. Assome one else said, bikers cannot go as fast as a car and this riding more than a foot from the curb shit that they love so much fucks up traffic. Bike paths in MA are paved and there are several of them and they are quite long. The Minuteman path goes on for miles through Lexington, Arlington, and into Cambridge. It is built for people to ride bikes on, the streets are built for people to drive cars on. It's quite simple. OK, but the zig-zaggers are the rule, not the exeption. And just watch how drivers react to a biker on the road. They sloww down tot eh bikers speed and then very slowly pass them. This causes a back up in traffic, that could easily be averted if bikers rode their bikes on the bike paths that taxpayers of the Commonwealth paid millions of dollars to provide. It can be considered a vehicle all it wants, but that doesn't make it one. You can call ketchup a vegetable, but it's not. People who bike to work are teh exception, unless there are a lot of work places that allow brightly colored spandex and sweaty emplyees. Have you considered that the reason people honk at you is that maybe, just maybe YOU'RE IN THE WAY! Maybe you should consider what you should do as opposed to what you have the right to do. You may have the right to flip off a member of the Hell's Angels but that doesn't make it a good idea and neither is riding your bike in teh middle of the road. It shouldn't be an issue of trust in the drivers, by being on the road you've created another obstacle, an unpredictable one at that. Drivers are more fearful of hitting a biker than bikers are of being hit. At least logic would state that considering the way most bikers ride and the way drivers slow downa dn go way out of their way to avoid them.
  6. Some Guy

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    If you've ever done some serious biking you would know that clothing is absolutely the best, most comfortable stuff to wear for a good bike workout. I always wear my USPS team jersey when I bike now. As for obstructing traffic, boo fucking hoo, it's not hard to go around someone on a bike. It is when they zig zag and abrubtly jet out into the street or stay several feet away from the curb. We've spent tons of money on bike paths in MA; why can't people just ride on them and stay off the street. Same goes for joggers. There is a perfectly good sidewalk on just about every street, jog on that, not the street. The street is for automobiles. WHether or not they're comfortable maks no difference, they are still really goofy looking, especially on a 60 year old man like John Kerry.
  7. Some Guy

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    I think most Republicans felt the same way in 96. The article brought up teh Dole campaign, which has some similarities, although I can't remember Dole acting like such a douchebag. The picture on the bike is beyond goofy. and is it really necessary to get dressed up like a complete moron to ride a bike? This goes to all these spandex clad nimrods who ride around on bikes and obstruct traffic. Dole and Kerry both showed/have shown a total lack of charisma. Dole decided that he had to act "presidential" from what I can surmise. If you've seen him in more recent interviews he is rather funny and charming. I'm not sure Kerry is, as Mathews said in the article the guy is always on guard and "in character". But, ABB and anybody but Clinton or whatever is a rather dangerous stance to take. To assume that John Kerry can do a better job because his name is not George Bush is stupid. Someone asked if this is the best they can do. The answer is yes. The Dems are so strapped for new talent that they had to bring Mondale out of his rocking chair to run for Senate in Minn after the incumbant (who's name escapes me died in the plane crash) and replaced Toricele(SP?) with another fossil. Where have I heard the line "you need to make new stars" before?
  8. Some Guy

    Yankee Hater Nonsense

    These shirts are a bit over the top. But the "Yankees Suck. Jeter Swallows" shirt is still funny even though its been around for a few years. I don't have any of this shit. I wear Red Sox hats, not anti-Yanks stuff. It's just a way for a few guys to make money and it doesn't hurt anybody (I doubt anyone is going to try to "shank a Yank"), I have no problem with this stuff other than "Hey Yanks, yank this" or whatever. It's just not clever. Nor are any of the things that Man Of 1,004 Modes listed. Seems to me that the Yanks have choked badly in the 2001 and 2003 series, as well as getting their asses handed to them by the Angels in the ALDS in 2002. I never said any of those things. It was more like, "Jesus Christ, do they really need that guy?" And then I stop to think that we have took Foulke, Schilling, Manny, Pedro, Williamson, Kim, etc... tha same way that NY took those guys and move on with my life. Very few people in Boston buy into the Babe Ruth nonsense. It is more of something that the national media gloms onto and repeats over and over and over and over. I have no problem with Fox playing the clips from the ALCS before the first Sox/Yanks game this year, it is relevant after all, but the footage of Bucky Dent, Buckner, Ruth, etc... is just old and tired. There is nothing to be gained from it. Everybody already knows that shit and anybody with half a brain knows that ther is no such thing as curses. Just like there is no such thing as Santa Claus. Furthermore, Buckner's error was in game 6 when the game was already tied, the wild pitch that lost the lead and then blowign game 7 is the real story, Lou Pinnela's blind stop (he was playing right, the sun was in his eyes and he just reached out and happened to catch the ball on a hop) of Remy's base hit in the 78 game is really the story there, had that ball gotten past him, Dent's homer wouldn't have mattered, Boone's homer it the ALCS last year isn't really the story, leaving Pedro in the game is. But they don't make for sensationalist stories. But I guess I'm just a whining Boston fan. Unlike Yankees fans who have so little confidence in their team that they think the season is over after 20 games and that they suck.
  9. Some Guy

    The Kerry - Medals flap

    I;m not sure what is so funny about that. He and the Dems pulled all types of shit on the GOP for a long time and they fought back in the same way that they had been attacked and guess what, the Dems and Clinton didn't like it. What I'm saying is, if you want to take shots at people you better be willing to accept them when they come your way. John Kerry has taken way more shots at Bush than he had taken at him. Payback's a bitch.
  10. We demand quality and effort. Nothing out of reach. Define quality and effort. I have this hinting suspicion that you mean 100+ wins, sweeping the playoffs, and a WS ring. They don't have to sweep the playoffs, and 100 plus wins is merely a perk. I'd like them to, but 95+ is just as good. SO, basically the Yanks must 95 games or more, they are allowed to lose a game or 2 in the playoffs, but must win the WS to show you "quality and effrort". You're dillusional. Why not just say that you will settle for nothing less than a WS win and drop this quality and effort" shit?
  11. Some Guy

    This Week In Baseball

    Sure, but leaving him on second gives three guys a chance to move the runner 180 feet by various means. That basically meaqns you need a hit to the outfield, a sac fly or grounder to teh right side to move him to third and then you're in teh same situation as you would be if you bunted. It is much easier to score a guy from 3B than from 2B. A team needs more thign sto go right to get a guy home from 2B than they do from 3B. Plus, msny hitters are capable of just hititng the ball 250 feet into the outfield to score the run. I understand your thinking, the team gets 3 cahnces to bring a guy in form 3B but only 2 from 3B, but I still disagree.
  12. We demand quality and effort. Nothing out of reach. Define quality and effort. I have this hinting suspicion that you mean 100+ wins, sweeping the playoffs, and a WS ring.
  13. Some Guy

    The Kerry - Medals flap

    Wait, he said that there was no distinction made between ribbons and medals and then goes on to make one. OK. Wasn't Bush's National Guard service also "35 years ago"? Hello pot, my name is kettle and you are black. And did Bush's and Cheney's DUIs happen over 30 years ago, 50 or so in Cheney's case? But that didn't stop them from bringing that up in 2000, did it? I didn't think so. What you have here is pay back and typically bullies don't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine. Clinton didn't like it either. Razor Roman Because that would be taking a definitive stance on something and John Kerry isn't about to do anything as crazy as that. Come on, having a core set of beliefs (aside from tax the shit out of the rich) is so passe. I was talking to a Kerry supporter (a fat, nerdy kid with a a unibrow) and asked him is he had a problem with Kerry's flip-flopping and he told me no, because of the nuance(sp?) involved. My response, "where's the nuance in saying somethign one day and then sayign the opposite the next?" He had no answer. To answer the question of the thread: No, I don't care whether he threw his medals, ribbons, or anythign else over a fence in 1971. What I do care about is his inability to tell teh truth (at least on a consistant basis). Saying that the Vietnam War was a bad idea is hardly revolutionary, protesting the war is not either. John Kerry is already on record as the leader of Veterans Against the War, why not just admit that he threw his medals or somebody else's adn just move on. By denying it or lying about it or talking in circles about it and crying right wing conpirisy he is only feeding into the President's hands. That is bad politics. I still maintain that if Clinton had just come on TV and said "I made a very poor decision and I did have relations with that young woman. I have embarrassed myself, I have violated teh trust of my wife, and above all I have embarrassed and violated teh trust of the people of America" or some such thing he would have taken a whole lot of ammo away from the GOP. But he didn't and that got him impeached. BTW, this whole "medals/ribbons" thing reminds me a lot of Clinton questioning the meaning of the word "is".
  14. The thing is these guys are just slumping, well most of them. Jeter hit .324 last year, A-Rod won the MVP, Posada hit about 30 HRs, Shefield made a bid at the triple crown in a pitcher's park, Mussina won a bunch of games, etc... Jeter's problem is mechanical or he's injured and he's not a good SS, A-Rod was pressing way too hard (remember when Giambi came to town?), Posada had a great start power wise and is in a slump adn had never been a good defensive catcher, Giambi is too selcetive and not aggresive enough at the plate and is a poor 1B, Shefield is in a slump (his bat speed is still very good), Mussina lost his dad or somebody and barely pitched in Spring Training. Contreras didn't pitch well against good teams last year, Bernie is old and falling apart physically, Wilson just sucks in general, and the #5 starter and middle relief isn't going to be lights out foe anybody. Want to know what's wrong with the Yanks? They can't catch the ball. Save Matsui, Shef, Mussina, and A-Rod their defense sucks. Other than that they have no real problem that any other team doesn't have. The rest are adequate to poor defensively. Even last year the Yanks hada suspect #5 guy (Weaver and Contreras), they had poor middle relief, and they started out 18 and 3 or something. Guess what? They didn't play .857 ball the rest of the year, if they had they would have won about 139 games. And guess what? They aren't going to finish with 68 wins, as they are on pace to do. They'll win between 88 and 95 games by my guesstimation, which is a fine season, possible not good enough to make the playoffs but they're do to crap out one of these years. It amazes me how spoiled and childish Yankee's fans are. They team gave them all these championships and they have a bad start and are already considered failures. Give me 4 WS wins in 5 years and 2 more trips in the next 3 and I'll take a sub .500 start with a smile on my face. Hell, just give me one and to use a tired Jerry Lawler cliche, you'd have to surgically remove the smile from my face. So, shut up, suck it up, and stop whining. The team will be fine and you'ce already gotten more than any other team in the history of sports so maybe you should be a little more accepting of a slump. And don't give me this "We're Yankee's fans adn we demand excelence" horseshit. You're spoiled brats who demand perfectiond and then cry in you Lucky Charms when you don't get every thing you want and more. Yankees fans are like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka except with an annoying NEw yark accent instead of the British one. "I want it now daddy, I WANT IT NOW!" Stop whining. It's pathetic.
  15. It's really funny to see AS go into the stereotypical Boston temper tantrum when the team has a bad stretch. What if the Yanks were 15 games over .500 in June and then went into this little tail spin? Nothing they're still a good team. They have several multi-million dollar all-stars (most of whom can't field, but that notwithstanding) who are far better than they have performed. However they, so far seem to lack the chemistry or work ethic to win it big. I really don't think that it's a coincidence that this WS drout started when many of the players who defined the Yanks left. O'Neil, Brosious(sp?), and Tino. Only Bernie (who seems to be about done), Jeter, Posada, and Rivera are left from the dynasty years. And they might not be as hungry as they were. I think a lot of players sign with NYY because they think that they will have a WS ring handed to them 1 year after they sign a contract. It doesn't work that way. One can't take anything for granted.
  16. Some Guy

    This Week In Baseball

    I disagree. Moving the runner from second to third adds situations which are marginal at best. They are certainly not likely enough to warrent giving up an extra chance to gather a hit, in my opinion. Moving the runner from first to second is a better option. But usually I'd rather not see sacrifices at all. I disagree. Bottom of the 9th or extra innings at home and you get a lead off double or some how end up with a guy on 2B with no outs. You'd be retarded not to bunt him over, assuming you have a guy who can do it. Then as I said in my previous post you have a multitude of ways to score a run and win a game. Other than that I don't have much use for it unless you have a guy who can't hit or hits into a ton of DPs.
  17. Some Guy

    This Week In Baseball

    Sac bunts only make sense when there is a runner on second and no outs. A fly ball, ground ball, wild pitch/passed ball, balk, squeeze play, etc.. could all et the guy home. Moving a guy to second is foolish in virtually any instance (pitcher batting or a really bad hitter (Pokey Reese) would be those instances). I tend to agree with AS. The Yanks really look like they don't want to be there. ON Sat, with two outs in the 12th, down by a run, what does Jeter do? Take a pitch or two? No, he weakly swings at the first pitch and grounds to short. Today, Giambi did pretty much the same thing with one out in the 9th. The Yankees have done a very good job of embarrassing themselves this year. They get two very good starts in the last two days and are playing a team that isn't hitting with RISP (0 for 13 or something Sat) and don't capitalize at all. The Yanks of the last few years would have taken 2/3 in the same circumstances. It's really wierd. This has really gone beyond a simple slump for them. They have one player who is hitting .300, Cairo who only has 10 ABs. Jeter is hitting .175 in 80 ABs! And is hitless in his last 25. That's really bad. Plus they're kicking the ball all over the field. Hopefully this poor play continues for about the next 5 months.
  18. Some Guy

    Just to show what FAUX news is

    I think Matt Stairs signed with KC in the off season. But the rest of the names seem to be right. Randal Simon is the guy they resigned (they traded him to the Cubs last year) who hit the Brewer's mascot. I don't think he was in the league when Rocker made those comments, though.
  19. Some Guy


    Sorry. I figured long sigs are better than wide ones that fuck up the screen. Anyway, I'll drop the Shiek.
  20. I do remmeber that. Brutus "The Cokehead" Beefcake is now a fare collector for the T and fucked things up there. I guess it's not bad enough that he waqs a terrible worker for about 95% of his career, now he has to be a terrible collector. He actually lives in my town and came into my work one day to ask directions adn I marked out. Well, sort of. He asked me where some place was and I just stared at this huge guy thinking, "is that Brutus Beefcake". He noticed and laughed, I gave him the directions, he jumoed in his huge white SUV and drove off. Then he probably called Hogan and said, "See... some people mark out for me too. Now give that five bucks for the bet."
  21. Some Guy


    OK, I thought you were being defensive about tattoos. I am glad I did n;t get and never really seriously considered it. It took me a while to just come up with an idea that I didn't thik I would absolutely hate for the rest of my life, just really dislike.
  22. Some Guy

    What do you do when depressed?

    Keep it all bottled up inside so that I'll eventually snapped and shoot several people in a mall. Actually I tend to smoke more, drink more, and then get over it or learn to cope with it. I've had two close friends die of drug overdoses in the last two years. It still sucks but you have to go on with your live and learn from their mistakes.
  23. Some Guy


    I never did get a tatoo. I don't think I said that since three of my friends got a similar tatty to what I wanted, I opted out. This was also like three or 4 years ago when I 18 or 19 and the thought of permentately scaring myself somewhat intrigued me. The thought passed. Tatoos are passe. Too many people have them to make you different for having one and most of themjust look stupid and people tend to over do it. Perry Saturn and Randy Orton are examples of that.
  24. Some Guy

    The Questioning Begins

    This stuff doesn't really matter tome. I don't care if he got a paper cut or what, the guy did volunteer to go to war. I respect that. His post war behavior I don't like, but that is already well known. This is kind of silly. The guy is disingenuos (sp?), uncapable of making and stickign with a decision, and gets X-Pac heat from most people. He'll lose with or without questions about the validity of his purple hearts.
  25. Some Guy


    No ink here. After much prodding from my tatooed friends I decided that the only one I would get would the Red Sox "B" simbol that's in my sig (well it would have been navy blue, hollow B) on my left calf. Then with in a week three of my friends had gotten that tatoo (sort of, two of them got it on their forearms with blood dripping from it and the other got it on his leg with soem other stuff that was so poorly done that I can't figure out what it is. Either way, tatoos are passe. Just like a guy getting his ear pierced (which I also never did), it is old news and lame. Leave tatties for hhe fat girls to get on their backs and then wear shirts short enough to show off the back fat and go on with your life.