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Some Guy

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Everything posted by Some Guy

  1. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    I've heard of it. I'm still at Salem State, until May anyway. If they don't let me out of that place, I think I'll kill someone. They've fucked with me enough. At least you got to come back to Mass. You were in Kansas, right? yeah. My cousin goes to Salem State. In fact I was there the other night. I'll have to come pick you up so we can go down to Mr. malibu's house sometime. What's your cousin's name? Chances are I won't know him/her, though. I just go to class and get the fuck out of there. You and Zacky hang out? If so that's cool. What does he look like? I've always pictured him as a pretty boy, Zack Morris type, either that or a fucked up looking wierdo.
  2. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    Probably just to say hi. But who knows? Maybe I'll stick around, at least for the rest of spring break.
  3. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    I'm doing good with that but right now I have to avoid teh beer unfortunetly. That's no good, that you have to stay away from the beer. I'm glad you're doing well though.
  4. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    I've heard of it. I'm still at Salem State, until May anyway. If they don't let me out of that place, I think I'll kill someone. They've fucked with me enough. At least you got to come back to Mass. You were in Kansas, right?
  5. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    You've made lots of friends? Who are you trying to kid here? What school is in North Andover? I'm fine BTW. EDIT: SS is that BPP and soem old guy in that picture? If so, who is the old guy?
  6. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    I've been busy trying to graduate college, working and now doing a stupid internship for a state Senator in Boston (part of that graduating form college deal). Yes, I'm still with the Russian chick, it's been over a year and a half now. Scary. I checked the board a while bakc and found out that you had some drinking problems. Is that all settled now? I hope you can still drink beer, Canadian of course. What drama has been going on? Explain this BPP's girlfriend being raped thing, please.
  7. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

  8. Some Guy

    So what's been going on...

    Makes sense, I think that happend the first time he had the belt as well.
  9. Some Guy

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Communism? You're calling communism a problem in America in 2004? And come on let's not put nice labels (like "anti-illegal immigration") on the things this guy's saying; he's obviously a racist dick. I do agree however, that if all this were happening to a Gay Club or something like that, the uproar would be huge. In what way is he a "racist dick"? The only "racist" thing he said was the three names he gave out as illegal immigrants. One thing no one has commented on that I thought was telling was this: Talk about childish nonsense. A teacher did this. Doesn't this just further cement this kid's case about left wing teachers? I would expect this out of a high school or immatture college kid but an adult hired to teach America's children. BTW, this guy calls conservatives reactionary, isn't this newsletter a reaction to the one that the conservative group put out? I hate the term reactionary and I furtehr hate that is is used ina negative context. Everything is reactionary. Taking a piss is reactionary. Answering the phone is reactionary. Affirmative action is reactionary. Communism, Marxism, Socialism, liberalism, etc... is all reactionary. I've had more than enough of this "reactionary" and "progressive" horseshit.
  10. Some Guy

    Is Dennis Miller getting his own show...

    I will have to agree here. Is, "Bush is Hitler" all it took for Miller to turn republican!?! Because I remember quite well from day one with Clinton it was, "Clinton is a communist blah blah blah" and would imagine any left leaning future president will be called the same thing. So I guess that mean when a Democrat takes back the whitehouse one day, Miller will come back to the left as well!?! First off anyone who calls Bill Clinton a Communist is foolhardy at best (his wife is certinaly Marxian though) Clinton is a left leaning oppurtunist. He'd sell any belief he had/has down the river if the polls told him to. And calling someone a communist isn't really a horrible thing, calling someone Stalin would be. There's the difference, calliong Bush a Facist, while totally stupid and ignorant would be fine, calling him Hitler is absolutely crazy. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 6 million or so people and a psychopath. Bush is not.
  11. Some Guy

    Alec Baldwin... Idiot

    Just a question: How much kindness are cows normally shown? Another question: If, according to PETA animals should be free to be wild and live as they normally do why are they adopting stray cats or dogs and then locking them up in their houses while feeding them canned food? Why not let the stray cats live out in the wild like they "should be"? I think PETA should make a stance against having a pet. It would seem consistant with their ficked up and convoluted line of thinking. And another thing, when the Pope talks I don't listen so Alec find someone who has at least a tiny bit of credibilty left to try to get on your side. Someone who presidesover a religion who's preists molest children and then refuses to punish them isn't going to protect animals....well on second thought I guess the Pope oppose the wars on Iraq and Afganistan.
  12. Some Guy

    Geuss Who I'm Talking To?

    Hold on, CWM if you went to rehab does that mean you no longer drink beer, Canadian that is anymore? If so I'm saddened.
  13. Some Guy

    Be polite to Mr Saddam

    How about a comprimise and call him "the Islamo-Facist, mass murdering, torturous, and purely evil deposed former president of Iraq." BTW, in the Dan Rather interview with Saddam earlier in the year I was sickened to hear Rather constantly refer to him as "Mr. Prsident" although can understand Rather doing it because being murdered for not isn't really worth it.
  14. Some Guy

    Bill O'Reilly vs Matt Drudge

    My favorite Frankin story is from his appearance on Leno. He was on to promote his book and stated that (the at the time not elected) Governor Arnold said that he thought Hitler was a good leader, which Arnold did say and is in fact true to some degree but then Al went on to say that Arnold said that he liked what Hitler did with his leadership skills which is totaly false, Arnold said exactly the opposite. The irony of someone shillign a book called "the lies and the lying liars who tell them" or whatever it's called saying a bold faced lie on national tv didn't go unnoticed by me at least and even Leno seemed uneasy when Frankin made his false statement, although Leno didn't refute it. O'Reily is an arrogant, blow hard who'sshow is nearly unwatchable these says because he spends half the show plugging his book and strokig his ego while talking over his guests and being a self-righteous shithead. Frankin is an asshole and is far more mean than O'Reilly. Bill uses words like "nitwit" to describe people on TV, Frankin uses phrases like "fuckign asshole" and "Bush is an idiotic cokehead and I hate him." Neither are worth my time anymore. I never had any use for Frankin outside of "I'm good enough, smart enough, and dog gon it people like me."
  15. Some Guy

    Original DX question...

    The original DX was called "the Clique" or "Kliq" depending on how you want to spell it for a week or two after they showed the MSG hug fest on Raw, which was pretty cool at the time. On "One Night Only" they were calling themselves the "Triple Threat" and then Shawn named the group DX during a Bret promo as some one already mentioned. As a side note HBK and Mankind had a great match on Raw the night Rick Rude redebuted. Shawn was on an incredible roll in late '97, it was probably his best time as a worker. The Taker feud, the Bret match as SS '97 before the ending, the Owen match on Raw, the aforementioned match with Foley, etc...