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Some Guy

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Everything posted by Some Guy

  1. Some Guy

    Why am I banned from the WWE folder?

    Shit, I've made about 50 posts expressing my wonderment over Batista's popualrity and theorizing it was all based on his wardrobe. And I still haven't been permantley banned from the WWE folder. ::Waits for HTQ to ban him from WWE folder:: It is sort of funny that you banned a bunch of people for a few hours and maybe two posts were made in that folder during that time. I think that proves that the WWE Folder needs SG and without me bringing the Batista hate (well slight dislike)it would die a pitful death.
  2. Some Guy

    Royal Rumble '91 question

    He showed up at WM 7 with cructhes, so I doubt he could have taken any type of bump out of the ring or maybe even gotten in it to begin with.
  3. Some Guy

    Hilary Clinton slams GTA, among others

    Don't forget his wife's claim of being an "African-American." Man, I would have won either way in November. Bush wins, yay for me. Kerry wins, yay for four years of comedy. As for the GTA thing...the liberals don't like games like this because they glorify the evil objects known as firearms. This position is no surprise at all. The thing about being a gun-grabber is that you are consistent. I just don't understand it. Are we supposed to ban these games? They have ratings on them. Actually, I think the liberals don't like games like this because they glorify the evil objects known as automobiles. Here in Boston the ledt hates them som much that they have been wsting billions to bury them in the clusterfuck that is the "Big Dig." As far as Hillary taking a stance that she thinks will help her get votes: what else is new? She's a politician and married to a the ultimate poll follower. I just don't see this as the issue to take up to get the GOP vote and if anything this type of thing might piss off her left wing base.
  4. I have never even heard that before and I've heard most of the IWC myths. Somehow, I'm not suprised that Meltz denied it.
  5. Some Guy


    I voted.
  6. Some Guy

    Why am I banned from the WWE folder?

    I was going to post in the SD! thread that Akebone looked a lot like a really fat Dr. Evil when they did the bug reveal of him before heading to a commercial.
  7. Some Guy

    Batista's best threads

    Yes, I have been watching the last few months and yes Batista does have a certain degree of charisma, John Cena has more and he doen't get drooled over on the board. Both guys are crappy workers (although Cena is better) and Cena is a much much better talker. Cena has more talent, doesn't wear a suit doesn't get any love. Batista has less talent, wears a suit and half the board has a wet dream about him. Cena got over on his own, Batista had the #1 guy in the company as his mentor and then gets to beat him up. Cena has been getting bigger pops than Batista is getting now for well over a year. Cena is still over despite doing a ton of jobs in the past two years, Batista is has been over for 3 months and hasn't done a clean job in a long long time. Two guys with roughly equal experieince and one is better than the other in everyway, yet the worse performer gets all the love. It comes down to the suit and nothing more. Batista has suceeded at nothing yet. He probably will draw a good buyrate at WM, but will see how long the drawing power lasts. I hope he does very well, but I think people will start to see through his act. The guy is a one trick pony and that one trick is a good tailor.
  8. Some Guy

    ECW Greatest Matches DVD Done Right?

    We don't, because they didn't show the best ones. If they're doing a ECW Greatest Matches DVD, the RVD vs Sabu draw from Hardcore TV that took up the whole show needs to be on there. Name on RVD/Sabu that was even close to good. I;ve seen about 10 of their matches and the highlight was the half hour draw they did on PPV and the only reason I mention that is because Subu pukes half way through the match. Three of their matches are already on DVD and they don't hold up well at all, especially if you watch RVD/Jericho from KotR right after. I'd go for some Tajiri/Super Crazy spotfests and maybe throw in the Tajiri/Psychosis match that's on one of the ECW produced DVDs. The problem with ECW is that they never really put on great matches outside of the 95 runs of Benoit, Malenko, and Eddy. Most of the stuff they did was garbage brawls or spotfests that the mutants would eat up with a spoon and claim to be the greatest match ever because Paul Heymen made Joey Styles tell them that. They almost never had a straight match that didn't have a ton of gimmicks or interferance because they didn't have the guys who could do it. Look at how many of the ECW guys were exposed as being crappy workers after they went to WWF. ECW matches were almost all smoke and mirrors and Heymen was very good at hiding weaknesses. To me ECW was always about the promos, that's the main reason I watched the promotion after the novelty of blood and guts wore off. They had guys who were very good talkers (Taz, Douglas, Raven, New Jack, etc...) but unfortunately they couldn't really back it up in the ring. Although Taz did some of the best squash matches ever and some of those should be included.
  9. Some Guy

    Why am I banned from the WWE folder?

    Damn it, Loss! Stop being so rational! Everybody loves reading whining cat fights over petty comments made on a message board over someone they they never met who died. But...now you guys are part of the "Whiny cat fight" SG. Shut up, jerk! If you don't I'll be forced to post something in massive red text that would defame your character or something.
  10. Some Guy

    Batista's best threads

    Thank God! Sometimes I feel so alone in my bewilderment over the Smark love for Batista. Slayer has a good point as well.
  11. Some Guy

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    He got a bunch of concusions and I think he does Smackdown Your Vote stuff now. Yeah, seriously. He turned on Simmons and was WWE Champion like a month later because Eddy couldn't handle the stress of being champion and started hitting fans and cursing at them. Pretty much the same guys. Still gone and currently suing WWE to get out of the no-compete agreement he signed to get his release. The agreement states that he cannot work for any wrestling or MMA promotion in the world. Heel, sort of. Face, no but he looks great in a suit. Ask around. OVW, Maven and Jackie Gayda are the only winners on TV. Probably church. He was born again last year sometime and has "quit the business." Nope and no because he's injured. He and Rey were a tag team before RVD blew out his knee. Workrate Heat Raw: Raw: Benoit Batista HBK HHH Jericho HBK HHH Hassan I really don't watch enough SD! to judge but JBL, Cena, Angle, and Taker are there. No one has blown anybody away. But SHelton looks good and some people here have a strange fasination with Batista's clothing. HHH and Steph got married last year. Vince tore both his quads Several guys have died Rock, Brock, Austin, Foley, Hogan, and a few other guys have left the company, all but Rock and Brock have/are returning soon. Flair beat up Bischoff and a ring crew member Austin has beaten two women and was nearly killed by the second one.
  12. Some Guy


    In the Death of WCW book they mention that Bischoff was so out of control power hungry that he insisted on having veto power over the nWo in NJPW. Why it would matter is beyond me, it's not like there are millions of people who buy tapes of NJPW tapes in America. So, I suppose it's relevant to the angle as a whole.
  13. Some Guy

    Tough Enough 4

    That sounds pretty fucking terrible.
  14. Some Guy

    Batista's best threads

    So, not only is he a snazzy dresser but he can accesorize as well, I'd bet his steroid syringes are color coordinated to match his shoes as well. GET THIS GUY THE TITLE NOW!
  15. Some Guy

    Tough Enough 4

    I didn't watch SD! at all while this was going on (and barely watch it now). How did this work? Did they do in ring segments where the guys trained or did they have video packages during the show or both or something else? EDIT: I changed "wear" to "where". You people need to stop talking about Batista's clothes in this folder, it's fucking me up.
  16. Some Guy

    Batista's best threads

    Such as? Agreed and it's gotten tiresome after only a few months. Czech: Because he doesn't wear orange ties, maybe?
  17. Some Guy

    Why am I banned from the WWE folder?

    The quality of the WWE Folder would rise?
  18. Some Guy

    Why am I banned from the WWE folder?

    Damn it, Loss! Stop being so rational! Everybody loves reading whining cat fights over petty comments made on a message board over someone they they never met who died.
  19. Some Guy

    Shoot interview transcripts?

    I think someone does very brief reviews of ROH Shoots on their message board. Other than that I don't know of any others. I think Useless Moron Scott Kieth has done a few shoot reviews (I know he did Bret's and Shawn's) and I'm sure they can be found somewhere on 411 or Insidepulse.
  20. Some Guy

    Jarrett meeting with Viacom

    I think Meltzer mentioned that it was a possibilty if he decided to run with the Fozzy thing more than he does now as TNA's schedule would be more condusive to touring with a band. 3 shows a month isn't hard to work in, WWE does something like 16 a month for each brand, I think. And Keller is on crack if he thinks that Spike will dump a ton of money into TNA.
  21. Some Guy

    Does anyone have...

    This thread has been up for over 40 minutes. I can't beleive HTQ hasn't gone on a diatribe against Nash yet. Maybe he got it out of his system at NMB, but I hope not.
  22. Some Guy

    The Giant smoking

    Yeah, but when he came back it looked like the only weight he lost was muscle mass. And he gained that stupid tiger tatoo on his arm. See above. Big Show obviously has some leeway when it comes to his weight and the shape he keeps himself in, but he can't let himself go too much, or it's right back down to OVW he goes. He is incredibly fat right now. Look at the guy, he wears 2 singlets to keep his gut in check and when he pulls down the strap his gut pours over the top of it. He is getting a big match on WM, one that actually has some sort of angle attached to it despite being that fat. And precedent that was set when they sent him down to OVW was immediately undone whe they brought him back up despite being out of shape. Of course I don't want 5* matches out of him. Yes, his being in short matches doesn't mean he has to have great conditioning, but the fact remains that his smoking still makes him blow up faster than he would otherwise, and while that may only mean an extra 60 seconds before he gasses out, I'd still rather he be able to go for that extra 60 seconds. Sure and so would I but WWE apparently doesn't care and they employ him, not us. I hope he quit or has quit andgets into better shape for his health but he has no other reason to.
  23. Some Guy

    The Giant smoking

    It's not like Vince is going to fire him and eat the rest of his contract. So he probably doesn't care. If he did he wouldn't be getting fatter. Either way he gets pushed. Show is probably the guy most happy about the brand split, before that he wasn't even getting on PPVs and they actually ran a little angle about it and by the end of 2002 he was WWE Champion. Why should he bother trying if they are going to keep pushing him and he won't be fired? Either way Show does his job. He has finally learned how to play a giant, he's a passable promo guy, and he takes bumps that no other guy his size has ever taken. He is the one who got Lesnar over with all the suplexes and such. I'm wondering what you would expect out of him. 5 star matches? Whether he's a smoker, fat, and lazy or not, I still wouldn't want him in matches longer than 10 minutes because he has such a limited offense.
  24. Some Guy

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I think they wanted Austin to win the belt at WM 14 and needed to do something to get him more over and keep him visible so they had Owen roll him up at Canadian Stampede and put Austin in a feud with Owen who was the IC champ. Austin/Bret had been done to death and Austin/Shawn wasn't really possible becaues Shawn had quit at the time and was unreliable to say the least anyway. Owen just made the most sense for him. It was a slight step down the card for Austin but he was over enough that he was bringing everything up to his level. That's my theory. I'd be that HTQ could shed more light on it.
  25. Some Guy

    The Giant smoking

    On the RR 2000 DVD one of the extras is Show telling Foley that he's the man. Show is lyingon his back getting worked on by a trainer and holding a pack of Marlboro Lights in his hand. So he was still a smoker 5 years ago. I expect that he still is. It really makes no difference as his style isn't really cardio instensive.