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Everything posted by TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

  1. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 6/9 - 6/15

    Does Doug Mientkiewicz remember that he was not a very good Yankee in his own right? And most of his season was spent on the DL also? He sucked for both New York baseball franchises. Perhaps he has post-concussion sydrome. At least Big Bird was worth 17 wins in both 2005 and 2006.
  2. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 6/9 - 6/15

    Ahhh, interleague play...it's officially summer now.
  3. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Survivor Series 1999 was pretty terrible.
  4. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    One Night Stand Roundtable

    The Taker/Edge match was excellent. Enjoyable show all around, I'd say.
  5. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    One Night Stand Roundtable

    Cool Pedigree reversal there that didn't end up in the usual "backdrop HHH through the other announce table" deal.
  6. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    One Night Stand Roundtable

    I have no idea, I don't watch the product, I'm just checking out the show on a boring night. Like a mosquito to a bug zapper, I figured the gimmicked aspect was pretty interesting.
  7. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    One Night Stand Roundtable

    No Jericho on this card? Boo that.
  8. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    One Night Stand Roundtable

    The cane match was fun, this one is lulling me to sleep.
  9. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Bitching for bitching's sake. The essence of this forum.
  10. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/26 - 6/1

    Can't complain too much about Damon being #6 there, although. a) His great 2005 was for a different team b) His 2006 was excellent c) By 2007 he lost the CF job and was hampered by injuries and he performed sub-par d) He started off slowly but has been great in May 2008 so far.
  11. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/26 - 6/1

    Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, pretty much.
  12. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    MLB 2K8 and MLB: The Show

    In 2009, I finished 1 game better than the year before but didn't make the postseason. In the 2009 off-season, I signed Albert Pujols to a huge deal. 5 years for $90 million. In 2010, I finished at 81-81. My AA team, however, won the Eastern League Championship. After 2010, a ton of my guys started wanting their big paydays and I had to let a bunch of them walk. Braun, Tulowitski, Saltalamacchia, and Hughes are all gone. I re-signed Jurjjens to a 10 year contract in order to keep his cost down and lock up at least one of my young studs while he was still cheap. Most-all of the young upcoming stars are getting enormous deals around the league.
  13. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    MLB 2K8 and MLB: The Show

    So I just started a Nationals sim franchise with a fantasy draft in The Show. Check out the team I came away with. Every player is either rated A or B, and every regular's potential rating is A. 2008 Season: C Jarrod Saltalamacchia 1B Joey Votto 2B Asdrubal Cabrera 3B Chone Figgins SS Troy Tulowitski LF Ryan Braun CF Chris Young RF Cameron Maybin Rotation: Scott Kazmir Joba Chamberlain Yvonni Gallardo Phil Hughes Jarr Jurjjens Homer Bailey (AAA) Manny Corpas (Closer) I made the Wild Card with 86 wins but lost to the eventual world champion Reds in the NLDS. I made some changes based on a ton of guys being free agents in the off season. I moved Braun from the outfield to third, let Figgins and Young leave, and signed Hunter Pence for way less than what Young was asking for. The OF is shifted around a bit. It also cost some big bucks to retain Kazmir, Gallardo, and Jurjjens, but I kept my rotation in tact. 2009: C Saltalamacchia 1B Votto 2B Cabrera 3B Braun (Re-signed) SS Tulowitski (Re-signed) LF Anderson CF Maybin (Re-signed) RF Pence (Signed FA) We look forward to dominating Major League Baseball for the next decade or so.
  14. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/19 - 5/25

    Joe Girardi went fuckin' batshit tonight.
  15. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week In Baseball: 5/12-5/18

    By beating the Yanks last night, the Rays are now 6 games over .500 for the first time in their illustrious 11 year history. Matt Garza pitched well. That was a very good trade for Tampa.
  16. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week In Baseball: 5/12-5/18

    Shocked and stunned the Yanks/Mets isn't on Fox Saturday. Is this the first time that's ever happened?
  17. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Who were champions

    Winter 1997/1998: WWF: Shawn Michaels Intercontinental: The Rock European: HHH Tag Team: New Age Outlaws Lightheavyweight: Taka Michinoku
  18. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/5 - 5/11

    Yanks and Kittens are rained out. Best news to come out of today: Kei Igawa's next turn in the rotation is being skipped!
  19. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Your Top Five Anything

    Best European Champions(?) 5. William Regal 4. Kurt Angle 3. Al Snow 2. Shane McMahon 1. D'Lo Brown
  20. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    The 2008 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    Superbad sucked. Bad. Jonah Hill = NOT funny.
  21. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Frank Walker sucks at being a football player.
  22. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    Awesome live sets I've seen recently. 5. Billy Talent 8/6/06 4. Thursday 12/27/06 3. Army of Me 4/21/08 2. Thursday 8/6/06 1. Pearl Jam 6/1/06
  23. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/5 - 5/11

    If Kei Igawa starts another game at the major league level for the Yankees I will be a very unhappy human being. On the other hand, Rasner has put 2 quality outings back to back since getting the call. Hopefully, Ian P. Kennedy is on the way back and Rasner can stay in the rotation until Hughes returns. But please. Enough Igawa.
  24. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Your Top Five Anything

    This one just missed the cut for me. The crowd was awesome.
  25. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Your Top Five Anything

    Top matches I've seen in person. 1) Shane McMahon vs. Kurt Angle, King of the Ring 2001 2) Austin vs. Jericho vs. Benoit, King of the Ring 2001 3) Batista & Cena vs. HHH & JBL, Dark match after Raw 7/11/05 4) Austin & Angle vs. Undertaker, SmackDown, 11/5/01 5) Shawn Michaels & Benoit vs. HHH, Orton, & Batista, Raw after WMXX