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Everything posted by TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

  1. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    RVD released early?

    You do know that spells out Up Yours, right? That was the idea. Mick Foley, Ken Shamrock, Test, and somebody else (Al Snow?) circa 1999.
  2. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    Dubious. Beyond the win/loss records, the Yankees' bullpen had disintegrated in the postseason. In game five their best option (in their view) was bringing Jack McDowell into the game on one day's rest. Joel Sherman (in 'Birth of a Dynasty') contemplates the what ifs of "if only Buck had known what he had" since Mariano Rivera was warming up in the bullpen but never came in.
  3. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    Both former Yankee busts as well.
  4. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    You won't have that problem tonight, because they aren't.
  5. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    Raining in Chi-town.
  6. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Hardy Boys Debut

    The Hardys and Hayes had a 3-on-2 match against the pre-APA Acolytes (Ministry version) in the summer of '99.
  7. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    He started sucking balls.
  8. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/14 - 5/20

    Why are they afraid of starting on a "bad ratings night" Saturday all of a sudden? This is the WORLD SERIES. People watch this thing.
  9. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Top WWE Feuds Tourney: Nominations

    WWF vs. WCW & ECW Alliance
  10. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Your current cell phone wallpaper

    Wallpaper: Leonardo from TMNT Ringtone is the Sopranos song.
  11. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    The Youtube Thread

    Austin & Undertaker vs. Kane & Mankind - Hell in a Cell, Raw, June 1998
  12. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe


    If derby means Red Sox, then, yeah, they suck.
  13. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/11

    youtube'd Had to check it out after all the discussion. That was awesome. Here's the one against Cena
  14. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    I'm legally changing my name.

    Peyton Manning
  15. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Ricky Williams Tests Postive...

    Womp womp. Enough of Ricky.
  16. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Top WWE Feuds Tourney: Nominations

    Austin/McMahon Jericho/Rock Rock/Foley HHH/Foley HHH/Rock Taker/Kane Austin/Angle Angle/Benoit DX/Nation DX/Corporation
  17. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Baseball Prospectus

    And he makes rediculous over the shoulder catches that drop between most shortstops and leftfielders.
  18. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Baseball Prospectus

    Not wasting breath on that one.
  19. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Gas Price Check...

    $2.85 northeastern NJ
  20. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Baseball Prospectus

    Strike outs are overrated. I'd rather have a guy strike out than ground into a DP any day. It's not a productive out by any means, but it sucks less killing 1 than killing 2.
  21. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    Baseball Prospectus

    I think Mauer's too high and A-Rod should be 1 or 2.
  22. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    Irabu2 has only been in the bigs for 5 weeks, give it time.
  23. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    I'll bet he never missed games with the Marlins for a hurt ass or broken ribs from a car accident that he didn't tell the team about.
  24. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    I didn't think he'd light the world on fire in the American League after one or two nice NL seasons, but who could have predicted this rash of rediculous injuries? The guy is an all out laughing stock.
  25. TheDevilAndGodAreRagingInsideMe

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Cancelling Cold Pizza might actually be a reason why ESPN doesn't suck.