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Everything posted by Blade2kxx

  1. Blade2kxx

    A Look at the new TNA Action Figures

    Looking up close... Jarrett almost looks like Nash... THAT'S what scares me about these figures. And yes... SAVE THE BOARD~!
  2. Blade2kxx

    Create a Tag Division

    Raw Tag Teams: Maven & Steven Richards (aka... THE MEN IN PINK) Simon Dean & Val Venis La Rez Hurricane & Rosey Regal & Eugene Tajiri & Rhyno Hassan & Davari Smackdown Tag Teams: The Dudleys The Bashams Holly & Haas Akio & Kidman Big Show & Akebono Moore & Jannetty MNM
  3. Blade2kxx

    Lock Down Rumor

    what about... SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown, The Outlaw, & Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles, Diamond Dallas Page, Sean Waltman, & Kevin Nash then do Hardy/Abyss in the other cage match.
  4. Blade2kxx


    Hmm... Replacing Orton can be - Charlie Haas Replacing Batista - Masters Female Evolution - ALEXIS~!
  5. Blade2kxx

    More new DVD info

    It's funny though, because IIRC, Vince WAS gonna have the title change hands @ Taboo Tuesday before Shawn hurt himself.
  6. Blade2kxx

    Where's Jerry Lynn?

    "AMW Guy #1"... please tell me you're not talking about Chris Harris.
  7. Blade2kxx

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    For a brief time, mainly during the Lesnar fued, Holly was using it as a finisher...
  8. Actually, the contract Abyss has is for a FUTURE WHC match... it doesn't say when he gets the shot, just that he'll get the shot. My bet: If Page beats JJJ, he faces Abyss.
  9. Blade2kxx

    Edge and Orton In the Midcard !

    Weeeeelll... Orton won the title while he was a heel. Sure, he got turned face like, the next night, but he WON it while being a heel and had one night of heel bragging.
  10. Blade2kxx

    6-sided ring

    The 6-Sided Ring's just another way for TNA to look different than WWE... A WWE fan turns on TNA, sees the ring, and decides that they want to watch because it's different. That's what TNA wants... Of course, it doesn't work out like that, but hey, can't blame 'em for trying.
  11. Blade2kxx

    WWE.Com February Jukebox

    Hey... is that HBK/Jarrett match the one that most people call JJJ's best match of his career?
  12. Blade2kxx

    The 2005 Oscar Nominees

    I feel Gladiator WAS the best movie of 2000, but I didn't become a movie buff until 2003...
  13. Blade2kxx

    Upcoming PPV dates/locations

    It's not that... I'll probably go to SummerSlam... It's more along the lines that Great American Bash was a Baltimore tradition. WCW had 8 out of 11 GABs in Baltimore or something like that. Anyway, as mentioned, DC's a bad wrestling crowd, while us... we're hot for almost anything. I mean, we were hot for Steph/Vince of all things~!
  14. Blade2kxx

    Upcoming PPV dates/locations

    DAMNIT~! WWE DOESN'T FUCKING GET IT! GREAT AMERICAN BASH = BALTIMORE!!!! (Last time we had a PPV was in No Mercy 2003, and we had an AWESOME crowd for that show.)
  15. Blade2kxx

    Quick WWE newsbits

    Yes and she's more talented than all of the woman they just hired. She was also very over in TNA as part of Raven's Gathering. Dames I've been a fan of ALEXIS~! for some time, and it was through TNA that I discovered her... Anyway, as far as the "can she wrestle?" Yes, very much so... She can fly, ground people, and go hardcore... VERY hardcore, as shown by her appearance in the Clockwork Orange, which is on the Bloodiest Brawls DVD THAT I CAN'T GET ANYMORE~!!!! *cries* <---Somewhat distorted and purple picture of Alexis Laree...
  16. Blade2kxx

    RAW Ratings

    I remember that Austin vs Rock match you're mentioning, and it did huge numbers at the time, perhaps the highest rated cable TV match up until that time, so I think you may be wrong here. The crowd was going ballistic and the heat was enormous. WMXV did huge buyrates for sure, but WMX-7 I think eclipsed that both buyrate-wise and box-office-wise. The lead to that you could feel at the 2001 Royal Rumble when Austin and Rock were two of the last men remaining, and the crowd went absolutely nuts. I don't seem to remember that RAW Chicago match you're mentioning prior to WM2000. Was it Rock vs HHH or what? Rock vs. HHH vs. Big Show to be precise... and I remember that match too and it wasn't THAT bad. The Foley surprise overshadowed the actual match though...
  17. Blade2kxx

    RAW Ratings

    Raven's still under TNA contract... I think for at least a year. Anyway, why would he come back when the company fucked him over so much? Oh, and about the commentary: JR/Coach/Tazz - RAW Cole/Heyman - SD Matthews/Whatshisface - Velocity Snow/Nowinski I guess - HeAt
  18. Blade2kxx

    The New Era

    Actually, to try and defend TNA here... The Truth had several things going for him, including being FUCKING ABSURDLY over when he became champion. It wasn't just his gimmick... his presence, his promos, his ringwork, and the fact that he was replacing a boring as anything champion made him over. Killings > Cena, but that's something everyone knows. As far as Cena goes, he needs to turn heel, but everyone knows that. Or at least he could attempt to add heel mannerisms to his repitoire again... I used to be insane for Cena as a heel, but when he turned face, his popularity with me dropped big time. JBL > Cena, but everyone knows that too. At this point, keep JBL champ until SummerSlam because that's how long it'll take to rebuild Cena if they want him to be the guy to take it off of him... Unless HBK jumps. HBK vs. JBL... that might not be a bad match.
  19. I wish I could get my hands on Best of Bloodiest Brawls... if only for teh Clockwork Orange matches. ... well, that one with ALEXIS~!
  20. Blade2kxx

    OAO Smackdown Night Of Champs Thread

    Amazingly they had like 8 legit hits (My Own Prison, Torn, What's this Life for, One, Higher, With Arms Wide Open, My Sacrifice, One Last Breath). You forgot What If... simply the best Creed song ever...
  21. Blade2kxx

    Orton vs HHH with HBK as ref

    Then again, if they gave us more Snitsky/Heidenreich discussions like they had at SurSer... I'd like that match anyway, because SNITSKY ES HEYSUS~!
  22. Blade2kxx

    Finally saw XXX/AMW Cage from 12/04 PPV

    See: Raven vs. DDP at Turning Point... I liked it, and thought it was good enough to show DDP can still go... that yoga must be paying off. But others hated it... As far as the S3 Match? I'll agree... FUCKING AWESOME~!
  23. Blade2kxx

    ALW Phantom of the Opera

    Saw it last night at 10PM in a 285 seat theater... must have been 200 people there... Absolutely incredible experience, and deserved the applause it got at the end. Yes, I will admit to a slight drag, but the music was so beautiful... Emmy Rossum deserves a Best Actress nod for this turn...
  24. Blade2kxx

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    The first time I saw Paul Burchill... DOING ANYTHING... That man shouldn't be able to do what he does... C4 anyone?
  25. Weren't they going to bring in ALEXIS~! under the same sort of thing? Note: Alexis shouldn't have gotten her hair dyed... it was much better as a pure brown rather than the streaks...