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Everything posted by Jericho2000Mark

  1. Jericho2000Mark

    Whose got the more "Flair"

    Yeah, I love that match too, I was surprised when everyone was praising that overrated Triple H-Shawn Michaels match on Raw, instead.
  2. Jericho2000Mark

    Whose got the more "Flair"

    I think the Three way at WrestleMania XX and Benoit-Angle at the '03 Rumble are the only ***** matches in WWE history. The three way is the only ***** match Triple H has ever had and he had the least to do with it out of anyone in the match.
  3. Jericho2000Mark

    Whose got the more "Flair"

    Val is excellent when he's let go. His selling and wrestling ability stand out over most people in the WWE, just hasn't been given the chance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I think he might have more talent than Triple H, it's that awful gimmick that continues to haunt his career which is keeping him back. I was just trying to point out that any decent midcarder could have done what Triple H did, unlike guys like Rock, Austin, Hogan and Flair, who were in fact, special performers.
  4. Jericho2000Mark

    Whose got the more "Flair"

    Flair's matches have always seemed very repetitive to me. I'm not sure where all these snowflakes come from(Especially for his armdrag contests with Ricky Steamboat), but maybe I just don't understand "psychology" and the importance of "working the body"... Michaels face promos have always been poor, and he isn't even close to where he was 8 years ago, in any aspect. I agree 110% with Coffey about Kurt Angle, he simply cannot cut a serious promo. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho(pre-2003) are the closest anyone has come to the total package, IMO. Triple H is a glorified midcarder. He has no more talent than guys like Val Venis, Edge and Bob Holly, who could of been just as successful if they were given the God push Triple H has been given. There is absolutely nothing special about him in any way whatsoever.
  5. Jericho2000Mark

    What heels in wrestling

    Heel Austin was a parody of himself too.
  6. Jericho2000Mark

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 05/02/05

    I was at the show. It was pretty shitty compared to what WWE has given us in the past(last year's Backlash, that Benoit-Austin SmackDown match and RVD-Eddie Ladder match), but I had a pretty good time, mainly because I had an excellent seat(4th row floor), so I enjoyed the show a lot more than any other live event I've been to. Just a few notes... Harry Smith drew a superstar reaction and looked to have bulked up since the last time I saw him. For some reason, nobody recognized Teddy Hart and he drew a standard jobber reception, he didn't look too impressive either outside of one or two moves, but he was working with The Bashams... The Cruiser three way on Velocity was the best match of the show(obviously), they gave these guys more time than usual and put on one of the better Velocity matches. I highly reccomend you check it out. Then change the channel when Orlando-Shannon comes on, probably the worst non-squash match of the night and drew audible boring chants, Orlando is a very dull wrestler in every aspect and is clearly out of place that high on the card. Hardcore Haaslies/MNM was the best Smackdown match and Hardcore even pulled out some unusual moves(for Holly), like a hurricanrana! Angle vs Booker & Sharmell wasn't bad either. The main event was passable, I guess. Didn't stick around for the dark match after the tapings.
  7. Jericho2000Mark

    HHH's Motivation

    Triple H's motivation is simple, he wants to be mentioned in the same breath as Hogan, Rock, Austin and Flair. Unfortunately, he will probably triple Flair's record before that ever happens.
  8. I consider 98-fall '00 the "good ol days".
  9. Are those casual fans retarded?
  10. Jericho2000Mark

    RAW Rating Drops Big Time

    It is clear that big Dave isnt the focus of the show....too bad he is getting the Jericho treatment. Batista hasn't won every match through massive interference and cheating, he doesn't have trouble beating guys like Maven and Ric Flair, and he had the upper hand over Triple H, at least once. Nothing comes close to Jericho's reign, except maybe JBL's, but he didn't have any credibility to begin with, so being booked to look weaker than every single person in the company didn't hurt him as much as it did Jericho.
  11. Jericho2000Mark

    The Evolution of Bradshaw

    Then maybe Shawn Michaels wouldn't be so boring anymore.
  12. Jericho2000Mark

    A possible new owner for TNA?

    How do the Jarretts manage to convince all these people to piss away their money?
  13. Jericho2000Mark

    The Evolution of Bradshaw

    That's why his worst PPV drew better than HHH/HBK at Taboo Tuesday. HBK can be spared somewhat because he wasn't announced ahead of time, but what's HHH's excuse? I agree on his reign ending, but that was a bad booking decision. If JBL survived at Mania, then lost the title in the I Quit match, it would have ended up much better. Not so sure about Undertaker, because he can/could really go when he wanted to. He's not as good as he used to be, but he still knows how to wrestle a match. Taker/Angle would be better than Orton/Angle by a longshot. JBL has had very good matches in the past year, certainly more than the other guys you have mentioned, so I will agree on your point that JBL is underrated in the ring. He's not. Many times he has been made to look bad (usually in the purpose of getting someone else over, but he hasn't been the strongest champion in memory), but just take a look at the split PPVs where his matches always get the shaft. At Royal Rumble, JBL/Angle/Show was the best match of the undercard, yet Heidenreich/Taker got more time and the awful Orton/HHH match got double the time. Also, JBL often has to have massive interference to retain, but HHH gets all the cheap heat tricks in the book (like at Wrestlemania). HHH is the most protected wrestler on the roster, period. Well Tuesday has a history(if a very, very brief one) of wrestling PPV's not drawing particulary well on that day. No fixed main event ahead of time probably contributed as well. Good point about Triple H being the most protected, I think you may be right.
  14. Jericho2000Mark

    WWE: Get in the ring!

    Is Austin completely non-existant to the general public and media?
  15. Jericho2000Mark

    The Evolution of Bradshaw

    Let me guess. You only like guys who can be funny on the mic like Jericho? And if they're not funny on the mic (jokes about other wrestlers and such), they're not good on the mic. And what are Bradshaw's promos? Totally serious? His promos are ONLY funny... Jericho CAN cut some great serious promos, see his fueds with Rock and HBK. The only people who are less interesting than Triple H these days are The Bashams and Mark Jindrak...
  16. Jericho2000Mark

    The Evolution of Bradshaw

    No. His reign drew horribly(setting record PPV lows) and ended with no fanfare. There was no demand to see him hold the Title at any point, his mic skills are nothing to phone home about(he basically rambles on about how rich and white he is and not much else) and he's more protected in the ring than anyone else in the company. His supporters are markish smarks who think it's cool to like him because it goes against the grain, the same kind of people who mark out for Viscera and Heidenreich...
  17. I like the idea of Tenay on the booking commitee. Mantell not so much.
  18. Jericho2000Mark

    5/20 & 5/27 Impact Spoilers

    Has Michael Shane gotten better? Or does he still wrestle like a WWE cruiserweight?
  19. Jericho2000Mark

    Raw Does A Good Rating

    Is it just a coincidence that when Triple H misses a Raw it usually does better than what it's been doing...this has happened more than a couple times whenever he's been off the show, ever since that Raw in 2002 where the main Event was RVD vs Booker vs Jericho.
  20. Jericho2000Mark

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    If he changed up his act a little, did something besides stunning every living thing in sight, was involved in fun little segments that have a purpose(like Rock or Foley when they appear), I wouldn't mind...otherwise, I never wan't to see him on my television again.
  21. Jericho2000Mark

    What's better?

    JBL's push was by all accounts, a failure. How can people not see that?
  22. Jericho2000Mark

    BYTE THIS RECAP with Benjamin the new

    You still need to work out if you're on roids.
  23. Jericho2000Mark

    Worked in 4 Feds...worked in only one fed

    Angle worked ECW, did commentary for Guido/Taz and walked out after the crucifixtion incident with Raven/Sandman.... I thought we only meant guys who wrestled in a promotion?
  24. Jericho2000Mark

    Should Flair

    No. Flair shouldn't become a 17 time Champion and neither should Triple H. Flair draws nostalgia pops, and as Hogan proved, nostalgia pops do not mean fans will pay to see you as Champion. Even Hogan would make a more believable Champ than Flair at this point.
  25. Jericho2000Mark

    Worked in 4 Feds...worked in only one fed

    Just to clarify... Jerry Lynn worked in the AWA very early in his career. Eddie did not work the Superclash show, it was his brothers. Taker recieved a shot at the NWA U.S Title at GAB '90, not at a clash. Jimmy Snuka worked in the AWA as well as WWF, ECW, WCW and NWA(both Crockett and TNA). Orville Brown was already named the first National Wrestling Alliance Champion when Lou Thesz was awarded the belt because Brown was in a car accident preventing him from defending the title. The only WWF "lifers"(not counting OVW or any other feeder territory) I can think of, are ones that were trained by the promotion, like Orton, Angle, Rock, Brock...etc