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Everything posted by Jericho2000Mark
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
hahahaha IMBD: Bash this if you'd like: # The highest rating to date that "Raw" has ever featured a 25-minute-long "This Is Your Life" segment with Mankind and The Rock. The segment received an 8.4 rating. The only possible explanation that "Meltzer" could have was that it occurred during an overrun. I don't know if that's the case or not, but overruns are tricky things to tabulate, as you often have people tuning in for the next show as well. The Rock segment was indisputable, genuine RAW viewership. Even your buddies at wikipedia don't take IMDB seriously as a source of information. About wrestling anyway. Even if they didn't, it's just another source that reiterates the same thing that was said on the wiki page and countless other sources of information...unless of course you intentionally vandalized it to make your nonexistent point. I've had enough of arguing with idiots for one day. Continue on believing "Dave Meltzer" because you want to. I'll let someone else bash you over the head with something logical and see if it sinks in. Good day to you sir. Funny how our resident 15 year old wikipedia editor has been ever so quiet since HTQ "bashed him on the head with something logical"... And is Rock-Foley the only match you've ever seen? Or is your attention span too short to appreciate anything that doesn't involve a guy taking stupid, career threatening bumps? I think you would prefer something along the lines of Jackass than pro wrestling, so why dont you pollute their board with your ignorance... -
Eddie WASN'T keeping the belt warm for someone else, Eddie was the top guy on Smackdown and would of stayed there had he not asked to drop the title. Benoit was always intended to keep the belt warm for somebody else. He was never, at any point, treated as the biggest star on Raw. Beating Hogan made Brock a top guy, but beating Rock is what solidified him as one, and it was a lot more clean than beating Taker in a gimmick match, who had a "broken hand", who dominated Brock a month earlier in their match.
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
hahahaha IMBD: Bash this if you'd like: # The highest rating to date that "Raw" has ever featured a 25-minute-long "This Is Your Life" segment with Mankind and The Rock. The segment received an 8.4 rating. The only possible explanation that "Meltzer" could have was that it occurred during an overrun. I don't know if that's the case or not, but overruns are tricky things to tabulate, as you often have people tuning in for the next show as well. The Rock segment was indisputable, genuine RAW viewership. Even your buddies at wikipedia don't take IMDB seriously as a source of information. About wrestling anyway. -
No, but the show revolved around Eddie when he was champion, he was the star. Benoit was the third biggest star on the show when he held the title. The length of reign (which was about a one month difference), means nothing. Second of all, how does it matter if Taker stuck around after? The Rock was a bigger star, so beating him meant more. He also wasn't made to look like a bitch by Rock a month before beating him.
I thought The Undertaker jobbing to Lesnar in the HIAC match at No Mercy did more for his career. How? Rock is a bigger star than Undertaker and he jobbed 110% clean, in a non-gimmicked match, without a "broken hand", without embarrassing Brock a month earlier at a PPV where he all but destroyed his "monster aura" by dominating their match.
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
hahahaha -
The show revolved around Eddie when he held the title and the original plan was to make him a long-term champion. The show revolved around Triple H & HBK when Benoit was champion and he was never intended to be "the man" on Raw.
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
The buyrates went up, Judgment Day and a couple other PPV's did higher numbers than expected, and Rey's segments have almost always been the highest rated on SD since Eddie died. Just because he was poorly booked, doesn't mean he wasn't drawing. -
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Yeah, that's the popular opinion, it's wrong. I read a Meltzer post on the wrestling classics board where he said it was actually Austin vs Taker the night after KOTR '99. EDIT: link to Meltzer's post... http://wrestlingclassics.com/cgi-bin/.ubbc...ic;f=3;t=000344 "Dave Meltzer Member Member # 2122 posted 01-07-2003 04:12 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rock-Foley this is your life did an 8.4. Austin vs. Undertaker did a 9.5. " -
1. Foley's jobs to Triple H at Royal Rumble and No Way Out 2000 2. Hogan over Andre 3. Michaels over Hart 4. Brock over Rock, too bad Brock lacked the charisma or proper booking to draw 5. Sting over Flair at GAB '90 6. Warrior over Hogan at WrestleMania VI 7. Batista over Triple H at WrestleMania XXI 8. Cena over Triple H at WrestleMania XXII, like mentioned, it cemented Cena as the undisputed star of the promotion 9. Eddie over Brock at NWO '04 10. Triple H over Rock at WrestleMania 2000, one of the most unexpected, and dissapointing finishes to a show ever in wrestling I didn't include Benoit over Triple H, because he was merely a placeholder and never pushed as the biggest star on Raw.
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Besides WrestleMania and SummerSlam, I believe Backlash, Unforgiven and No Mercy drew the biggest buyrates in 2000. All three revolved around Austin in some way. Backlash was his one night return, Unforgiven was his big return and No Mercy was his first big match back. To add to this, and also to correct a previous poster who claimed Rock was involved in the highest rated wrestling segment ever, Dave Meltzer actually stated that Austin-Undertaker the night after KOTR '99 was the highest rated segment ever on Raw. Rey is by far the biggest draw on SmackDown. Some of you just shouldn't bother replying... -
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Worst list by far. Your explanations have nothing to do with drawing power... Do you even know what a draw is? -
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
Jericho2000Mark replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Right now: 1. John Cena 2. Rey Mysterio 3. Hogan 4. Batista 5. Edge 6. The Undertaker Really, there's nobody else that draws right now. -
No, Orton is pretty awful on the mic.
Jesus Christ. It's funny how people forget that Orton got over on his own merits as Intercontinental Champion, with his 'virtually no charisma' and 'simple promos', before he was killed by bad booking. He's nowhere near as bad as everybody rejoices in making out (at least he knows how to sell a bodypart, unlike a certain WWE Champion). Funny to think he was an IWC darling a few years ago for taking a thumbtack bump. How times change. I don't recall him being all that over at any point, or an IWC darling to anything more than a select few. Anyone who liked him simply for taking a thumbtack bump is a moron. He could barely draw midcard heat before he went over Foley, and even after that he was still the least over wrestler in the main event/upper midard. Actually, funny story, I was at Backlash a couple years ago when he went over Foley, and after the show Orton and Batista stopped their car to sign autographs. Everyone rushed to Batista's window, and only some fat chick and a 12 year old boy went to Orton's. Batista wasn't even on the card.
Wait, if you love everyone I hate, does that mean you're actually a Randy Orton fan? And if so, may I ask WHY? Seriously, I don't get the Orton love, HBK I can see, because he has charisma and his matches appeal to a large number of the fanbase, but what does Orton have to offer?
I was one of the biggest JBL haters during his reign, but even I agree that he's a great commentator and by far, the best WWE has. He does a great job putting over the talent and knows how to put over the babyfaces without being one himself, such as when he said Matt Hardy had all the tools to be a main eventer. His character is a lot more entertaining now that he's cut out the racist crap, and it's refreshing to hear an actual heel commentator. None of the four wrestlers you mentioned really entertain me, but I'll list who annoys me least... 1. Cena. His moveset is pretty pedestrian and his finishers look like shit, but he delivers in big matches and has enough to charisma to get over the horrible promos the "writers" stick him with. And unlike the others, he was actually entertaining before as a singles worker (before "creative" controlled everything he said). 2. Edge. He's pretty average in all aspects, like Triple H, and his promos fail to excite me as much as some of you. However, most of the wrestlers on Raw are horrible both on the mic and in the ring, so Edge is probably the best heel by default. 3. HBK. Easily the most overrated performer in all of wrestling, perhaps ever. His television matches are horrible, paint by the numbers crap, his moveset is very weak, he has a poor grasp of ring psychology (as seen by his kip-up routine), and his selling tends to look ridiculous at times. As for his promos, I was never impressed by them, although he does show some intensity and charisma. 4. Randy Orton. He's below average in all aspects, is boring to watch, has practically no psychology (bodyslam...chinlock, clothesline...chinlock), executes his moves poorly, has virtually no charisma and fumbles his rather simple promos. Easily the least talented and least deserving wrestler ever to hold a major World Title, he belongs in the low-midcard at best, and would be enhancement talent if not for his family.
Mecca, you are a complete moron.
OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007
Jericho2000Mark replied to RonL21's topic in The WWE Folder
No, your ass needs to be locked in a room watching Micheals nip up match after match, after his back has been worked on all match. Check and mate. Michaels is the absolute last fucking person who should ever pissed because of someone ignoring selling. He's been doing that for over ten years! This is the very definition of pot. kettle. black. -
Ooh, ooh, look inside, it's NOTES! What kind of notes?
Jericho2000Mark replied to BUTT's topic in The WWE Folder
Of all the people in WWE who actually have been in the business longer than 7 years and are or were bigger stars, Batista is writing a biography? Uh...ok. Have those two (Flair and Carlito) ever had a good match together? ...has Carlito ever had a good match with anybody? -
OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007
Jericho2000Mark replied to RonL21's topic in The WWE Folder
I'm going to have to disagree, I can't think of one match where Kane came anywhere close to looking like a decent worker. -
WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue
Jericho2000Mark replied to The Decemberists's topic in The WWE Folder
He's been getting consistent reactions week to week. Thank you for answering my question. -
WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue
Jericho2000Mark replied to The Decemberists's topic in The WWE Folder
If Rock or Austin were in WWE today, they would be buried, or have their character butchered like Cena, and I haven't watched WWECW ever, but is Punk really that over, or are you guys just overreacting because the smark crowd at survivor series gave him a good reaction? -
HBK-Cena isn't a money match because HBK isn't a draw. Cena-Hogan is probably the only possible match with any potential to make money. And what upcoming stars does WWE have? Kennedy and Carlito draw midcard reactions, and I can't think of anyone else in the midcard with any real potential.
The last thing I ever want to see is another match between Triple H and HBK, the second last thing I ever want to see is HBK or Triple H holding the title again,