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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Forget steriods in baseball....

    Oh...my. That is just weird, her arms are incredible.
  2. That actually does have a bit to do with it. Good job Detective. Other than that, I just have a bit of free time and I'm sick of all the fuckin fucks on this board. Ooooh, and Hot Ticket's sig is too big.
  3. The Kid

    Lit Net

    Have a nice ban! *waves*
  4. I dont get it, this isn't exciting. This thread is almost ban-worthy, but since she's a "chick" it passes through. Bullshit I say!
  5. The Kid

    Home remedies

    Watch it mister...you know I get confused and hurt easily.
  6. The Kid

    Home remedies

    Seems like ages, that's kinda disturbing.
  7. The Kid

    Home remedies

    I know you are, it's been a rough...holy shit 3 YEARS posting at TSM?!
  8. I wish I was one your friends Preppy. Group hug?
  9. The Kid

    Home remedies

    Oh it's always been there, this little fuckface has just tapped into my biggest pet peeve.
  10. The Kid

    Home remedies

    Go do a line of coke or some heroin. Fuckin hell, who gives a rats ass?! Man I hate newbie stoners, bunch of annoying little kids who think that they've stumbled upon the one thing that can make them popular. MORONS MORONS MORONS.
  11. The Kid


    That just means less of you posting. That's a great thing...for us. I mean, you've been posting your ass off lately and it's annoying as fuck. So just block TSM on your home computer and then we'll all be cool.
  12. Yeah right, I'd pack my bag and head for the hills.
  13. The Kid

    Who is annoyed by the fact that......

    I've had those feelings my whole life and I know my life will not be complete until I get a taste of being...well a hero. I want people to look up to me and cheer for me no matter what. I want to get that tingle in my spine and actually do something about my dreams instead of just drifting off to imagine it. How can anyone go through life without evening trying to achieve that feeling? That "I can't do any wrong and all is right with the World" feeling.
  14. The Kid

    Here's something amusing

    "You are a tiny baby who loves to sluuuuurp hookers."
  15. The Kid

    Member # instead of location?

    Lets seee.... #457 REPRESENTIN
  16. The Kid

    Here's something amusing

    "You are a pawslutty punk who loves to hoard Bill Cosby." "You are a beautiful fish stick who loves to stomp Wile E. Coyote." "You are a masturbating fruitcake that loves to shrink bears." "You are a polite sex god that loves to empty horses." AWESOME!
  17. I've always liked Foley's entrance with that car crash and the guitar lick. Either that or Austin or HBK's old one.
  18. The Kid

    New pics of Sunny

    *Sigh*...thats all I got.
  19. Probably just CWM, Zack and CC.
  20. The Kid

    Can you escape the room?

    I got the lighter once before and now I can't get to it again.
  21. The Kid

    Can you escape the room?

    I'm so stuck, where is this supposed key?
  22. The Kid

    Can you escape the room?

    How do you use the frame and the pictures together? This is driving me nuts.
  23. The Kid

    I met Mr. Belding last night~!

    I agree Curry...that poor poor duck. Well good for you Zack, I know that this is a huge deal for you so congrats.
  24. The Kid

    You know you live in Oklahoma if:

    You might be Canadian If..... http://indefual.snowbank.ca/canada/jokes/mb-cnd.html Great list, too long to copy and paste sadly.