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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Unfounded Rumors

    ^Has troubles coming up with original thoughts.
  2. The Kid

    Things that suck

    What the hell?! You are now my bitch...damn people who dont like sourdough.
  3. The Kid

    Banner request - CM Punk

    Ugh fuckin hell, I would have made you one weeks ago if I had seen this topic.
  4. Same as LPEMP(my gosh am I lazy)...anyways I can hide most feelings unless it's someone I really can't stand. If it is, I go out of my way to make their life hell for the few minutes they are around me.
  5. The Kid

    Negativity Thread

    ^ Has fantasies about a manly woman wrestler.
  6. The Kid

    Longest you've ever stayed awake.

    Probably about 2 days just for the sole reason of me not getting to sleep. I get so damn hyper when I'm overtired though, pretty much just like Kardo. TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH!!!! I'm overtired right now as well.
  7. The Kid

    Anglesault is 27?!?!

    27? I thought he was around 19, but I guess 27 could be right...like a mentally retarded 27 year old. BBCW though...I really thought he was about 12. Crazy I tell ya! Hey, if newbies can add their 2 cents on shit that they have no idea on, so can I.
  8. The Kid


    It's not only an animal...shit, animals have personalities and you grow to love them. I agree you shouldnt dress you dog up and talk like a total jackass to it but if it's just a pet, you're gonna get attached no matter what.
  9. The Kid

    Can you escape the room?

    How do you do it?!
  10. The Kid

    I Hate Today...

    I know how you feel Flik...two years ago my dog that I had been with since I was 2 passed away. Worse pain I've ever felt, I've lost two uncles even and losing my dog was more horrible than that. Just one day he got really sick and my dad dropped me off at school and then took my dog to the vet. I dunno, I just had this feeling that it would be the last time I saw him. That night my dad got the call...Freeway had died of a heartattack in his sleep. Still think of that little guy...damn.
  11. The Kid

    Can you escape the room?

    Dammit, I think I'm missing something... I've got the rings in the box and now what?
  12. The Kid

    SAGA~! 2004

    This will not live up to the last one, but hey...I've always been up for some good dirty fun!
  13. The Kid

    Running powerslam

    Harry Smith uses it and he'll probably be in the WWE in a few years...does that count?
  14. The Kid

    Recent pic of Hall & Nash...

    Yikes, Hall looks horrible. Nash actually looks younger with the short hair, but Hall with blonde...eww.
  15. The Kid

    Need MAJOR help in finding these T-Shirts.

    Yeah well I want the old Hart Foundation shirt so BAH!
  16. The Kid

    Just testing sig image

  17. The Kid

    John Grisham

    You're kidding me...I haven't found one person until now that doesn't like Grisham. Maybe you should read more than the first 2 chapters because granted, they are boring. I love his books and get really into them. I recomend that you try The Brethren and The Partner, they are both great reads.
  18. The Kid

    The Widows Peak....

    Rumour has it that Batista broke someone's leg with an eye gouge.
  19. The Kid

    The Widows Peak....

    Wow, you're quite a sexist fellow. Wouldn't want a woman to have a good, impressive move...nope, gotta give it to a man so maybe they can botch it.
  20. I think that Eddie's promos these past few weeks have sold me on buying No Way Out. I never catch Smackdown except for the past few weeks and I like the old-school feel that the Eddie/Brock fued has got.
  21. The Kid

    El Brocko Dance~!

    I dont like how they're booking him....I was wishing that as soon as he got in the ring that he'd rip apart those guys.
  22. The Kid

    Why are you home...

    Hopefully not, I mean...I am the ruler of pin the tail on the donkey.
  23. The Kid

    Why are you home...

    Friends bday party was tonight....every single one of my friends were invited but me. Fucking assholes.
  24. The Kid

    The HD Lounge

    I'm just gonna sleep in the corner...
  25. The Kid

    Pics of the ROH Pure Wrestling Belt

    That is one ugly-ass belt.