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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Banner request

    I only charge $20, but the banner wont be done nearly as fast.
  2. The Kid

    Banner request

    I only charge $20, but the banner wont be done nearly as fast.
  3. The Kid


    Wow, wtf happened there?
  4. The Kid

    Zack's Back

    It's been a long week at this board...
  5. The Kid

    What the hell did I spend $10.39 on

    I thought this over good and hard... You bought a discount pair of pants.
  6. The Kid

    I might have cancer

    Relax, keep yourself occupied these next three weeks, as hard as it may be. I esspecially recomend sleeping pills because the minutes before falling asleep are always the worse. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, but just don't let it get you down too much...you'll be fine. Even if it is cancer, they probably caught it early enough...thank goodness you went for that checkup.
  7. The Kid


    Mis-understandings my ass...you should have been banned forever.
  8. The Kid

    See Sandman As Santa

    Sandman looks different than I expected...I can tell from the EYES! DAMN YOU!!!!
  9. The Kid


    This thread is just weird, you guys all did the quad-swerve~! Neat
  10. The Kid

    Damn it's Cold

    Ahahaha...-25 with a -20 windchill, feel the burn!
  11. The Kid

    John Titor: Time Traveller!

    Ok, so I couldn't sleep last night after reading all that shit...cold sweats and just...bad bad thoughts. I think it has to be just a prank though, some things seem too contrived. Haven't stopped thinking about it since I read all of that though. Scary scary stuff.
  12. The Kid


    Talk to the hand girlfriend, whatever.
  13. The Kid

    Mr. Rant

    Yeah like...red x moles or something.
  14. The Kid


    Honestly guys, just shush...
  15. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    Well that was fun, ghey...and pointless and it really showed that CWM is lacking ideas. He couldnt even do the "I'm just joking" swerve right...what a shame.
  16. The Kid


    Who's booking this thread? Russo?!
  17. The Kid

    Mr. Rant

    Damn hippies, get a haircut and a job!
  18. The Kid

    Britney Spears marries Jason Alexander

    Thats the sort of shit I'd like to pull...get my whole family talking, friends goin nuts and then just bs it. I wonder if he gets 1/2 of her stuff since they divorced...
  19. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    I remember there was an establishment logo...but what was it?
  20. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    Yeah, Turd seems to work. Turd Furgusonish...
  21. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    No, no, no it's me.
  22. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    Ohhh...I'm essssssstablished.
  23. The Kid

    The New Establishment

    I was never in the original one and that was pretty harsh, so I'll put in my application. I'd love to get this started again.
  24. The Kid

    John Titor: Time Traveller!

    Shit that stuff is creppy...and I too will shit a brick if there's a Civil War...then probably take a gun to my head. That's not the future I want to be living in.
  25. The Kid

    Tis teh end of an ERA~!

    Well you just posted in it me thinks.