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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Oh yeah I forgot about that, we stole the body too. How about this...anyone who joins the Agnes era either gets to a)beat the shit out of Barron's body or b)fuck it.
  2. The Kid

    The classic threads folder

    Esstablishment is one of the best threads ever, shows board evolution.
  3. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Alright...no one is going to join the Deranged Hermit Era because who wants to be in a good with Bob Barron?
  4. The Kid

    I Hate When People...

    I dont really toss it at the end of my sentances but I use them in the middle quite a bit.
  5. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Rougeau, Storm, and Hart support Team Agnes.
  6. The Kid

    The classic threads folder

    If a thread can get over 10 pages it's pretty much a classic nowadays...I don't like that line of thinking.
  7. Hey hey hey...ask Yuna, there IS such a thing!
  8. The Kid

    I choose You Squirtle!

    I was never into that Pokemon stuff, my last obsession like that was Ninja Turtles...or quite possibly Power Rangers. TURTLE POWER!
  9. The Kid

    Video-editing type programs...

    Hey guys, I've always wanted to make those composed videos like the WWE Tributes and Desire videos. You know what I'm saying...what program would be best for this and heh...where can I download it? That is if I don't buy it...
  10. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    I'll offer a lifetime supply of cigs to any of those smokers of out there.
  11. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    Who ever supports Agnes will also get a free blow job from any boardmembers mom or girlfriend of their liking. Or in the case of our female Agnes bandwagon joiners...Agnes will go down for ONE NIGHT ONLY.
  12. The Kid

    Video-editing type programs...

    I tried to download the trial version of it but it wouldnt work, tried it twice even. I'm going nuts...and why the hell does it have to be $900?!
  13. The Kid

    The Agnes Era Begins!

    *The Kid's entrance music hits with ANGER~!* Cole: What the hell is The Kid doing out here? This is not the time or the place for these shananigins. Kid: Hey hey hey...cut my music. How the hell could you have a thread all about the one and only Agnes without me? Agnes Jr. How quickly you fools forget.
  14. I thought Malibu was Pan-sexual.
  15. The Kid

    The classic threads folder

    I listen to old WWF theme songs when I drive...they make me drive FAST. VROOOOOM! I'm sorry.
  16. The Kid

    New Sig

    Wait...thats new?
  17. The Kid

    Happy Birthday Hoff~!

    Whoops...I missed this yesterday so happy belated bday Hoff.
  18. The Kid

    Happy Brithday FOOSTER~!

    Happy Birthday Fooster.
  19. When I was in grade 5 I had some nasal and breathing problems to I went to an ear,nose and throat specialist. He decided that the best thing to do would be to take this long fiberglass tube with a camera on the end and shove it right down my nose and into my throat. Holy shit it was so uncomfortable and painful, it felt so weird when he got it all the way through, it kept tickling the back of my throat and making my gag reflex go crazy. I never went back after that for some odd reason even though we made an appointment..still have the breathing problems too. Moral of the story, do not let people shove fiberglass tubes down your nose and into your throat.
  20. The Kid

    Lil Naitch!

    I miss Malibu already.
  21. The Kid

    Zack says Goodbye...

    I'm glad I'll be able to keep you company on your trip. I'm going to have to wear the same clothes for a week, but meh...what else is new?
  22. The Kid

    Zack says Goodbye...

    OHHHH!!!!...thanks CC.
  23. The Kid

    Funny WWE Headlines

    The Kid, Piece Of Shit It has been reported that TSM poster, The Kid, is feeling like shit. That is all. Pantsonfire.com Hm...I wonder if thats a real site.
  24. The Kid

    New Year's Resolutions

    He called me a twit. Aww man...I'm sorry.