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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    What do YOU think?

    My friends are fuckin douche bags.
  2. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

    Feelin your pain CC... Oh and the chick looks like Stephanie Jr.
  3. The Kid

    Online poker

    Exactly, you can own the guys in Hold Em on Yahoo.
  4. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

    Thats exactly what Triple H and Stephanie's kid will look like.
  5. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

  6. The Kid

    Video-editing type programs...

    Ok, so I got it that I should use Adobe Premiere. You'll probably all say use Kazza to DL but I don't have it nor want it, where else can I get it?
  7. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

    It's appreciated, you deserve like a lock of Axl's shitty new hairdo.
  8. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

    Ok, ok...time for me to start calling people. Thanks for lighting a fire under my ass Guns N Roses mark...fella.
  9. The Kid

    Christmas Gifts For Smarks

    I'm too good for the name request thread.
  10. The Kid

    New Year's Eve plans

    Fuck, I don't know yet...I'm getting worried, nobody's getting back to me. *sigh* I'll be spending it here on TSM...kill me now.
  11. The Kid

    What would you recommend?

    I think he probably means the 88th birthday one though.
  12. The Kid

    Christmas Gifts For Smarks

    Hey Malibu...shit come on.
  13. The Kid


    Sleeping is always good.
  14. The Kid

    What do YOU think?

    I want a rainbow fro.
  15. The Kid

    What are you watching?

    I just watched one of the many Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask matches, I love how quick they are in the ring.
  16. The Kid

    What would you recommend?

    Most of the Stu Hart Tribue Show is very good.
  17. The Kid

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    Half the roster is aging and balding and they can't work like Michaels.
  18. The Kid

    Fantasy Kurt Angle DVD

    I'd put out a whole DVD of all the awesome Austin/Angle moments from the Invasion...oooh...oh but you don't include one. WHY?!
  19. The Kid

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    I just re-watched and taped it on TSN...I marked out again...you'd think I'd learn.
  20. The Kid

    Messed up...

    Well I'm not clicking that but yeah, pro-choice.
  21. The Kid

    Do you think Eric's talk with the refs will lead

    Honestly, other than catching bits and pieces of shows and reading the reviews I haven't watched Raw for a year so I don't really know. That's just what I'd like to see.
  22. The Kid

    Do you think Eric's talk with the refs will lead

    I'd like to see Bischoff and Austin almost having a role reversal in the coming months. Austin can still ram acts like the Dudley Boys and other guys of the sort down the fans throats to make the fans begin to dislike him. Austin can start making moves JUST to combat Bischoff and stop caring about the fans. Bischoff will continue pushing to make the show better and putting all the good talent over and just doing his own thing.
  23. The Kid

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    Would HHH say I quit after being in Figure Four or would HBK say it after being in a Chicken Wing/Crossface/STF? Now that right there is my point...you'd be guessing until the very end. Both guys would have huge advantages over their opponent HBK would attack the legs where Triple H would attack the back. With Hunter's new love of storytelling in matches it would be perfect and HBK could still bump his ass off.
  24. The Kid

    Do Meltzer, Keller, Scherer, etc. have day jobs?

    Meltz hasn't been solely a internet journalist though, and the guy is very smart on the buisness.