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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    The backstage area was a mess, everyone was pissed at Ted from the minute he entered the building. Thats why he was wandering around in the crowd, not backstage.
  2. Evolution makes me sleeeeeeep
  3. The Kid


    I wonder if Jericho has to clean up it's shit? The dogs shit I mean, not Lita's...but this IS Jericho we're talking about.
  4. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    I can assure you that they'll be a lot more carefull with Teddy now. He was in shit all night with wrestlers and management, and I'm sure this will come to light to other promotions as well.
  5. The Kid

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Thanks Zack, Merry Christmas!
  6. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Ah fuck, lets drop it, its old news. Tawren and Ted were fine afterwards so whatever.
  7. OOOOK...so yeah, the topic?
  8. The Kid

    Question for Chave?

    Wait, you're making people call you by your online name? That's kinda sad.
  9. The Kid

    Question for Chave?

    You're just Mario...I dunno, thats all I got.
  10. YOU PUSSIES! Thats why you dont get laid you fuckin video game/internet losers, get a life where you REALLY have something to cry about or I'll give you something to cry about.
  11. The Kid

    Survivor Series Theme?

    What song was it that the WWE used for this ppv? It was pretty good.
  12. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Everyone already knows how big of a dick he is, there's no point.
  13. The Kid

    Coolest E-Bay Item EVAR~!

    Except incredibly talented at 24.
  14. The Kid

    Hey yall im new.

    Hello I'm the owner of the world, Dames, very pleased to meet you, I'm from New York. Worship me or I will ban you.
  15. The Kid

    Wrestling Video Sites

    Alright, I've looked through that great long list of sites but on many of them all I found was newer WWE videos and some WCW stuff. What I'm really looking for is ROH matches, TNA matches, some older WWF matches(not all HITC and hardcore) and maybe some Japan. Can you guys help me out on this little search for Sunday entertainment?
  16. The Kid

    Action Figure prices

    They're pretty expensive...up around at least 15 bucks probably.
  17. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Ok...so Tawren, one of the security gaurds saw you shove Teddy before this all went down. No wonder you're not taking any action against Annis.
  18. The Kid

    Coolest E-Bay Item EVAR~!

    Ahhhh shit, I knew this would come up. $1000...just dumb.
  19. The Kid

    Wrestling Video Sites

    Wow, yeah I may just join it then.
  20. The Kid

    Wrestling Video Sites

    I've found that a lot of Kazaa files are corrupted or viruses. I really hate using it. So lets say I do make the 35 non-spam posts at XIW...what good matches have you seen/downloaded from there?
  21. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    I feel that he's doing it for pure attention, maybe feeling that being a controversial wrestler will get the attention of more feds. Publicity is good whether its good things about you or bad...and it's alot easier to get attention from bad publicity. He's the greatest guy to the fans that like him, he honest to God thanked me profusely for saying that his in-ring work was awesome and good luck in the future. Ted has a bad temper which has been exposed in the past few weeks, I believe he's frustrated with himself for not getting anywhere. He's a 24 year old, world class wrestler, he has a massive ego. It's a given, alot of people who have become big in the industry also had the same rookie problems that Teddy is having now. He should grow up, I admit it, I'm trying not to stand up for the guy because what he did was wrong and granted, he should be punished for it.
  22. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Email every wrestling site! Sue the bastard! It's up to Tawren if he wants to take any actions against Ted.
  23. The Kid

    Stampede Wrestling!

    It's GOING to be because everyone else is blowing it out of proportion.
  24. The Kid

    Wrestling Video Sites

    I already use the sledgehammer, I find that they don't really give many good matches. And 35 non-spam posts? I don't even know if I've done that here.
  25. The Kid

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Ok, hmm...my first name change. Should be EXCITING~!. *sigh* Anyways, can I please have it changed to "Stampeder". Thanks Zack/Mods.