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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Bane & Seven from OVW

    Alright, seriously now...those names are just plain stupid. Why the hell couldn't they be like...Kevin Forth and ____ Travis? Or give them gimmicked names! My gosh it's crazy, you're already telling the poor guys that they won't make it anywhere. Imagine The Fink announcing this at Wrestlemania 23... "Coming to the ring, weighing in at 275 pounds, World Wrestling Entertainment champion...FERTIG!" It's just plain laughable, Steve Austin wouldn't have been a huge star if his name was still The Ringmaster. Or how about this? Wrestling's biggest star.....BOLEA!
  2. The Kid

    Matt Young and The Bad Guy after completing DKC

    Are you sure thats from 1994? It looks pretty recent.
  3. The Kid

    House Show results for 11.7

    YAY! Blue bars...how can you not love them?!
  4. The Kid

    House Show results for 11.7

    Came off sounding like you were really disapointed...
  5. The Kid

    High Voltage

    I liked Kaos when I was a mark, don't ask me why, but I thought High Voltage was great.
  6. The Kid

    Who's on the injured list?

    Just today...my ribs are really bruised and possibly cracked. Got stepped on by a 200lbs. football player. Ughhhh the seething pain.
  7. I'm just not feelin' it. Pooh is just not a good gimmick, and yes, this will turn into gimmick posting. My gosh be original, yes it's based off of "Tigger" but come on...
  8. Hockey/Athletic tape...works like a charm.
  9. The Kid

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Guys it's my personal opinion about Flair, I understand how you feel...but the Harts and the others on my list always got me caught up the most in their matches. I dont know what it was about them but I just can't tear my eyes away when Owen,Bret,Dynamite,Benoit or Foley are on my screen. They just captivate me in a way Ric Flair has never, ever had.
  10. The Kid

    Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

    I was amthekid, dont remember when I posted, I was there for awhile. I got banned after mocking Scott Keith...go figure.
  11. The Kid

    Ric Flair: Greatest worker, wrestler...

    Flair is not either the best wrestler ever or the best worker ever...I've never understood the hype that surrounded Ric Flair. His matches are incredibly repetitive, so are his promos...come on, enough about your "high life" already Ric. Granted, he has had a few good matches(Steamboat) and some good promos as well, but the best ever? No chance in hell. When I think of the best ever, I think of guys that incorporate something new into every match, getting the fans hooked every night. Guys that bust their asses to make it worth it for not only the company, but the fans as well. In my opinion better workers/wrestlers than Ric Flair are: Owen Hart-He could cut a hell of a promo, got the fans into his character and was a tremendous wrestler. Total package right here. Dynamite Kid-Superb wrestler, one of the best ever, he busted his ass for the fans. Didn't even attempt promos, his actions spoke for him. Chris Benoit-Same as Dynamite Kid, he will go down in the history books as one of the best technical wrestlers ever. Bret Hart-Say what you will about him half-assing house shows, he was a great wrestler and super at promos as well. Mick Foley-It's all been said before, he worked so hard for his spot and it payed off. One of the best talkers ever, and one of the best wrestlers.
  12. The Kid

    The Other Hart Brothers

    Bruce is an average wrestler but a great trainer, same with Keith.
  13. The Kid

    Mankind...or Manking?

    I'm not the only one!
  14. The Kid

    Who's on the injured list?

    I have a horrible knee which bothers me the most during moist conditions, and now it's snowy winter...constant pain. And last night I hit my head on the ground twice incredibly hard.
  15. The Kid

    Skull and Crossbones

    ER's on, but I'm on board. The Underground rules old and new school.
  16. The Kid

    I hate Moorish from UKff

    Speak out to who? I don't really understand how your first post had anything to do with the board...maybe I'm just out of the loop...but uh, wtf?
  17. The Kid

    I hate Moorish from UKff

    Erm.......okie doke.
  18. The Kid


    When I uploaded it the quality went down...but it still looks alright I think.
  19. The Kid

    Halloween halloween halloween

    Does anyone know of a site where I can get good costume ideas? Like...easy...cheap...funny ideas? I'm totally lost for this years costume.
  20. The Kid

    The wedding photos.

    Wow, Steph is one beautiful bride.
  21. The Kid


    Eh, its back...must have been your server last night. And I'll do the sig when I get a minute tomorrow...that way you'll get at least a decent one.
  22. The Kid


    Where did the current sig go suddenly?
  23. The Kid

    The Curse Pt 2

    Check out www.brethart.com, there's a video on there about his recovery... I doubt a partially paralyzed man can bench press over 200.
  24. The Kid

    The Curse Pt 2

    I'm interested in where that came from... Oh and guys, Bret isn't "one step away from a vegtable"...geez.
  25. The Kid

    Storm and Victoria

    Just a running gag, gotta love it.