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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Canadian WWE Farm system

    When in the World did Ontario become a Western provice? That is an insult to us in the West.
  2. The Kid

    List your aliases..

    "amthekid" in the ezboard days. Stampede Kid Stampeder AM The Kid The Kid
  3. The Kid


    ....that is all.
  4. The Kid

    I hadda party Friday...

    Oh how cool, posting pictures of all of your "mixers" to make yourself look cool and heterosexual on an internet wrestling board.
  5. The Kid

    Another New/Reissued DVD

    Dammit...I wish I could get that. I just bought One Night Only on video a few weeks ago, minus the Bret/Taker match... That Fab 4 thing looks neat, I'd get it just for the Bulldog interview.
  6. I deleted my copy of EWR months ago and now I want to play again but can't find any sites where I can download it from. Anyone know where I can find EWR 4.5?
  7. The Kid


    Ohh...the fact that you don't know him makes me want to cry.
  8. The Kid

    List your five favorite wrestlers

    In no order...and these are just for the current time. TJ Wilson Chris Benoit Jushin Liger Eddie Guerrero Jack Evans
  9. The Kid

    My butt's hungry...

    You could tell that The Rock was trying to keep the mic away from the girls and then the "BUTT-hungry" girl comes up and he's said something like "oh, she says she needs the mic". I think he was really nervous to let her say something. It was awful.
  10. The Kid

    Randy Orton Birthday Cake

    I had a Hogan cake when I was little...come to think of it, it also tasted awful. But HOGAN YEAH WHOOO!
  11. My father after going to a Stampede Wrestling show this past weekend: Him: "You see one fight you've seen them all, and all they do is those bad punches and fake slaps." Me: "Those really do hurt you know..." Him: "Haha, yeah right."
  12. The Kid

    A few new pictures of Tammy "Sunny" Sytch.

    She looks a hell of a lot happier, and healthier. She's still pretty, just fat.
  13. The Kid

    Who's Looks Have Deteriorated The Most?

    Clearly he's had work done.
  14. The Kid

    Dumb American

    Canadians invented velcro, basketball, electric light bulbs, film colourization, goalie masks, pacemaker, kerosene, odometer, plexiglass, railway car brakes, snowblowers, standard time, television, telephone, wireless radio and zippers. Plus so many more things, we're not useless. Ok...some of us are, but not most, unlike the states. Oh well, we burned down your white house once. That's enough.
  15. The Kid

    Dumb American

    At least we didn't unleash Rosie Odonell and Carrot-Top to the world.
  16. The Kid

    Dumb American

    ...We always hated you guys. It's not recent. Reading your post I was thinking "what a boorish, uneducated, dumb American".
  17. The Kid

    Bell Mobility Pre-Sale?

    None of those worked, but I figured it out anyways. Thanks for trying though.
  18. The Kid

    Bell Mobility Pre-Sale?

    Hey all, I'm looking to get the Bell Mobility Pre-sale code so I can get WWE tickets that are actually good tomorrow. Does anyone out there know what the code might be or is? Please, thanks.
  19. The Kid


    Pretty much that, but gold, and nicer rims and tires.
  20. The Kid

    Favorite stable name ever?

    Hart Foundation 4 Horsemen The Evolution Million Dollar Corporation
  21. The Kid

    Bell Mobility Pre-Sale?

    Thank you sir, will do. Love the sig by the way.
  22. The Kid

    Bell Mobility Pre-Sale?

  23. The Kid

    IP address help

    Shit, nevermind, I've figured it out.
  24. The Kid

    IP address help

    Hey guys, I'm really bad in this department but I need to find out who belongs to an IP. One of my friends has been fucking around on the message board of my blog and I have their IP but I don't know where to go from here to find out who it is, or even if that's possible. I'm sure someone here knows how. Please, thanks.
  25. The Kid

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    -Lance Storm run in to start the invasion -Lance Storm's last match -Edge and Benoit winning the tag titles -Edge's first non-wrestling return after the injury -E&C reborn for one night only