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The Kid

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Everything posted by The Kid

  1. The Kid

    Mysteries of Wrestling

    I bought the book, biggest waste of money this Summer. The book is mostly just the two interviewers using inside jokes and assuming how things went along in the wrestling business. There are some good stories and comments from the wrestlers, but the rest is brutal.
  2. The Kid


    She was a face for most of this year. I actually haven't seen her do too much chicken shit stuff...must be trying out a new gimmick.
  3. The Kid


    Thanks for the results. Yes...Belle Lovitz is awesome, one of the best mic workers in Alberta actually.
  4. The Kid

    Vote on the new Edge shirt design

    "Choking Hazard"....wow
  5. The Kid

    Velocity Report *spoilers*

    That sounds incredibly sweet if it's the move I'm thinking of. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's "Stampede Kid" TJ Wilson's finisher. He calls it the Rolling Stampede.
  6. May 1999 *sigh*... But I guess I'd go with the WCW Invasion era, so much more could have been done.
  7. The Kid

    WWE Magazine

    I always loved when the WWF Magazine and the Raw magazine were totally seperate. The stories in RAW were so much better. Now they keep throwing in random posters of the female flavour of the month in with the Raw and Smackdown magazines, which just makes it even a bigger waste of money.
  8. The Kid

    Unforgiven Poster Revealed

    Maybe they aren't going against eachother. Maybe it's just saying "Raw has a champion and a gold medalist". Or maybe they're a new tag team. You never know...but yeah...probably a match. That should be fun I guess.
  9. The Kid

    Annoying announcer cliches

    "He may be small but he's got a big heart." "Business is about to pick up!" "He's been busted wide open." "I'll tell you what, King." "In over __ years in this business I havent seen anything this horrible/incredible/hellacious/dispicable/etc. before." "Technically sound." "You're damn right." Oh there are so many more.
  10. The Kid

    Annoying announcer cliches

    "Educated feet". Just stop...please just stop.
  11. The Kid

    Molly Holly...

    It looks great, it will be interesting to hear what she has to say about the business. Loving the title too.
  12. The Kid

    Ring Crew

    I've helped a bit setting up and tearing down the ring. We normally have enough help that it isn't even "needed".
  13. The Kid


    That's a shame, I always liked Ivory. Best of luck I guess...
  14. The promoter was way out of line, I'll say that. He's worse than ours...and thats saying something heh heh. You know how shitty politics are though, if that stuff had happened to me I probably would have posted it somewhere too. More power to them I guess, I just hope it doesn't come back to bite him on the ass. I've seen too many people get in shit from more than just one promoter for posting things on the net.
  15. Thanks for the story, it was an interesting read. But, as an indy worker myself you may want to be careful about posting these types of things on the internet, a lot of times things like these should stay backstage.
  16. The Kid

    Give me reasons to hate Shawn Michaels.

    He's best as a heel and he won't do that anymore because he's "found jesus".
  17. The Kid

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

    Happy Gilmore Notting Hill Big Daddy Who Framed Roger Rabbit Back To The Future II
  18. The Kid

    Favorite potato chip flavor

    How dare you leave off ketchup.
  19. The Kid

    zacalex... three years later.

    Three years ago?! *sigh*
  20. The Kid

    Kevin Nash Fanclub Dinner

    ...More than two dozen each I'm sure. Wow, that looks like a classy bunch.
  21. The Kid

    Possible new signings soon?

    "The Stampede Kid" TJ Wilson is really making a name for himself in Japan. He's very impressive and he will be a very popular cruiserweight sometime in WWE's future. Nattie Neidhart has all of the skills, she might just be the best women's wrestler in North America today but I don't know if Vince thinks she has the new barbie doll look he's going for. I do know she gave a tape of her work to McMahon when WWE was here in Calgary. Smith has had contracts thrown at him for a year now, but he wants to build as a worker in Japan. I think McMahon still remembers Ted's attitude and probably sees him as being physically too small to be marketable. But he'll greet you with a smile, because he goes that extra mile. He could be a big player in the cruiserweight division or tag division.
  22. The Kid

    Possible new signings soon?

    Harry is going to stick with NJPW for another year or more. Plus, he is also touring Great Britain this Summer.
  23. The Kid

    My 1000th post

  24. The Kid

    Six Years Ago Today...

    It hits me a bit personally just because I'm friends with his family. I never got to meet him but I grew up watching him and he always was my favourite wrestler. I miss him all the time, a lot of things would be different if he was still alive. It's such a shame. RIP Owen.
  25. The Kid

    Post your oldest documented post...

    Oldest post I could find: Posted on: Aug 7 2003, 06:47 PM Well thats a damn important post. Second to last is weird though, it was in the Bankywood Industries thread. Posted on: Aug 7 2003, 08:57 PM Writing words with the letterrrrrrrs being used too many tiiiiiimes is fuuuuuun.